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I have tried to put together a comprehensive list of what Divine Crusader would currently look like based on communication from the devs posts and posts of how the first implementation worked. This is simply a consolidation of information from the wiki and forums and therefore may not be correct. I have also added in a few recommended changes from myself and others – they should be clearly marked as recommendations. It is extremely difficult to compare destinies given all the variables; however, I think that these few changes coupled with the addition of an epic moment would make this a competitive melee destiny without trying to replace the existing melee destines. The devs did a great job with the starting point of this thread in making Divine Crusader unique and able to support different melee play styles. Lets give them a hand in polishing it up and making it work.
Divine Crusader
Innate abilities
Divine Crusader:
Passive Bonus: You gain Cleric, Favored Soul, and Paladin Caster Levels equal in your level in Divine Crusader.
Passive: +25 sp, +10 hp, and your Base Attack Bonus is equal to your total Character Level
Aura of Purification:
Active Ability: (Cooldown 3 seconds) Toggle: Every 3 Seconds While Active: Nearby enemies gain a stack of Purification. Purification: -1 Attack Damage, -2 Spell Power, stacks up to 25 times.
Passive: +25 sp, +10 hp.
Extrodiary Virtue:
Passive Bonus: +10% Healing Amplification. +10 Positive Spell Power
Passive: +25 sp, +10 hp.
No Remorse:
Whenever an enemy who was recently affected by your Aura of Purification is slain, nearby allies are healed for Positive Energy equal to the level of the slain enemy.
Passive: +25 sp, +10 hp.
Sword of Justice:
Passive Bonus: +6 bonus to damage with all attacks.
Passive: +25 sp, +10 hp.
Wrath of the Righteous:
Activate: Gain 100 stacks of Wrath. Wrath: +1 Spell Power, +1% Damage with all attacks. Wrath decays by 1 stack every 3 seconds. Long cooldown.
Passive: +25 sp, +10 hp.
Wrath of the Righteous: (recommend change to)
Activate: Gain 100 stacks of Wrath. Wrath: +1 Spell Power, +1% Damage with all attacks. Wrath decays by 1 stack every 3 seconds. Whenever an enemy who has a stack of Purification is slain, you gain one stack of Wrath. 5 Minute cooldown (Thoughts: need a way to charge Wrath)
Passive: +25 sp, +10 hp.
Tier One
Bane of Undeath:
Passive Bonus: You gain the Turn Undead feat.
EDP Cost: 2, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Endless Turning:
Passive Bonus: +1 Turn Undead per rest. Turn Undead uses regenerate every 2 minutes, or [10/20/30]% faster if it already regenerates.
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 3, Requires: Bane of Undeath or Turn Undead: Cleric or Turn Undead: Paladin
Passive Bonus: +5 Universal Spell Power and +1% Spell Critical Chance. Your offensive spells cause enemies to gain a stack of Purification.
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Purge the Wicked:
Passive Bonus: +2 bonus to Confirm Critical Hits and Critical Hit Damage. Your Critical Hits with weapons also cause enemies to gain a stack of Purification
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Passive Bonus: +1 Strength/Wisdom/Charisma.
EDP Cost: 2, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Tier Two
Confront Any Foe:
Active Ability: (Cooldown 7 seconds) Melee Attack: Expend one Turn Undead: Deals 10d10 extra Light Damage on a successful hit.
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 1, Requires one of: Bane of Undeath, Turn Undead: Cleric, or Turn Undead: Paladin
Confront Undead: (Recommend Drop Confront Any Foe and replace with)
Active Ability: Expend one Turn Undead: For the next 60 seconds your weapons gain +1[W] and Improved Disruption. (Thoughts: Confront Any Foe is not very useful, this keeps with the idea that Turns are for dealing with undead and gives a useful use of turns)
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 1, Requires one of: Bane of Undeath, Turn Undead: Cleric, or Turn Undead: Paladin
Active Ability: The ground you are standing on is consecrated. Evil creatures standing on consecrated ground are burned every 3 seconds, gaining a stack of purification and taking 1d6 for each level you have. Half damage is fire, half is good-alligned. Both are affected by fire spell power. Cooldown: [25/20/15] seconds) Activation Cost: [50/40/30] Spell Points.
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 3, No requirements
Flames of Purity:
Passive Bonus: +[10/20/30] Fire spellpower.
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 3, No requirements
Smite the Wicked:
Active Ability: (Cooldown 15 seconds, 10sp) Melee smite. Gain twice your charisma bonus to your attack roll and damage bonus of (level x3) +7 against evil opponents. On hit 50 light damage against undead and evil outsiders. On Natural 20 and confirmed crit, destroy undead or evil outsiders under 1000HP.
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Passive Bonus: +1 Strength/Wisdom/Charisma.
EDP Cost: 2, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Tier Three
Stand and Be Judged:
Active Ability: (Cooldown [24/18/12] seconds) Activation Cost: [15/10/5] Spell Points. A targeted foe must make a Will saving throw or be stunned for 30 seconds. (DC: 30+Wisdom Modifier) NOTE: “Stand and Be Judged: Now lasts 30 seconds. Increased cost and cooldown” - cost and cooldown unknown
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 3, No requirements
Stand and Be Judged: (recommend change to)
Active Ability: (Cooldown [60/40/20] seconds) Activation Cost: [30/20/10] Spell Points. A targeted foe must make a Will saving throw or be stunned for 30 seconds. (DC: 30+Wisdom or Charisma Modifier)
(Thoughts: Paladin and Favored Soul may benefit more from Charisma than Wisdom)
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 3, No requirements
Sacred Ground:
Passive Bonus: While standing on consecrated ground you and your allies are healed every 3 seconds for 1 point of positive energy per character level. This is affected by your positive spell power.
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 1, Requires: Consecration 1
Empyrean Magic:
Passive Bonus: Whenever you cast a fire, light, or healing Spell you gain a stack of Empyrean Fervor. Each stack of Empyrean Fervor gives you +2 Sacred bonus to Universal Spell power, +1% Sacred Bonus to Critical Chance with all spells. Stacks up to 10. Lasts 10 seconds.
EDP Cost: 2, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Blessed Blades:
Passive Bonus: Any weapon you wield or unarmed attacks are treated as having your alignment for damage reduction bypass purpose. (Has no effect if True Neutral alignment)
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Passive Bonus: +1 Strength/Wisdom/Charisma.
EDP Cost: 2, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Tier Four
No Regret:
Whenever an enemy, who was recently affected by your Aura of Purification is slain, other nearby enemies gain 1 to 4 stacks of Purification.
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 1, No requirements
While standing on consecrated ground, you and your allies gain a 10% Sacred bonus to the damage of your attacks. (Thoughts: shouldn’t “your attacks” be simply “attacks”?)
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 1, Requires: Sacred Ground 1
Passive Bonus: +1 Strength/Wisdom/Charisma.
EDP Cost: 2, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Tier Five
Your Aura of Purification also harms nearby enemies, dealing Bane damage every 3 seconds. Non-bosses take damage equal to 1% of their health for each stack of Purification they have. Bosses instead take 1d6 Bane damage per stack of Purification.
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Castigation: (recommend change to)
Your Aura of Purification also harms nearby enemies, dealing Bane damage every 3 seconds. Non-bosses take damage equal to 1% of their health for each stack of Purification they have. Bosses instead take 1% of their current health. Very Powerful bosses may take less damage. (Thoughts: % health damage is a unique idea that really makes the Crusader different – would like to see it work on bosses as well. By only doing 1% and not 1% per stack the damage is more reasonable for bosses. For example a 40,000 hit point boss would take 400 damage per tick whereas a 15,000 hit point boss would take 150. As written the boss damage caps out at about 87 per tick which will not really contribute much to a high hit point boss.)
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Heavenly Presence:
Passive Bonus: Grants you +10 Physical Resistance Rating and 10% Acid, cold and electricity absorption. In addition, you are immune to petrification.
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Heavenly Presence: (recommend change to)
Passive Bonus: Grants you +10 Physical Resistance Rating and 10% Fire, Acid, cold and electricity absorption. In addition, you are immune to petrification. (Thoughts: This destiny is all about Fire – see no reason to exclude it from Heavenly Presence)
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Celestial Champion:
+1 Critical Threat Range with all attacks. When you critically hit with an attack, you gain a stack of Celestial Fervor. A stack of Celestial Fervor grants you +1 Sacred bonus to doublestrike chance. Stacks up to 10 times, with a duration of 6 seconds.
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Celestial Champion: (recommend change to)
+1 Critical Threat Range with all attacks. When you critically hit with an attack, you gain a stack of Celestial Fervor. A stack of Celestial Fervor grants you +1 Untyped bonus to doublestrike chance. Stacks up to 10 times, with a duration of 10 seconds. (Thoughts: Making the doublestrike a Sacred bonus overlaps with one of a Paladins few damage boosting abilities. Increasing the time a bit will allow single weapon users a better chance to gain and maintain full stacks)
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Passive Bonus: +1 Strength/Wisdom/Charisma.
EDP Cost: 2, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Tier Six
Celestial Bombardment:
Active Ability: Divine wrath falls from the heavens to smite your foes. This spell calls down three stars at your target, dealing a total of 3-18 fire damage per character level, split into three hits. This damage is affected by fire spell power and may critically hit. In addition, enemies must succeed at three consecutive Reflex saving throws versus a DC of 20+Wisdom mod+Evocation spell DC modifier or be knocked prone. Activation cost is [100/75/50] Spell points and has a cooldown of [60/45/30] seconds.
EDP Cost: 1, Ranks: 3, No requirements
Celestial Bombardment: (recommend change to)
Active Ability: Divine wrath falls from the heavens to smite your foes. This spell calls down three stars at your target, dealing a total of 3-18 fire damage per character level, split into three hits. This damage is affected by fire spell power and may critically hit. In addition, enemies must succeed at three consecutive Reflex saving throws versus a DC of 20+Wisdom or Charisma mod+Evocation spell DC modifier or be knocked prone. Activation cost is 50 Spell points and has a cooldown of 30 seconds. (Thoughts: Paladin and Favored Soul may benefit more from Charisma than Wisdom, need to set EDP costs so that there is a choice to make – requiring 3 EDP does not allow any other 2 EDP selection)
EDP Cost: 2, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Strike down:
Strike Down now cleaves multiple opponents. It retains the +3[w] bonus damage, and the vorpal effect on undead and evil outsiders, and now deals 500 fire damage on hit. The cooldown has been increased and the spell point cost lowered. (No longer requires counters it previously used in Exalted Angel.)
EDP Cost: 2, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Strike down: (recommend change to)
360deg cleave attack with +3[w] bonus damage. Every creature struck suffers 500 fire damage, undead and evil outsiders are additionally subject to an improved vorpal effect. (Cooldown 30 seconds, 10sp)
EDP Cost: 2, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Epic Moment - None
Passive Bonus: +1 Strength/Wisdom/Charisma.
EDP Cost: 2, Ranks: 1, No requirements
Epic Moment: Weapons of the Gods – (Suggestion)
Weapons of the Gods: Your god infuses your weapons with great power and speed. Your main hand weapon now grants you the power of a god and illuminates the are around you. Your weapons have deadly enhancements and move with godly speed to strike your enemies, defeat their attacks, and conceal your movements. While you wield the weapons of the gods, the ground you stand on is consecrated, stacks of Wrath decay at 2 per second and Vorpal strikes with the main hand add 2 stacks in addition to stacks added by Wrath of the Righteous. Requires at least 50 stacks of wrath to toggle on, can be toggled off at any time, toggles off automatically and disables Consecration if wrath stacks reach 0. (Cooldown 5 minutes)
power of a god = +4 moral bonus to all stats, abilities, and saves
deadly enhancements = Holy Strike, Improved Vorpal, Improved Disruption
godly speed = +50% double strike, +50% offhand strike, +50% chance to shield bash, +20% haste
defeat their attacks = gain 25prr and 25AC
conceal your movements = Displaced