Hmm....I thought that Champions were supposed to be RARE? If champs were supposed to have this high of a spawn rate then why not just give all the trash epic buffs and be done with it? I loved the idea when it was presented a while back but this is not what I was hoping for. To me, a champion should be RARE, have uber buffs and dmg(basically a mini-boss) and should drop a chest+give a decent amount of xp upon kill but most of all.... BE RARE! The way it is now, there are more champions than there are regular trash mobs in quests which is absurd.

Also, has anyone else run a protection quest since these champions were introduced? The guy at the end of Ritual sacrifice dies instantly in one hit from a champions fireball which obviously = quest failure. As if protection quests didn't suck enough already.

Now, that being said, I really do like the idea behind the champions but definitely not in it's current form.
Some changes I would like to see:

1. Drastically reduce the spawn rate of Champions.
2. Give them better defenses but tone down their offense, it's WAY op atm even on hard.
3. Make all champions give a decent amount of xp+renown+ a decent % to drop a chest. Atm i'm pretty sure it's .0000001% unless it's orange/red.
4. No more than 2 champions can spawn together on hard, 3 on elite.