Quote Originally Posted by maddong View Post
Ok here is another build... I just converted jakeelala's Tinkerhell into a paladin.

halfling dex with int secondary paladin 14/rogue 3/monk 3
possible feat list: shuriken expertise, point blank shot, RS, precision, quickdraw, IPS, IC thrown, OC, great dexterity, holy strike, blinding speed, doubleshot
12 halfling 2 dex, dex to damage, saves
35 harper 4 dex, versatile adept (24 MP/RP), half int to damage, free improved deception
6 ninja spy extra shuriken
15 acrobat shadow dodge 6 dex, 1 dex
12 ap left to work with (not sure on the harper math)

Vs Tinkerhell you lose 10% doubleshot, no mercy, ruin arms, casting tensers, arti buffs
Vs Tinkerhell you gain +1 crit mult, 24 RP, half int to damage, improved deception, 2 dex
Actually, this has been discussed on these forums and elsewhere for a month now since they announced Holy Sword changes.

Quote Originally Posted by jakeelala View Post
The best new Thrower build will be Pal14/3Monk/3x (I'm partial to Rogue, though other splits could work. It would be hard to lose the Dex from Shadow Dodge since you'll be scrolling Tensers and often in DC instead of Shiradi).

You could also Do 14Pal/6Monk but I think that's a weak split, especially running DC, there's too much Doublestrike available then.

I don't recommend staying pure Monk, though I never have. In DC you lose 5-6 Dex from Shiradi, and 4 From Tensers, and 6 from Shadow Dodge. That's 15-16 Dexterity, which is equivalent to about 30 Doubleshot and +7-8 Base damage. Nothing from Pure monk can make up for that kind of loss when you get Holy Sword to compare versus Ninjaspy Capstone.

Also, Light Damage is proccing on Lama on Shurikens, as it should. Which is a very nice bump in damage.

PS: If they ever fix SWB stance with ranged for the extra Multi, there are a number of Bard Shuriken builds that will be excellent. But they haven't fixed it yet so Pally builds will be the best. I have not added pally builds to my DPS spreadsheets yet because the whole light damage thing and melee power thing isn't settled yet but I will when it is and report back in a separate thread.