So a 5% xp shrine used to be available for plat if you were a high enough guild level.
Under the new system it will be available for AS only or as a rare drop.
The nerdrage is highly predictable and justifiable. Turbine, you should really continue to offer the old x% xp shrines in the cargo hold for the foreseeable future. Secondly if you make the new xp shrines better (meaning a higher %) you can do this and still sell plenty of the new shrines. How about going up to 8%. Lower the price some and raise the # of tiers from 5 to 8 and make it so the total cost of all 8 tiers is slightly less than the 5 tiers is now. Or lower the cost of the 5 tiers and add 3 tiers to a future release.
The forced conversion idea just won't work.