Hi Community,
Tappas past lives
3 x wizard
3 x FVS
3 x cleric.
3 x morninglord
1 x Divine
1 x Martial
Current (and hopefully final life) is cleric morninglord as I love the class. I focus on insta kills and "command", raid healing is a given but being cleric, I find when insta killing I run out of mana too fast.

what would a good build be with feats to ensure I can still heal effectively, and run around EH content (EE Gianthold) smiting and insta killing?

Id prefer to keep it a pure cleric build simply for preference but I have no desire to melee at all. (hirelings do more damage with their breath than I do )

I do like running through Von3 beating the wizards finger with my big skull animation

How do I get my DC's to 48 for destruction?
