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Healing Guide
I know you have to be modest and not post your own thread, but I thought you put a lot of time into these informative videos and deserve your own thread with a sticky or constant bumps up on the Cleric forum here.
Now I watched some of the Cleric stuff about your Melee Cleric, but I have a few questions about your Melee part of your Melee Cleric.
Why no Cleaves and Momentum Swing especially on the 2hd builds like your Dwarf?
You can Twist it in with Sense Weakness.
I am sold on dump Amel Strike and Warpriest.
I am wondering why you took CLR15/PAL3/MNK2 and no FTR lvls on that build? Is Evasion better than FTR Haste for EE I suppose?
Lots say Evasion is gimps now with MRR and PRR gear.
PAL3 no Exalted Smite?
I am almost sold on taking less than CLR17, but I just think the lvl30 end game might require Mass Heal again. I am tired of always rebuilding when the Devs mix things up. I guess I see them some how making the old CAP raids playable again... because it makes common sense and they were a lot of fun dam it.
Devs you hear that!!!
If you go CLR15 why not CLR13 and more Melee lvls? Are the lvl8 spells useful and I suppose if you take Aura you cant get FTR5 tier anyway.
If I respect thinking CLR15/PAL3/FTR2, but it is human and not dwarf.
Again PAL3 no Exalted Smite?