Greetings, all!
I played DDO about 3 years ago when the Druid class was mere speculation and the Artificer had just come out. I played as a Human Sorcerer, eventually subscribing, and reaching level 16 or thereabouts. I quit because:
1: I chose the wrong race. Warforged just won due to their plentiful immunities. Even though they had -2 WIS/CHA, I saw plenty of people playing Warforged Sorcerers, Clerics, Monks, and other WIS- and CHA-dependent classes. And as a Sor/Wiz, I can heal myself. Yay!
2: I chose the wrong class. I like using the variety of effects available to arcane casters - damage, summons, crowd control, buffs, and utility. Yes, Sorcerers got more spell points than Wizards by a fair margin, and tossing around more spells was fun, but as a Sorcerer I had to wait an entire extra character level to learn the first spell of a given spell level (boo!) and couldn't swap spells at taverns (double boo), and, seemingly, had a similar amount of spell points to a Wizard (Archmage) (triple boo!). I really like my Wizards in P&P, and I chose a Wizard at the inspiration of some friends, including the author of The Sorcerer Handbook.
3: DDO is an MMORPG with a D&D theme. (I didn't understand that initially.) The then-level cap of 20 and my desire for the best gear had me farming the Necropolis for Skiver (technically the pages for the Tome of Untold Legends to trade for Skiver). Cholthuluzz the Incorporeal Beholder made me quit, due to being inevitably level drained into uselessness or death because I wanted something specific from the the game and I wasn't a Warforged.
Now, on my account, I still have Veteran Status and perhaps 32 point buy characters unlocked. I am hesitant to farm my way up to level 20+ for a True Reincarnation, though Epic Reincarnation looks appealing. I was a subscriber, so I have access to the residual benefits of having paid real money for something.
This time, for a character, I was considering, feat- and class-wise:
Male TN Warforged Rogue1/Wizard2/Rogue1/Wizard+16.
1: Mental Toughness (I like spell points.)
3: Insightful Reflexes (My Reflex saves were low last time.)
6: Spell Focus: ? (Needed for Archmage - taking suggestions!)
7: [Extend Spell] (Useful for buffs, especially haste)
9: Empower Spell (Burn, baby, burn!)
12: [BONUS FEAT], FEAT (After this point, I'm not sure.)
15: FEAT
18: FEAT
I'm also taking suggestions on the rest of this build in terms of enhancements, skills, and so on. I've not played in 3 years. My, how things have changed!