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  1. #1
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    Default Shadovar Infiltrator

    About 2.5 years ago we came up with the idea to create a build around a Shadovar Warrior ( While that build worked well at the time, it didn't survive the changes brought on by MotU and the advent of Epic Elite difficulty.

    So with the upcoming changes to healing amp (which will affect neg amp as well) and Int to damage from the Harper tree -- MadCookieQueen and I recreated the build.

    The build has Spell DC's high enough to land in all content, Melee DPS that is pretty high on mobs that can be made helpless (mass hold) and respectable on Red/Purple named. Between PRR/Saves/Spells/and self-healing the build should be able to hang in melee combat with fear of becoming a greasy spot on the dungeon floor. Additionally, it will have full rogue skills and (likely) some of the highest achievable stealth skills in the game thanks to wraith form.

    MadCookieQueen will be playtesting this in the upcoming weeks and I am sure she will be sharing her thoughts here.

    ---The Fluff --------------------------
    Quote Originally Posted by Andoris View Post
    Seventeen hundred years ago, the citizens of Thultanthar left Toril and escaped the cataclysm that befell Netheral in the aftermath of Karsus’s Folly. In that time they attuned themselves with the Plan of Shadow, gained favor with Shar, the Mistress of Night, and preserved the magic might of knowledge of the Netherese. In the year of wild magic they returned to Toril to retake their position of leadership.

    Recently Loth opened a portal to Eberron, planning to claim that realm for herself. She has forgotten, however; that while she might be the rule over the Demonweb pits and the Drow of the Underdark, Shar hold dominion over the underdark itself and all that the darkness touches – She will not be denied her right to rule over Eberron by a lesser deity.

    To pave the way for Shar’s eventual dominion over Eberron, she has charged her subjects to explore and report back on this new realm. To meet that end High Priest/Exarch, Rivalen Tanthul sent a number of his agents to infiltrate and prepare Eberron for the coming of Shar.
    ---The Build-------------------------
    Race: Sun Elf
    Class: 18 Wizard / 2 Rogue
    Heroic Past Lives: Wizard x3, Sorc x1, Bard x1, FvS x1, Cleric x3, Completionist
    Epic Past Lives: Arcane Alacrity x3, Colors x3, Double Strike x3, Power of life and Death x3

    Str: 26 -- (9 base +5 tome +8 item +2 completionist +2 litany +1 GoTIB + 2 rage +2 ship)
    Dex: 28 -- (14 base +5 tome +2 litany +1 GoTIB +2 completionist +11 item +2 ship)
    Con: 46 -- (15 base +6 tome +2 completionist +10 item +2 litany +1 GoTIB +4 lich +2 rage +2 ship)
    Int: 78 -- (20 base +6 tome +7 level ups +2 completionist +1 Feat +4 harper +2 PM + 1 EK +2 SE + 11 item +3 Insight +1 GoTIB +2 litany + 6 destinies +2 Twist +4 lich +2 completionist +2 yugo +2 ship)
    Wis: 33 -- (8 base +5 tome +2 completionist +11 Item +2 litany +1 GoTIB +4 Lich +2 ship)
    Cha: 33 -- (8 base +5 tome +2 completionist +11 item +2 litany +1 GoTIB +2 Lich +2 ship)

    Wizard: Maximize Spell (2),SF: Necro (6), Heighten Spell (11), Quicken Spell (16)
    Base: Insightful Reflexes (1), Completionist (3), PL: Wizard (6), GSF: Necro (9), TWF (12), ITWF (15), IC: Pierce (18), Great Intelligence (21), GTWF (24), Ruin (27)
    Destiny: PTWF (26), epic SP: Negative (28)

    Feats: (MoD setup)
    Wizard: Maximize Spell (2),SF: Necro (6), Heighten Spell (11), Quicken Spell (16)
    Base: Insightful Reflexes (1), Completionist (3), PL: Wizard (6), SF: Trans (9), TWF (12), ITWF (15), IC: Pierce (18), Overwhelming Critical (21), GTWF (24), Ruin (27)
    Destiny: PTWF (26), epic SP: Negative (28)


    Wizard: Pale Master (35 ap):
    C: Dark Reaping (1), Zombie (1), Vampire (1), Wraith (1), Lich (1)
    I: Deathless Vigor I (2), Spell Critical: Negative (2), Negative Energy Conduit III (3)
    Ii: Efficient: Quicken III (6), Spell Critical: Negative (2), Bone Armor III (3)
    III: Spell Critical: Negative (2), Intelligence (2),
    IV: Spell Critical: Negative (2), Intelligence (2),
    V: Improved Shrouding (2), Necromantic Focus (2)

    Wizard: Eldritch Knight (15 ap)
    C: Eldritch Strike (1), Spellsword: Fire (1), Spellsword: Acid (1)
    I: Improved Mage Armor III (3), Toughness II (2)
    II: Improved Shield III (3), Martial Training (2)
    III: Intelligence (2)

    Sun Elf (6 ap):
    C: Accuracy II (2), Intelligence II (4)

    Harper (24 ap):
    C: Agent of Good II (2), Harper Training: Intelligence II (4),
    I: Harper Enchantment (2), Strategic Combat (2), Versatile Adept III (3)
    II: Know the Angles III (3), Versatile Adept II (2)
    III: Strategic Combat (2), Intelligence (2)
    IV: Intelligence (2)

    Spell DCs:
    Add up-to +5 if using non-renewable consumables (Cookies + Store & House D pots) & a bard along.
    I only added Deific Focus into the Necro DC’s as Death Aura keeps it at +2 nearly all the time. Add up to +2 to all other schools if you charge the Focus first.

    Generic to all: +58 (10 base +9 lvl +34 Int +1 wiz +2 augment +1 Profane +1 Guild)

    Necromancy – 73; (+58 Generic +2 feats +1 Lich +1 PM +3 ED +6 Item +2 Deific Focus II)
    Necromancy (MoD) - 71; (+58 Generic +1 feats +1 int bonus +1 Lich +1 PM +6 Item +1 Unique +2 Deific Focus II)
    Enchantment – 64; (+58 Generic +6 Item)
    Transmutation (MoD) – 70; (+58 Generic +1 feat +1 int bonus from MoD ED setup +6 Item +1 Unique +3 ED)
    Evocation – 59(65 if dedicated nuking); (+58 Generic +1 Sorc Pls)
    Conjuration – 62; (+58 Generic +3 Cleric Pls )
    Consume/Shadow Manuip DC: 76

    Core Stats:
    Spell Points: 2965
    Hit Points: 827
    Damage Avoidance: Total of 76.7% of physical damage avoided – 59.5% chance to avoid getting hit (10% ghostly * 10% Dodge * 50% Displacement) + 74 PRR to negate 42.5% of the damage that hits me.
    Fortification: 195% (130% item + 100% undead -50% yugo +15% airship)
    Saves: Fort: 49 / Ref: 72 (evasion) / Will: 46
    Avg DA tick: ~166 hp
    Avg NEB: ~385 hp

    Epic Destinies: Shadow Dancer
    I: Intelligence (2); Technician II (2)
    II: Intelligence (2); Lithe II (4)
    III: Intelligence (2); Shrouding Strike II (2), Cloak of shadows (2)
    IV: Intelligence (2);
    V: Intelligence (2); Shadow Manipulation (2)
    VI: Intelligence (2); Consume (2)
    Twists: Fury of the Wild: Sense Weakness (4), Magister: Necromancy Specialist (2), Draconic: Intelligence (1), Magister: Intelligence (1)

    Epic Destinies: Magister (EE MoD)
    I: Intelligence (2); Unearthly Reactions III (3)
    II: Intelligence (2); School Specialist: Transmutation III (3),
    III: Intelligence (2); School Augmentation II (2)
    IV: Intelligence (2); School Familiarity I (1)
    V: Intelligence (2); School Mastery I (1)
    V: Intelligence (2); Arcane Adept (2)
    Twists: Shadow dancer Intelligence (3), Shadow dancer: Intelligence (2), Shadow dancer: Intelligence (1), Draconic: Intelligence (1)

    Trinket: Epic Litany (Blue/Yellow: Open Green: Golem’s Heart ) (alchemical resistance ritual)
    Head: Epic Deific Focus: (Blue/Yellow: +2 iCon Green: +2 Evocation)
    Neck: Epic Noxious Embers: 150 combustion; Universal Spell Crit 17%; (Yellow: +2 Conjuration; Green: +2 Enchantment)
    Goggles: Intricate Field Goggles +3 insightful intelligence (Green: +2 Necromancy /Yellow: GoTIB)
    Bracers: Dumathoin’s Bracers (Blue: +40 False Life)
    Body: Shadow Dragon Light Armor, Shadow caster (Blue: -15% ASF; Green: 250 Spell points)
    Cloak: Deathwyrm Cloak (Green: Open)
    Ring: Health 10 Dodge 10
    Ring: Seal of Avithoul
    Boots: Epic Boots of the Innocent (Green: Open, Yellow/Blue: Open)
    Gloves: Sanctified Gages (Blue/Yellow: Open Green
    Belt: Battleragers Harness (Green: Good Luck+2 )

    Weapon Sets:
    General: +12 TF Rapier 1st Degree Burns or 100 Potency?, +6 Enchant (Orange: 138 Force SP) Mortal Fear (Colorless: 15 spell craft) / +12 TF Rapier 150 Nullification +6 Necro (Orange: Meridian Fragment); Mortal Fear (Colorless: 15 heal)

    Stone to Flesh: +11 TF Quarterstaff 150 Nullification; +1 Exceptional DC; +6 Trans DC; (Red: 138 Force SP Orange: +2 Transmutation)
    Last edited by Andoris; 12-06-2014 at 01:17 PM. Reason: Fixed NEB healing & enhancements

  2. #2
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Default DPS Calcuations

    All calculations assume 5% miss chance and 0% Fort MobsCalculated DPS: ~1,443 (not factoring mortal fear proc, not helpless, vulnerability, or boosts)

    Weapons: (with mods):
    Main-hand: +13 4.75[1d8] 15-20x2 TF Rapier 1st Degree + +6 Enchant DC + MF (Orange: 138 Force)
    Off-hand: +13 4.75[1d8] 15-20x2 TF Rapier 150 Necro + +6 Necro DC + MF (Orange: Meridian Fragment)

    Melee Power: 53.25 = (24 epic power + 24 SD innate +5 Harper +6 combat style +0.25 Shadow Mastery (5% vulnerability to physical *5% proc)
    Damage Mod: 86 = (+13 weapon [12+1 harper] +2 Harper + 11 deadly + 4 profane + 34 int +17 know the angles +2 guild +1 past lives +2 alchemical)
    Double Strike: 33% (5% Perfect TWF +9% Past Lives +12% Battleragers +4% EK +3% profane [SD]) || 10% off hand
    Seeker: 6 (+6 airship)
    SA damage: 34 per swing (22 from dice (6d6 from SD +1d6 from Rog) + 8 SA +5 iSA)
    Deception proc: ~78.74% ((+ 10% improved deception) ^~14.7 swings per 4 sec window using Vanshilar’s calcs) – 3.674 swings per sec
    Spellsword*: 10 [4d4]
    Lich form:* 5.5

    *note: Spellsword and Lich form both use to scale with spell power which is a big deal as they were doing an average of 51 and 29 damage respectively.
    Last edited by Andoris; 04-07-2015 at 02:55 PM. Reason: Accounted for the bug that removed spell power from Spellsword and Lich form

  3. #3
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    Pretty nice combination of melee and casting. I assume the plan is to wail/cod/consume groups, finger casters, and hold/beatdown anything that's still standing?

    Will you be using much spell dps on bosses or trash? Or will your sp be reserved for insta-kills, cc, and heals?

    The item swapping would get pretty annoying, but have you thought of having dragon's edge on your mainhand, and either swapping off-hand weapons or cloaks for necro/ench focus? With decent sneak attack and crit profile, the fort bypass will add a lot of dps on some mobs. Maybe swap to dragon's edge for high fort mobs?

    Will you be using tenser's? Divine power clickies/scrolls? Or just bite the bullet on bab?

    I understand that a lot of your dps comes from attacking helpless mobs, but I hate not having energy burst on a caster. If you can manage to slog through 36 epic past lives, would it make sense to twist 4/4/2 energy burst/sense weakness/necromancy specialist? You'd lose 2 int, but gain a lot of burst dps.
    Last edited by peng; 12-02-2014 at 02:10 PM.

  4. #4
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by peng View Post
    Pretty nice combination of melee and casting. I assume the plan is to wail/cod/consume groups, finger casters, and hold/beatdown anything that's still standing?
    Likely open with a Mass Hold + Delayed Blast Fireball from ranger, when you get to the mobs consume/Wail (which ever is off cooldown) and proceed to beat down what ever is left standing

    Will you be using much spell dps on bosses or trash? Or will your sp be reserved for insta-kills, cc, and heals?
    Ideally, you should do just fine with melee dps on Boss, although if the situation needed it, you could switch to spell dps just fine.

    For mobs it should be insta-kills (CoD/Wail/Consume) + Hold + melee dps to clear them out.

    The item swapping would get pretty annoying, but have you thought of having dragon's edge on your mainhand, and either swapping off-hand weapons or cloaks for necro/ench focus? With decent sneak attack and crit profile, the fort bypass will add a lot of dps on some mobs. Maybe swap to dragon's edge for high fort mobs?
    That is the idea, and why we put +6 enchant on the main hand weapon. For undead/construct heavy content enchant is useless anyways and it is easy to swap in dragon's edge.

    Not planning on aggressively swapping gear (like I do with my PM), as there is already too much to pay attention to on this build without adding in all the swapping.

    Will you be using tenser's? Divine power clickies/scrolls? Or just bite the bullet on bab?
    Tenser's double's the cooldown on spells and doesn't do anything for boosting the damage stat (Int). Managing Divine power is just too much work (again, lots going on in this build). But with a 78 Int to hit I really don't think the missing 10 BAB is a big deal, and the +5 PRR it would generate is not worth the trouble (imo)

    I understand that a lot of your dps comes from attacking helpless mobs, but I hate not having energy burst on a caster. If you can manage to slog through 36 epic past lives, would it make sense to twist 4/4/2 energy burst/sense weakness/necromancy specialist? You'd lose 2 int, but gain a lot of burst dps.
    If the MadCookieQueen went even more Mad.. sure -- but grinding out 36 epic past lives when you have more than 1 toon that you play is quite insane in my book.

  5. #5

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Andoris View Post
    If the MadCookieQueen went even more Mad.. sure -- but grinding out 36 epic past lives when you have more than 1 toon that you play is quite insane in my book.

    I'm insane...mad even...but that's suicidal.

    I'm not interferes with my crazy too much.

    On that note...sure energy burst is a lot of fun...probably one of the most fun things going around (nothing like cackling that you are the evil midnight bomber that bombs at midnight) but it doesn't fit the theme and the style of this build.

    If I want to blow something up and then dance through the remaining bard does that...and she does it very well.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andoris View Post
    Ideally, you should do just fine with melee dps on Boss, although if the situation needed it, you could switch to spell dps just fine.

    Tenser's double's the cooldown on spells and doesn't do anything for boosting the damage stat (Int). Managing Divine power is just too much work (again, lots going on in this build). But with a 78 Int to hit I really don't think the missing 10 BAB is a big deal, and the +5 PRR it would generate is not worth the trouble (imo)
    If you do use spell dps, what spells would you use? You only seem to have spellpower gear for fire, force, and negative. So I guess your options are more or less scorching ray, wall of fire, delayed blast fireball, meteor swarm, necrotic ray, ruin, disintegrate, horrid wilting, and cyclonic blast. Not the best damage per sp spells, but not too bad (some of them at least).

    According to MrCow in vanshilar's attack speed thread, BAB affects your base attack speed, which is then modified by alacrity bonuses based on your weapon style. No idea if there's any attack speed boost above BAB 25, or if these numbers are still accurate, as the testing was all done a few years ago now.
    Quote Originally Posted by MrCow View Post
    • Standard melee BAB 0: 80 * (1.014 ^ 0) = 80.00
    • Standard melee BAB 1: 80 * (1.014 ^ 1) = 81.12
    • Standard melee BAB 3: 80 * (1.014 ^ 2) = 82.26
    • Standard melee BAB 5: 80 * (1.014 ^ 3) = 83.41
    • Standard melee BAB 10: 80 * (1.014 ^ 4) = 84.57
    • Standard melee BAB 15: 80 * (1.014 ^ 5) = 85.75
    • Standard melee BAB 20: 80 * (1.014 ^ 6) = 86.96
    • Standard melee BAB 25: 80 * (1.014 ^ 7) = 88.17

    Any haste or slow effects will also still cause a difference between the styles of Two-Weapon Fighting, Slow Two-Handed Fighting, Fast Two-Handed Fighting, Sword and Board, Unarmed, Bow, Thrown, and Crossbow. The percentage modifiers on how much haste/slow effects on them really take place are still adjusted due to the animations of each style.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vanshilar View Post
    * Fast THF (greataxe, quarterstaff) swings per minute (BAB 20) is 86.50 * (100% + 1.0327 * sum of each boost%)
    * Slow THF (greatsword) swings per minute (BAB 20) is 86.63 * (100% + 0.9615 * sum of each boost%)
    * Fast THF twitch swings per minute (BAB 20) is 99.49 * (100% + 1.2763 * sum of each boost%)
    * Slow THF twitch swings per minute (BAB 20) is 102.22 * (100% + 1.1302 * sum of each boost%)
    * TWF swings per minute (BAB 20) is 86.66 * (100% + 1.1965 * sum of each boost%) (note TWF gets about 20% more than THF from each percentage of boost)
    * Unarmed (monk) swings per minute (BAB 20) is 93.23 * (100% + 1.2939 * sum of each boost%)
    So we get:

    alacrity multiplier for twf with haste:
    (100% + 1.1965 * 15%) = 117.9475%

    Swings per minute twf with haste and BAB 10:
    84.57 * 117.9475% = 99.74820075

    Swings per minute twf with haste and BAB 25:
    88.17 * 117.9475% = 103.99431075

    Your numbers give 30% double-strike, 10% off-hand ds, 518.1625 damage main-hand, and 369.174 off-hand damage.
    Each swing should average 1.3 * 518.1625 + 0.8 * 1.1 * 369.174 = 998.48437

    BAB 10:
    998.48437 * 99.74820075 / 60 =~ 1659.95 dps

    BAB 25:
    998.48437 * 103.99431075 / 60 =~ 1730.61 dps

    Huh. That's less than a 5% increase. I almost want to not post this now, but I already went through all the bother of copying and pasting and doing those calculations, so...
    Last edited by peng; 12-02-2014 at 05:44 PM.

  8. #8
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by peng View Post
    If you do use spell dps, what spells would you use? You only seem to have spellpower gear for fire, force, and negative. So I guess your options are more or less scorching ray, wall of fire, delayed blast fireball, meteor swarm, necrotic ray, ruin, disintegrate, horrid wilting, and cyclonic blast. Not the best damage per sp spells, but not too bad (some of them at least).
    Not listed in the build above, but for nuking you swap to dual nuking sticks (150 spell power; +6 evo; 138 spell power in the orange slot) which will give you 3 elements at 150 (fire in neck slot) and 2 at 138 -- alternatively, slotting 100 potency on a single TF rapier covers all the elements.

    I'll throw together a standard spell listing later tonight.

    Your numbers give 30% double-strike, 10% off-hand ds, 518.1625 damage main-hand, and 369.174 off-hand damage.
    Each swing should average 1.3 * 518.1625 + 0.8 * 1.1 * 369.174 = 998.48437

    BAB 10:
    998.48437 * 99.74820075 / 60 =~ 1659.95 dps

    BAB 25:
    998.48437 * 103.99431075 / 60 =~ 1730.61 dps

    Huh. That's less than a 5% increase. I almost want to not post this now, but I already went through all the bother of copying and pasting and doing those calculations, so...
    Actually a bit less than 5% as the doublestrike was already factored into the main hand and offhand damage.
    Last edited by Andoris; 12-02-2014 at 07:10 PM.

  9. #9
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    This one seems a pretty nice and interesting build. Is this doable at 2nd lifer? More past lives gets more spell DC's, I know.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by samsonov View Post
    This one seems a pretty nice and interesting build. Is this doable at 2nd lifer? More past lives gets more spell DC's, I know.
    At a quick glance:

    You won't have access to Completionist so -2 INT which is a DC -1
    No Cleric = up to -3 conjuration
    No Sorc = up to -3 evocation
    No Wizard (for the active past life feat) = -1 all DCs

    but you gain up to 2 feat slots slot you could take Empower (recommended) or Extend (a usual crowd pleaser) or SF: Enchant and GSF: Enchant or whatever else might be useful...I recommend buffing your casting as the combat is pretty dead on.

    I'm also figuring you don't have the Epic Destiny Past Lives, which is a result of -9% doublestrike, -3 all saves, -9 PRR (divine passive), -30 negative spell power, -33 HP (primal passive), and no -10% to spell cooldown and 1 twist slot.

    So yes, it's doable on a 2nd lifer, with the right perspective that you'll have a bit of a power loss by comparison, so you might have to stabby and bounce around a bit more in EEs.

    Good luck and game on!
    Last edited by MadCookieQueen; 12-03-2014 at 11:53 AM.

  11. #11


    If it's possible to you, I'd really love to see some gameplay footage if you could provide that.
    This looks really cool on paper.

    Btw. why 41 AP in PM? You can easily stop at 35, since you don't have the capstone. It's not like stuff in PM tree is that awesome. I guess it's a copy paste oversight from the palemaster thread (since master of death is also selected)?

    Those 6 points can get you a free Web SLA or 1 more Int from racial tree etc.

    Also, I haven't played shadowdancer in a while, did they fix the consume the same way they fixed implosion now? It was pretty useless last time I tried due to the targeting issues.
    Last edited by Eth; 12-05-2014 at 02:10 AM.
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  12. #12


    As a note: She's still being play tested and all notes and changes will be added to this thread going forward (and as I adjust to having a more of a casterish type back in my arsenal...Completionist grind took me out of the EE loop for a while). I personally find that after a while of solid playtime, that a few things get tweaked, usually nothing major, but enough.


    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    If it's possible to you, I'd really love to see some gameplay footage if you could provide that.
    This looks really cool on paper.
    In the interest of not insulting home video fans...I'm not going to state my opinions on recording my game play. I'm sorry but aren't likely to ever see a video from me. Also I prefer to write out my experiences with playing a gives me a better insight.

    Want to see me in action...lets do some questing and amazingly enough I can talk and play at the same time (or sing or slur...depends on martini level)

    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    Btw. why 41 AP in PM? You can easily stop at 35, since you don't have the capstone. It's not like stuff in PM tree is that awesome. I guess it's a copy paste oversight from the palemaster thread (since master of death is also selected)?

    Those 6 points can get you a free Web SLA or 1 more Int from racial tree etc.
    I think Andoris got a little lazy in typing this out ;p My actual enhancements are's the list:

    Pale Master 35 AP
    C: Dark Reaping (1), Zombie (1), Vampire (1), Wraith (1), Lich (1)
    I: Deathless Vigor I (2), Spell Critical: Negative (2), Negative Energy Conduit III (3)
    Ii: Efficient: Quicken III (6), Spell Critical: Negative (2), Bone Armor III (3)
    III: Spell Critical: Negative (2), Intelligence (2),
    IV: Spell Critical: Negative (2), Intelligence (2),
    V: Improved Shrouding (2), Necromantic Focus (2)

    Harper Agent 24 AP
    C: Agent of Good II (2), Harper Training: Intelligence II (4),
    I: Harper Enchantment (2), Strategic Combat (2), Versatile Adept III (3)
    II: Know the Angles III (3), Versatile Adept II (2)
    III: Strategic Combat (2), Intelligence (2)
    IV: Intelligence (2)

    Eldritch Knight 15 AP
    C: Eldritch Strike (1), Spellsword: Fire (1), Spellsword: Acid (1)
    I: Improved Mage Armor III (3), Toughness II (2)
    II: Improved Shield III (3), Martial Training (2)
    III: Intelligence (2)

    Morninglord 6 AP
    C: Elven Accuracy II (2), INT II (4)

    Of course this is all subject to refinement down the road. So hang on to your hats...the ride is only beginning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    Also, I haven't played shadowdancer in a while, did they fix the consume the same way they fixed implosion now? It was pretty useless last time I tried due to the targeting issues.

    I finally got a couple hours of solid playing in last night (EE Stormhorns) and went more CC caster than actual melee in names...different story. I have to say that at 25 in okay but not great gear, I had a 61 enchantment DC and it performed pretty well, all things considered. I did get one chance to play with Shadow Manipulation...made a Shadar Kai Assassin my personal butler for a bit...and wasn't happy with the lack of death at the end of it (despite a really high INT). We'll see how this goes down the road.

    When I get more of an opportunity to really play with the Shadowdancer ED, I'll post my thoughts and any changes.

    Hope that helps and game on!
    Last edited by MadCookieQueen; 12-05-2014 at 09:39 AM. Reason: formatting

  13. #13


    Level 25/26 gear:

    I figured someone would ask, at some point...but this is a pretty close approximation to what I'm currently running for gear before hitting actual gear has been noted...for lvl 25 and what I had on hand or could grab quickly to not slow up the party heading out for Stormhorns last night.

    Trinket: Litany (alchemical resistance ritual)
    Head: Deadly of Resistance (8/8) | (INT 8 Resist 8 helm at 25)
    Neck: GS 10hp / Greater Acid Lore / Major Fire Lore / BoLaS
    Goggles: Field Optics +3 ins Int (Green: Heavy Fort; Yellow: +1 exc Int)
    Bracers: Skirmisher’s Bracers (lvl 26) | Random Health of Seeking Bracers (lvl 25)
    Body: Shroud of the Abbot | Shadowscale (lvl 26)
    Cloak: Sages Cloak | Wolf Cloak (lvl 26)
    Ring: Seal of Avithoul (currently I'm lacking one so I filled in the iDeception with a Ring of Deceit, slotted with Master's Gift)
    Ring: Guardian’s Ring (heroic) (yellow: 200 spell points)
    Boots: Spiked Boots (Yellow: +2 enchant dc; Colorless: +13 Spellcraft) (another one I don't have so I replaced with Epic Rock boots have the augment slots and immunity to slippery surfaces and they are easy to get..same augments though)
    Gloves: Epic Normal Master Illusionist (Yellow: +2 Necro DC) (lvl 26) | PDK (lvl's what I had..don't judge!)
    Belt: Health of False Life (+8/+35?) | (actually I'm using an EE belt of 7 ideals for the slots and potency..has false life and something else in there)

    Main Hand: Balizarde
    Off Hand: TF Rapier 150 Nullification (Orange: Metoric Star)

    @ 26
    Main Hand: TF Rapier 100 Potency; +6 Enchant (Orange: Metoric Star) (current...swap out potency for 1st Degree Burns)
    Off Hand: TF Rapier 150 Nullification; +6 Necro (Orange: 114 Force)

  14. #14
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    Btw. why 41 AP in PM? You can easily stop at 35, since you don't have the capstone. It's not like stuff in PM tree is that awesome. I guess it's a copy paste oversight from the palemaster thread (since master of death is also selected)?

    Those 6 points can get you a free Web SLA or 1 more Int from racial tree etc.
    Thanks for the catch -- fixed the PM tree and boosted doublestrike by 3% -- Also dropped Overwhelming Critical (~4% dps loss) to keep Int even. If you wanted you could instead drop a point of DC's for a 4% dps gain from OC and a 3% doublestrike twist.
    Last edited by Andoris; 12-06-2014 at 01:40 PM.

  15. #15
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    This build seems like a blast... and also a bit involved. That's not a complaint to you, more a statement of my own understanding of the game.

    Some background: I'm just back to the game after many years. I've a lvl 20, first-life human Wizard who is, by far, my favorite char to play. He is the second character I made in DDO back in 2006, and I've been slugging it along with him since then. I've been reading through the boards, trying to find a build that I like, and they all seem to be about equally involved. I need to jump out and grab a build, and I'm leaning heavily towards this one, because I really like Pale Master.

    However, I'm still getting the hang of the "newer" aspects of the game: True Reincarnating with Iconics; the right time/place to reincarnate for Past Life/Epic Past Life; how Twists work in Epic destinies.

    I'm hoping someone will help walk me the process of converting my old character into this design. Not the "full optimal Completionist" version, but something workable ASAP that I can use to explore 3 years of new content and play effectively with my son. I have both expansions (yay, 75% off sale), Harpers line, and (due to a computer error/negligence on my part), quite a few TP laying around.

    I would really appreciate any help anyone has to offer.

  16. #16
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by spade413 View Post
    This build seems like a blast... and also a bit involved. That's not a complaint to you, more a statement of my own understanding of the game.

    Some background: I'm just back to the game after many years. I've a lvl 20, first-life human Wizard who is, by far, my favorite char to play. He is the second character I made in DDO back in 2006, and I've been slugging it along with him since then. I've been reading through the boards, trying to find a build that I like, and they all seem to be about equally involved. I need to jump out and grab a build, and I'm leaning heavily towards this one, because I really like Pale Master.

    However, I'm still getting the hang of the "newer" aspects of the game: True Reincarnating with Iconics; the right time/place to reincarnate for Past Life/Epic Past Life; how Twists work in Epic destinies.

    I'm hoping someone will help walk me the process of converting my old character into this design. Not the "full optimal Completionist" version, but something workable ASAP that I can use to explore 3 years of new content and play effectively with my son. I have both expansions (yay, 75% off sale), Harpers line, and (due to a computer error/negligence on my part), quite a few TP laying around.

    I would really appreciate any help anyone has to offer.
    The build doesn't need completionist and can be geared out with "easy to get" gear (compared to what you are use to from 6 years ago).

    Any specific questions that you have? What server do you play on? Do you use Teamspeak at all?

    Happy to help you get up to speed, but my guess is that you have more questions than can be answered in a forum post. If you want to chat in depth -- send me a PM.

  17. #17
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    Jan 2006


    Well, I can start with some low hanging fruit, related to this build. I'm on Khyber, btw, but don't use Teamspeak.

    Let's say I wanted to transition to this build ASAP. I just hit lvl 21 on my first life. This build uses Sun Elf, which I have access to. Is there a benefit to true reincarnating immediately? Can I even true reincarnate to a Sun Elf? I assume I would then need a +1 heart to get rid of the requisite Cleric level. Would I then be a lvl 1 wizard/lvl 1 rogue, running up lowbie quests to gain ground back to 20?

    On the other hand, I can always just rebuild as close to this as I can on the guy as he exists, use an cheapo +2 heart and swap some stats/feats around. This would let me build XP towards Destinies, and eventually Epic Reincarnate. But I don't know if that's a worthwhile thing to even consider.

    What would be the focus for weapons while leveling, particularly post lvl 20? Obviously rapiers, but are there any good named rapiers to shoot for, or any particular effect combo's that are held particularly dear (I know that wounding of piercing is out... /nostalgia)

    Right now, my son and I are mostly running around King's Forest quests. The commendation trade game has some minor upgrades that would consolidate some of my gear. Is it worth investing in as leveling gear from lvl 20-??

    You've been a big help already, and I do appreciate it. Its weird to find myself a newb in a game that I invested so heavily in for many years. But, they're theoretically doing Temple of Elemental Evil in Update 25, and I certainly can't miss THAT!!

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by spade413 View Post
    Let's say I wanted to transition to this build ASAP. I just hit lvl 21 on my first life. This build uses Sun Elf, which I have access to. Is there a benefit to true reincarnating immediately? Can I even true reincarnate to a Sun Elf? I assume I would then need a +1 heart to get rid of the requisite Cleric level. Would I then be a lvl 1 wizard/lvl 1 rogue, running up lowbie quests to gain ground back to 20?
    If you TR into this'd get the past life for whatever your current build is...if it's Wizzie then you have the past life you need to get the active Wizard PL Feat, so that's a bonus. Also if you TR right won't be too far into the epic levels (IMHO) that it's a waste to not take it to level 28 and then eTR/TR. For me if I was sitting around level 24ish I'd just finish to 28 and then do the TRs...also it would give me a bit of time to find loot for the next life.

    You can TR into a Sun'll go straight to level 15 (Cleric first level wizzie till stop) and then use your lesser heart of wood to swap out the Cleric at 1 for Rogue. I'd recommend taking Rogue again somewhere around 14 or'll help fill in for cross class skills a bit earlier and get you evasion a little sooner. This way when you're done with the whole process you'll be level 15 into the build and relatively ready to go for the heroic quests around here.

    Quote Originally Posted by spade413 View Post
    On the other hand, I can always just rebuild as close to this as I can on the guy as he exists, use an cheapo +2 heart and swap some stats/feats around. This would let me build XP towards Destinies, and eventually Epic Reincarnate. But I don't know if that's a worthwhile thing to even consider.
    It's not a bad idea if you just want to see how it plays...if you like it the style then by all means rock on to 28 then eTR/TR into this build with the Sun Elf race.

    The choice is really up to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by spade413 View Post
    What would be the focus for weapons while leveling, particularly post lvl 20? Obviously rapiers, but are there any good named rapiers to shoot for, or any particular effect combo's that are held particularly dear (I know that wounding of piercing is out... /nostalgia)
    Wounding of Puncturing is still a great leveling rapier...don't sell it short. I also liked Rapier of Air (cannith challenges) and Tier 1 Alchemical (earth at level 16). From there it's whatever you can find that gets the job done.

    Post 20 (basically stay with what you have till 23 or so...luckily those first couple levels go by really dang fast):

    at 23: Balizarde and Tier 0 TF Rapier (Orange: Star Ruby)

    at 24: My Weapon Sets:
    Main Hand: Balizarde / Off Hand: TF 150 Nullification (Orange: Star Ruby)
    Main Hand: Mutineer's Blade / Off Hand: TF 150 Nullification (Orange: Star Ruby)

    At 26 (current level): My Weapon sets:
    Main Hand: TF Rapier 1st Degree burns, +6 enchant DC (Orange: Spell Power 114 Force) / Off Hand: TF Rapier 150 Nullification, +6 Necro DC (Orange: Star Ruby) -- Note: If you don't' have a potency item...I'd recommend going Potency 100 (instead of 1st degree burns) for when you need to bring the thunder ^^
    Against Undead -- Main Hand: Mutineer's Blade / Off Hand: TF Rapier 150 Nullification, +6 Necro (Orange: Star Ruby)
    Running MoD: Two Handed Falchion: TF 150 Nullification; +1 Exceptional DC; +6 Trans DC; (Red: 114 Force SP Orange: +2 Transmutation)'re using your caster weapons as your damage dealers...luckily TF rapiers are nice weapons in general.

    At 28: -- See build post

    Quote Originally Posted by spade413 View Post
    Right now, my son and I are mostly running around King's Forest quests. The commendation trade game has some minor upgrades that would consolidate some of my gear. Is it worth investing in as leveling gear from lvl 20-??
    If you are going for the epic completionist...then yes...have a gear leveling plan is always recommended as you'll be doing a lot of 20 - 28.

    Quote Originally Posted by spade413 View Post
    You've been a big help already, and I do appreciate it. Its weird to find myself a newb in a game that I invested so heavily in for many years. But, they're theoretically doing Temple of Elemental Evil in Update 25, and I certainly can't miss THAT!!
    I hear ya about feeling like a newb no matter how many years I've been playing...there's always something different to try and something different to learn...that's why I keep coming back ^^

    If they do ToEE as awesome as they did Haunted Halls...then hang on to your'll be EPIC!

    Hope that all helps.

    good luck and game on!

  19. #19
    Community Member Caprice's Avatar
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    The Commendation gear is generally quite nice, although there aren't too many pieces that are great for this build IMO.

    If you are up for doing Challenges & Epic Challenges (which should be really easy on your current Wizard) you could farm up 2 ML20 Epic Elemental Rapier of Airs and upgrade at least one of the two to tier 3. It will become Bound to Character but you get a Red Augment slot that you can drop a ML20 Nullification augment into, and then that weapon will also boost all of your spellpowers because it becomes an "Implement" and adds a special bonus type of the same name to your spellpower stats (in this case by +18, since it is a +6 weapon). You can reuse that for future Epic Reincarnations, and it will tide you by until you get a chance to farm Haunted Halls for the materials needed to make your Thunder-Forged (or just buy said materials from the AH).

    If you have a Raider's Box from the free giveaway last(?) year then you can trade that in for a base Balizarde. You can upgrade it to have better enchantments and gain a red augment slot, but you are unlikely to get the necessary components before you hit level 28 (Commendations of Heroism from the Fall of Truth and Caught in the Web raids).

    If you are going to TR you might consider farming heroic Tor for dragonscales first to make Dragonscale light armor (or robes). Blue Dragonscale provides Potency and Arcane Lore. Neither is as good as a dedicated type of spellpower or lore but they are a nice backup to have, and generally good enough that you can focus on DPS weapons until you get your TF. If you go with a group a lot of people will be looking mostly for Black scales, so you can often arrange trades with other party members and cut down the number of runs you need to do. Alternatively the Black Dragonscale will boost your meleeing or White will give you better defenses, but at least the latter overlaps a lot with some of your buffs. You can use the heroic version from level 14 on, and eventually the "Flawless" epic version from level 25+. These are probably better for you than most of the other relatively easy to get level 20 options. I'd suggest Light armor for the PRR & MRR; just be sure to invest into Arcane Spell Failure reduction from the Eldritch Knight enhancement tree until you can slot an augment to cover it instead.
    Sarlona resident (PureMouse, PlushMouse, [& other little mice], Cryosite)
    Former lurker/resident of Argonessen (Shyelle, Cheyelle, Moonsparkle)

    "The first thing you need to do when considering a halfling thrower build, is learn how to bend halflings correctly so that they return." - amnota/Trelaf of Thelanis

  20. #20
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by spade413 View Post
    Let's say I wanted to transition to this build ASAP. I just hit lvl 21 on my first life. This build uses Sun Elf, which I have access to. Is there a benefit to true reincarnating immediately? Can I even true reincarnate to a Sun Elf? I assume I would then need a +1 heart to get rid of the requisite Cleric level. Would I then be a lvl 1 wizard/lvl 1 rogue, running up lowbie quests to gain ground back to 20?

    On the other hand, I can always just rebuild as close to this as I can on the guy as he exists, use an cheapo +2 heart and swap some stats/feats around. This would let me build XP towards Destinies, and eventually Epic Reincarnate. But I don't know if that's a worthwhile thing to even consider.
    As others have said, I would highly recommend at least one TR. The +1 to all DC's from the wizard past life is very helpful, even more so on this build as you don't have the feats to max your DC's out like a pure caster focused PM would be able to do. Also, the extra 2 build points help with covering the 3 stats you need to worry about (max Int, enough Dex for the TWF line, and the rest into Con). With the ability to start at lvl 15 with Sun Elf, it shouldn't take you too long to get back to 20+

    What would be the focus for weapons while leveling, particularly post lvl 20? Obviously rapiers, but are there any good named rapiers to shoot for, or any particular effect combo's that are held particularly dear (I know that wounding of piercing is out... /nostalgia)
    WoP rapiers are still good for the high level heroics (IQ, DD, etc), but they do lose their luster in epic content. As others have noted, you likely have a raider's box (or two) in your inventory - if so Balizard is a great choice. In addition to the weapons already mentioned here, "Star of the Day" which is a commendation turn-in can have a good mods if you get lucky.

    As for the rest of the gear, I would get the level 19 version of the guardian's ring and the level 19 version of the sage's mantle. They are both guaranteed rewards from running the Stormhorns quests on Heroic. As for armor, not sure how much raiding you did back in the day.. but if you have a Shroud of the Abbot, it is best in slot PM robe from level 14-27 -- if you have the mabar robe it is also a good slot consolidator. Outside of that.. Spidersilk robes (+3 insightful int) at level 22 is good.

    The Cannith challenge gear is very good for slotting your spell power and lores, as is the Darkstorm helm out of Lords of Dust.

    Right now, my son and I are mostly running around King's Forest quests. The commendation trade game has some minor upgrades that would consolidate some of my gear. Is it worth investing in as leveling gear from lvl 20-??

    You've been a big help already, and I do appreciate it. Its weird to find myself a newb in a game that I invested so heavily in for many years. But, they're theoretically doing Temple of Elemental Evil in Update 25, and I certainly can't miss THAT!!
    Be careful in the Kings forest and Underdark quests. The biggest weakness of the build is lack of meaningful Spell Pen. While that is not a big issue at higher level content, it can be a pain when dealing with drow.

    Make sure you are slotting no-Spell Resistance spells like Web and Greater Shout and you should be fine..

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