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  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Scraap View Post
    Do we really, truly, want to further encourage them to account for a 9 point stat swing? (6 'levels' +3 twists, reserving one for a 3 dc to tactics or spell.). That's a 30-35% failure rate right there between folks that want to get new goodies, and folks that want to hang on to the ones they've got.
    Um, what?

    The people arguing that such a change would introduces power creep have no leg to stand on. You already get the full +6 stat power in your main destiny. So we already have the maximum power this suggestion would allow. The only impact is that it would lessen the power loss when farming fate points.

    Also, the idea that magister shouldn't offer strength because it's a wizard destiny is laughable. You're aware that you can get strength from a wizard enhancement tree, right?

  2. #42
    The Hatchery Scraap's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Um, what?

    The people arguing that such a change would introduces power creep have no leg to stand on. You already get the full +6 stat power in your main destiny. So we already have the maximum power this suggestion would allow. The only impact is that it would lessen the power loss when farming fate points.

    Also, the idea that magister shouldn't offer strength because it's a wizard destiny is laughable. You're aware that you can get strength from a wizard enhancement tree, right?
    Once it's maxed and you're simply past life farming, sure. Granting to all of em, or killing em all off and taking that into account is a net wash in terms of where they'd put the watermarks to keep folks on the dice.

    My reservations with this one over the other suggestion is it seems to me it doesn't really solve the other side effect of swapping destinies while leveling. You still drop right back down on a destiny farm in progress as far as the stat goes, meaning if you cap one out about halfway through leveling or so and swap to the next you've just become that much less effective after attaining a goal. Just seems highly counter-intuitive. Prior to the feats for maxed destinies, it would have been a bit less of a stark jump, since it'd make the most sense to simply go for 3-4s and circle back for cleanup, keeping effectiveness within a couple points. With tangible rewards for capping two destines now though, it's more of a case of two game mechanics actively working against one another.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd take either in a heartbeat since that'd open up options once you're done, but it just seems to me like killing off the cruft would make for a less jagged experience all around.

  3. #43
    Community Member DrawingGuy's Avatar
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    Removing stats and lowering DCs to compensate would be a power creep. People would be able to freely grab all of the abilities without it being a DC vs Ability debate. I wouldn't complain per se about that change, as I would *much* rather be able to take all abilities and not 'waste' points on stats for DCs... but I already think the power creep has reached too high, especially when you take in the meta builds. I'd much rather see the power slapped down :: Monk splash nerfed (take Shadow Veil to 12/18 core, cap WIS AC to Monk Level, spread monk dodge to 1, 4, 8, make Monk stances no longer purchasable feats, etc), Pally saves capped to Pally level (cap removed at 20), Enhancement tiers put farther out of reach instead of tier-5 prestiges with a bare splash (yay, my Sorc can get all of the enh FvS benefits with just a 4 splash!), etc. Heroic content has been trivialized, and EE is having to be built around the broken builds to even pose a remote challenge to them. Going through and allowing people to more easily afford that Boulder Toss or that Arcane Tempest is only going to make it easier. Until there is more of a semblance of balance (not that there ever was one in PnP), I want to avoid seeing the strong get stronger and the remainder being left in the dust as the game rises to meet the meta.

    Yes, you're right that going through leveling EDs is dropping your power every time you start a new ED. I (and I suspect many others) accept that as part of the process. What I DON'T want to be part of that process is that power loss to be a hopeless bucket FOR THE ENTIRE ED. Having useful stats would at least provide some progression in those off EDs.

  4. 01-06-2015, 11:39 AM

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