Hey guys, for the longest time there have been ingredients and collectables that do not go into our bags! Now that we have the "Shared Tab" in the bank for all our unbound/BtA ingredients, some room has opened up for all the annoying BtC stuff you get to gather from various packs. I will name them in a short list and tell you in which bag they should go into Imo.
Adamantine Ore - Unbound - Should go into the ingredients bag (green).
Reaver Runes (from reavers reach) - BTC - should go into the ingredients bag (green).
Daily Challenge Tokens - BTC - should go into the ingredient/collectables bag (green or red).
Invader Tokens - BTC - should go into the collectables bag (red).
Planar Shards - BTC - Should go into the collectables bag (red).
Dragon shards (feat exchange tokens 5 types) - Unbound - Should go into the ingredient bag (green).
On first glance these might look like they are not causing any issues but having to reserve 10 slots on each of your active chars accounts for a lot bank space that could be used for better things. So to the Dev's: "Make it so!"
Feel free to add to the list if you think I forgot one, or if you think I picked the wrong bag. I will try to keep updated
Thanks !