I disagree on a couple levels. First is that leveling past their gear is reason to increase their (less effective) slots, not reduce them.
Second, "clean" trapping gear is extremely difficult to find on the AH. By far your best strategy is to get someone to craft it for you. If you're going the crafting-for-hire route, it's far preferable to only do it once. Best to do it once "correctly", instead of an initial "no swap" pass and then later on in the "real" setup.
Consider a hypothetical new player gearset for the early teens:
Head: Deadly
Eyes: Trapping gear (spot +13, search +13, disable +13)
Neck: Nightforge Gorget
Back: Cloak of Invisibility (
Wrist: Bracers of Wind
Hand: Strength
Waist: Health
Feet: Speed
Ring: Dexterity, or maybe DR (eg: ring of the djinn, or possibly the mire set)
Ring: False Life
Trinket: Voice of the Master
You're saying it's better to remove two of those items to devote to trapping gear. I'm saying doing so is a tangible loss of player power, and a new player is already behind the curve in terms of power. Reducing power even further by removing two of those items is, IMO, the wrong way to go.
EDIT: Note that a new player trapper can solo-farm a cloak of invisibility once they get to around level 10. (