Quote Originally Posted by Ironforge_Clan View Post
People who are threatening to leave over this (or as you would believe...are leaving over this) are not the people that this game relies on. The people threatening to leave are those types of people who want to come into a game and "win" with little effort and be as good as the person who has invested years playing. I say good riddance since there are still some of us left around from the VERY early days and have had to put up with the dumbing down of this game to satisfy the lowest common denominator.

If the game gets harder then that is a good thing. Is their new system "perfect" no but when have they ever rolled out something that didn't need to be tweaked/hotfixed? It will get fixed eventually and if people can't wait for that then too **** bad. Personally the challenge is very welcoming and imho only needs a few very minor tweaks.
Obviously you don't know what you are talking about, and clearly haven't read the posts from most of us. I'll leave it at that.