Epic Mentau's Goggles- I see this easily becoming a favorite for almost all melee fighters(Any class that does melee fighting), heck even some caster classes may want it for the strength bonuses and the UMD boost if they don't have anything more useful for that slot. So plenty good as is, if you do decide to weaken it as I saw a post that said something about that, be very careful at what you take away.

Epic cloak of Ice-Like the effects, however even with the 2 augment slots it needs a buff. Freezing ice on attacks is really cool and I like it, fire shield is useful, but I just don't see myself using this for anything other than situational(Fire peak raid-well even then probably just use orcish privateer's boots). Would love to see it have some more effects, not sure what you would want to put in there. Blinding glare as a blur or displacement type effect due to the ice maybe? Or Light resistance as it reflects it? Heck add those two and it would be my new cloak. Just some thoughts, hope they help.

Epic Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance- I like it, one change that needs to be done. Deathblock VI should be Deathblock VIII. The reason is the negative energy absorption on the heroic one is better. Also Negative energy absorption is a rarer property and something people look for when slotting items as opposed to properties that you can find in almost any other slot.

Epic Purging the Pantheon-I like it, but might need a little boost. One change that needs to be done, Protection +10 needs to be Protection +11. This is a raid item, while the Epic Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance is not, yet the non skill boosts on that belt are +11. Other than that I will be honest and say I am not sure what exactly it needs, but it does need a little boost. If something occurs to me I will post again. So good item otherwise.

Epic Quiver of Alacrity-I want to like it so much, but I can't. The heroic one was a pain to get, but great for TRing and that was it's original purpose besides being a good piece of gear. This would be a good item, but the -50 concentration kills it. Everyone needs what little they have for UMDing items in battle. Many classes don't have it as a class skill, and UMD takes a lot of skill points as is. Why have stealth strike benefit casters when they will never use this? What class is supposed to use this? I am being serious, not trying to be harsh, as it is a good item otherwise. Please get rid of the -50 concentration, as casters won't use it, ranged characters who use umd, or cast spells, or yes even meditate won't use it. Well I am wrong, only ones who will use it will be ranged spell casters with quicken. That is a sad death for an item all loved on there TR characters. I understand the curse is supposed to lower the min level to 20 for epic TR's, but isn't it possible to use DEV magic to make it 20 without limiting it to one useful class? So once again without the -50 concentration I would use it for my characters. It really is good otherwise.

Epic Litany of the Dead-Just awesome, simply nothing much else to say. Heck even comes with a reason to avoid paladin splashes, besides they are getting a very nice damage boost with this pass anyway, making me think about taking pali as my next TR.

Epic Sanctified Gages- I like them, will probably use them, even if not playing a pali and not getting the smite bonus. The only concern is what a previous poster stated about dispelling guard having issues that needs looked into.

Knives Eternal-Liked it, the shot pattern is definitely more usable than other homing rune arms with the spread being narrower. Not sure about the save value for enemies as I confess my character isn't quite uber enough for EE, just EH. So like what I see and will let other more knowledgable posters do damage/saves comparison.

Epic Chord of Reprisals-Really like it, Sheltering 16 should be higher for level after all at level 28 that is an augment and this is only level 27, other than that I see no need for changes.

Epic Fanged Gloves-Really good, but why Wisdom +11? Not saying a wisdom based caster might not like it, just saying why that one and not charisma or int? Maybe remove that and add something else or just add the other 2 stats. Whichever sounds better to you guys.

Epic Locus of Vol-Love Manslayer showing up again, maybe a more powerful version for epic? Blood Rage has serious downsides which have already been mentioned. Fearsome is very good. On the whole though this item just doesn't feel like it comes together that well. Would be great if it also had Cannith Crafting uses as that is mainly what I like about the heroic one. Maybe another has more useful insights about this item.

Epic Boots of the Innocent-They seem good, no issues. Love greater heroism showing up on items as yes you can cast it or scroll it, but it is nice to have something always on that can't be dispelled(well not by beholders in general anyway although there are some rare times I remember items being disjuncted in raids or quests.)

Shroud of the Ardent-I like this, happy that it is not another ghostly item, but has blur(smoke screen) as nice to not have to cast and it seems like everything has switched to ghostly. Ghostly is more useful, but I like to have both. Immunity to Fear always nice to save a slot, healing amp in a new spot is definitely the best thing here! Sheltering seems like it could be better with a raid item that is just barely above what an augment would be at that level.