Quote Originally Posted by BigErkyKid View Post
Honestly, one wonders how many people have simply quit playing because they destroyed their preferred playstyle for years. Tanks, for instance. Or barbarians. Truth is that monks are behind now. Sure, uber geared (meaning tier 3 TF) capped monks with epic completionist may still be viable and good. But even then they are probably still weaker than other melee toons.

It has tired me that they keep messing with balance (not to restore it, mind you, but to break it in a different way) in a game that just needs more content. I'll be watching it from behind the barrier until they come to this realization.
No kidding.

Remember when TWF khopesh wielding rogues were the highest DPS but also the lowest survivability? Or what about when barbs DR and higher HP pools meant they were great for raiding melee DPS? Remember when 90% of end game was either undead or devils and demons? That was pretty cool for paladins, they were pretty relevant in raids but no where near overpowered for general questing.

Oh and tanks, yeah I had one of those pre MotU. Finally got fully geared and could tank EE LoB without ever getting that bad crit debuff as long as we had a bard to debuff with a few spells. So +1, 2, 3, 4(?) dodge items, 6 protect, 6 nat armour, best tower, best armour, fighter PL, a bard for me, a FvS for the rest and we could crush it. Not long after I got fully specced for that MotU dropped, paladins were worthless and so that toon got left on the scrap heap. Even now it's only at level 26, I've made a whopping 6 levels on that toon since MotU and it might never hit cap. The paladin buffs are great no doubt about it, but my main is so far ahead now in PLs I really don't want to go back to that toon anymore.

Speaking of, remember when you only had to run a toon up to cap for them to be viable raiders? Doubt that'll happen again when the cap goes up, +45AC before percentage buffs, 195HP before percentage buffs, 36 PRR and the like make the idea of making even a 3rd life tank laughable now. Throw in +6 stat tomes, +5 skill tomes(intim) and other P2W stuff and not many people will be rolling up dedicated tanks ever again just to help buddies with raiding.