Can we get the Underdark Goggles updated to work in Rainbow in the Dark please.

The Light Stick is fine if you're a Caster but for melees, Artis, Archers etc. it removes your ability to do any damage whatsoever!

It's all well and good for BB to promote grouping but there's long been a thing in DDO where players don't want to be forced to have to wait for a specific Class before running a Quest.

Rogues have been expected to be DPS Machines for years and those of us who feel a Rogue should be able to trap have been attacked left right and centre!

Clerics and FvSs who Buff and Heal are considered Pikers by some and we all know about the ones who don't!

Yet Rainbow still forces all Melee and Ranged characters to wait for a Caster before starting!

Now we have Warpriests and Eldritch Knights even Casters don't want to be stuck with the Light!

Underdark Goggles are Min Lvl 20 Gear if I remember correctly and Rainbow is Lvl 18 max on Elite BB - Allowing Players who are Overlevel to play a quest {even on Normal or Casual for the flag} surely isn't an Issue?

Now I know people are going to say that getting a group for Rainbow {and all Shroud Flags} isn't exactly difficult even now BUT I regularly hit 20 before touching these quests!
Trying to get a group at this point is nigh on impossible!
The Omnipresence of Elite BB forces us to play a quest at Elite BB levels or Under to get a group these days {this isn't just an issue with Vale!} or Solo and Rainbow just isn't Soloable for a non-caster {Hirelings can't carry the Light!}.

Yes I'm sure many people who have run said quest a thousand times before will have memorized every nook and cranny and consider themselves able to make it through all the pits and climbs without an Archon or other source of Light But a Lvl 16 quest should no longer be aimed at the 1%!

There's plenty of other options by the way that could be suggested like:

1) Hirelings being able to carry the Light
2) Light being equippable in Quiver Slot
3) When MotU came out we were supposed to be getting Infra-Vision for those Races that should have it - That didn't work and seemingly has been cast aside!
4) Add the Light/Continual Light Spell/s to the Game and allow us to equip a Lighted Rock or Gem as a Trinket {hey it's another inventory/bank slot taken up!}

But the quick fix would be to simply allow the Underdark Goggles to work in Rainbow as well as in the Underdark - Frankly they're not even necessary in the Underdark as that area isn't that dark without them!