Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
Some changes based on player feedback:

~ We are dropping the changes to Dodge cap and keeping the current system.

~ The enhancements that require a shield in Stalwart and Sacred Defender will be a multi-selector offering a new medium/heavy armor option.

I will be updating the OP.

Other things we will be discussing.

~ We will be looking into Mithril and other armor materials and how they interact with this system. We don't want these to make an armor worse by changing the PRR and MRR bonuses.

~ We are discussing an alternate system where robes and light armor have capped or reduced MRR so people who want to build for PRR can do so. Our working model is to only cap MRR and not PRR. We will need a little more time to iron out the details.

As I see it the different materials should add more PRR then MRR and vice versa. Say you have Mithril. Why not add a quarter less PRR for it but a quarter more MRR (or something like that) and for adamantine the reverse - so more PRR but less MRR? That would make the type of material special - plus with Mithril you generally get a better dodge cap anyways.