This Survey is beyond a Joke!
1. You're asking us to rate Playstyles on a 1-5 Scale and only give us 3 Playstyles to rate - Melee, Ranged {incl. Throwing Weapons!!! Seriously???} and Spellcasting!
a) Melee incl. Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins, Rogues, Monks, Wolf form Druids, A large number of Clerics and Tempest Rangers.
b) Ranged incl. Arcane Archers {incl Monkchers!}, Artificers, Arti/Rogue Mechs and Halflings with throwing Daggers!
c) Spellcasting - The Spellcasting capabilities of a Pale Master vs those of a Caster specced Cleric just aren't in the same Ballpark for crying out loud!
Any rating is automatically a complete waste of time!
2. You ignore Multiclassing!
I've given Monks a 5 on your 1-5 Power Scale yet I'd give Pure Monks a 3 at most!
The 5 comes from the Power jump when splashing monk onto OTHER classes!!
3. Worst of all you seem to be under the impression that such a weak and pitiful survey will give you the answers you need!
Answers you should already be well aware of btw!
Rogues, Clerics, Paladins, Barbarians, Druids and Tempest Rangers are currently underpowered!
-Rogues have been pigeon-holed thanks to the enhancement revamp into specific builds and weapons - They've also had a Nerf to the available Trap Scores from Enhancements {Artis have been hit hard by this too!}.
- Clerics - You seem to be under the mistaken impression that these are OP and insist on keeping them down at every opportunity!
- Paladins - You only need to look at the truly ridiculous requirement of 83 AP to max out Sacred Defender {Not even Possible!} and the squeezing together of HotD & KotC which keeps both at much lower power levels than Kensai for example!
-Barbarians - Putting separate Rage Enhancements in all 3 trees and therefore making it unviable to go all in on a single tree and killing the Racial Trees for said Class!
-Druids - BEAR FORM!!!
-Tempest - Still basically requires Multiclassing - Why won't you let Rangers go Pure?
Pale Masters & Sorcs {Esp WF} are ridiculously OP when compared to Fleshy Archmages and Sorcs {As some people are quick to point out this is a Heroic and early epic issue NOT an End-Game issue!
Archmage needs a serious boost to bring it on par with PM or WF and Making us take Zombie Form is NOT going to do it!
AM and PM should really be mutually exclusive Trees as allowing AM Benefits on a PM is also quite a buff to said PM. Which makes AM an even weaker choice!
The power of the Monk Splash is off the scale!
Pure Monk isn't as OP as people have been making out and has blindsided you away from the Monk Splash!
Monkcher especially is an issue atm.
Bards when played by those who know how to play them are Supreme and really don't need buffing!
However they're also NOT in any need of a Nerf!
Pure Artificers are fantastic up to around Lvl 13-15 then are overtaken by pretty much every other class! {The Juggernaut build cannot be used as a stick to beat Artis with!}.
Way too front loaded BUT any Nerf at Low Levels would be a bad idea - Artis really need buffing at higher levels!
Finally to Favored Souls - As everyone here knows I have an antipathy towards this class however I'll try to stay objective:
1. The Enhancement Pass was a MASSIVE Nerf to FavSouls! {Objective enough for y'all?}
2. Warforged FvS has become much less popular since but is to my mind still the best build for said class - Greatsword Melee and Self Healing is Pretty Safe!
FvS are also in no way expected to Heal by anyone anymore as Clerics and Druids are both far better at this and if you have a FvS and a Bard in your Raid you'd probably be better off asking the Bard if he/she was OK with being Main Healer!
3. The Caster FvS seems to have fallen by the wayside {probably because of a lack of DC and Spell Pen Boosts for Elite content}.
4. Exalted Angel and Unyielding Sentinel are far too focused for a Jack of all trades Class!
Oh I forgot Fighter didn't I - Well this brings me to my final point and the biggest issue in Class Balance in DDO:
Clerics, FavSouls, Sorcs, Bards, Barbarians, Paladins - These classes are all in desperate need of more Feats!
Nimble Fingers and Skill Focus Disable Device should NOT be laughed at as Rogue or Arti Feats! {Skill Focus Search on the other hand has become almost mandatory thanks to the recent DC Boosts to that requirement!}.
The Absolute Last thing you should do is to Nerf Fighter, Arti, Monk or Wizard - Wizards in fact could maybe do with a slight buff to # of feats!
Everyone else needs Boosting! {Not sure on Druids tbh as I've never counted their feat slots}
And No I don't count feats taken in Epic Levels as a Boost - I still only count up to Lvl 20 when talking about Heroic Feats!
It might help if you merged some feats rather than giving out extra slots though - For example:
Skill Focus Open Lock/Skill Focus Disable Device/Nimble Fingers = ONE Feat for +5 to Open Locks and Disable Device!
Spell Penetration and Spell Focus
Empower and Empower Healing
Improved Turning and Extra Turning
And it would definitely help if Paladins got a few Free Feats at high enough levels so that they don't become an Insta-Splash class - For Example:
Tower Shield Proficiency - Lvl 1
Exotic Wpn Prof: Bastard Sword - Lvl 3
Shield Mastery - Lvl 5
Combat Expertise - Lvl 7
Improved Trip - Lvl 10
Improved Shield Mastery - Lvl 13
Improved Sunder - Lvl 16
Tower Shield and Bastard Sword Profs btw are an absolute must and I really can't see why they weren't given to Paladins back in 2006?
Give us our Horses back!!!!!