Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
We considering changing Divine Might so it adds half of Charisma bonus to damage. Builds would lose the hit bonus but I don't think we'd get much flack on that. The reason we didn't is we were concerned that players using it for tactical DCs would feel nerfed.
So what's wrong with actually using the source material version of Divine Might which is to add your Charisma bonus to your weapon damage? Why does it have to be half? I don't understand why this particular thing falls into moving away from the source material when many want it to be like the source material. Wasn't the argument against boosting the core of Paladins with Light damage and sticking it into a tree was because some people didn't like your move away from the source material? It doesn't make since to me why the Light damage which is being added and used to boost the whole class is shoved into a tree and to get full benefit involves full commitment in that tree, while Divine Might being a low hung fruit can help all builds if it works exactly like the pnp version (just as it did before it became a STR booster).

Geez, whatever. Divine Might adding just damage will once against boost all attacks (and help smites) by adding to the base damage. It's better than it currently is and closer to the source material.

Quote Originally Posted by Firewall View Post
Well i had thought the spell was named Holy SWORD for a reason.
It may be called Holy SWORD, but the source material allows it to work with "your sword, or any other melee weapon you choose." We're losing it's metalline and holy damage and the "protection of evil" (that may or may not be broken) so that scales into epics with all weapons, instead of the current select few melee weapons that don't scale once you start using post-MOTU weapons (if not earlier because I forget if the Holy Sword ever got the +W added to it that named weapons got).

I don't think players should be forced into using only one type of weapon for the whole class. Heck, currently monks can use any weapon if they splash Fighter. I don't see why there are players that continually want to force all paladins into using only a longsword. If longswords (and bastard swords) get a boost in the core of the paladin's shield trees, I'm fine with that. But forcing players to only use one weapon (or just as bad the favored weapon) is going in the wrong direction for the class.