Quote Originally Posted by Stinging_Bee View Post
Last time I reply to you directly cause this is becoming boring.

As you admit 6k and 4k incoming damage is inside terminal delirium in special parts of the quest where you are extremely vulnerable to melee hits from monsters. The last one you say is from another quest and is a 2,192 points of slash damage.
I've seen raid bosses do 3000ish damage on party members. Specifically in fire on thunder peaks and Mark of death you can see raid bosses crit for way more than your 2000 damage which is by the way a huge amount for a trash monster but still lower than raid bosses.
Which attacks and are they telegraphed in a useful way?

Are you talking about the dragon throwing fireballs (which sadly are gone now)? You got the huge marker on the ground to tell you it was coming. Move or you will be hit for big numbers. Same happens with airships in 3BC. Mindflayers do a wind up before they suck your brains. The medusas give a tell and then you can see the eye beams to know you need to be not looking at their face or you're gonna die. I have zero issue with someone getting one-shot dead in these situations.

When Kai-teng says, Hmmm, maybe my vorpal blade... get ready for it, you've been warned. If you're head get lopped off after that its your fault for not reacting.

A single regular attack of damage in the multiple thousands range has no place in the game. Even at 200prr a 2000 pt hit is 667 points of damage. And that's on a tank. Most tanks are in the 1000-1200hp range. You get to be hit twice at that rate before you die. I think that is too high.

I spent last night healing. Just healing. I did it so I could try some stuff and also so I could sit back and watch some very good players do their thing in EE palace of stone. The damage these guys were taking was staggering. I was not waiting for hp to get below a certain threshold. Well I sorta was... if it wasn't full, I set some sort of heal. Nothing short of being completely filled up worked. I saw guys lose 1000+ instantly, a LOT. These were good players who were also trying to self heal while I stood back and healed full time. It was challenging. You can pretend that the damage output of the mobs is not high, but you will just be pretending.

All that said, I'm not asking for EE to be reduced at all. No. EE doesn't need to be reduced any more. But, I still want to see smarter champion design. Make them deadly, but drop the out of nowhere one-shot attacks. Give them special attacks that have a tell. Make them move away now (or maybe shield block now) or die situations. That's fine. But bypassing ALL 215% of my fort and then critting me for a couple grand on a regular attack, that part can go.