So I reached level 20 with my cleric pretty fast. It is absolutely amazing how easy it is to solo with him, and how fun it is to play.
He is a casting oriented cleric, focused on light spells, utilizing holy smite, searing light and flamestrike SLA often, along with bb, and also focused on instakills using slay living, destructin and implosion.
The light side of enhancements will increase my evocation DC, while the feats increase my necromancy.
All those worked flawlessly on any heroic elite content, but now that I have reached epic levels, it feels pretty useless.
My DPS, which was good on heroic levels, is completely useless on any epic elite or even epic hard (let's not discuss EN because I'm good enough for that. Everyone is.)
Also, my DCs are way too low to hit anything on EE and EH.
I plan to reach level 28 (or 30 if that comes anytime soon), enjoy the epic levels and then TR to my next life towards completionist when I feel tired of it.
Taking that into account, I know I will not be really good DC wise for any EE content, so on those quests I focus mostly on making the party's life easy by blinding the mobs (sunbeam and sun burst, work like a charm.) and of course, healing the party. I also join in with some DPS, but I think this is almost insignificant.
I do want to be good enough for EH content though, and that's where I need your help.
Empower - These two are free on my SLAs and help me do damage. The question is, on epic levels, do they waste valuable slots? That taken into account, they DO work on positive energy bursts which help a lot.
Toughness - Goes without saying
PL: Wizard - +1 to all DCs
SF: Necromancy
Heighten -Goes without saying
Spell pen
GSF: Necro
Quicken - Now this one is a tough choice. Both for raid healing where I need it on my mass heal, and both because sometimes I fail my concentration check (55 currently). It's free on all my SLAs and my burst.
Greater spell pen - I think it's important enough
Epic wisdom - If I end up with a non even number, I take this. if it's even, I'll probably tkae epic spell pen or epic spell focus: necro.
Please evaluate this list of feats.
As far as epc destiny goes, I chose to be an exalted angel.
This one has +6 wisdom, one of the innate abilities is +3 to ALL spell DCs, it has +3 spell pen, leap of faith which is both fun and helpful and has endless faith for +10% spell point. All these will cost me slightly more than 24 points, therefor I will have to sacrifice 1 wisdom for more spell pen.
For twists I thought about +3 necro DC from Magister, +3 spell pen from magister and +1 wis from divine crusader.
Please evaluate this ED.
Gear is also an issue that troubles me. While I want to have good gear, I don't think I want to do massive farms for stuff like T3 alchemical.
So far I have:
Head: Empty (using minos legens but it's useless. Only 20HP)
Eyes: Concordant opposition green steel with 45 HP and +6 wisdom. This item is cleansed
Armor: level 20 cavlary plate that gives me superior false life, demonic shield, DR 3/chaotic and +5 resistance. Open for suggestions on this one
Bracers: Cannith crafted +2 evocation and +10 jump
Ring 1: Cannith crafted +54 radiance (The highest possible to craft) and +13 concentration. LARGE GUILD slot that gives me +80 SP
Boots: Surefooted boots with +6 strength, 13 balance and 30% striding. Switching FF / Swim boots when needed.
Gloves: Mineral II Greensteel with +150 SP and Wizardry, 100% fortification and a stoneskin clicky.
Ring 2: Cannith crafted +2 necro focus.
Belt: Cannith crafted +6 constitution and LARGE guild slot for +20 HP
Cloak: level 20 cloak of night, deathblock, ghostly, invisibility guard, nightmare guard, dodge 4% and DR 5/good.
Trinket: Vibrant purple ioun stone with +200 HP (doesn't stack with wizardry, so obviously the total is just 200) and spell penetration 3.
Nec: +6 charisma.
Weapons set:
DPS set: combustion scepter of fire lore and impulse scepter of kinetic lore (help fire storm, flame strike and blade barrier).
Healing set: +5 life shield heavy shield and devotion scepter of healing lore (boss heals)
I am open for suggestions on all of the above, but take in mind that I want to keep the green steel where they are, as well as the cloak and I would more than like to have my 2 large guild slots as they help with SP and HP.
I am completely clueless about named items that help cleric casters.
Please enlighten me on everything you can. All of the above, playstyle, enhancements, ED, feats and gear.
Thank you![]()