This idea seems quite reasonable unlike some of the other ones I have seen here.
Looks OP to me. Even 3 EPL only give 9% doublestrike, that red one would make weapons have a better crit profile than khopesh. About the part in orange explain to me why you feel this is at the expense of peeps wanting to run EE?
Why do you want to run EE and what is the main reason to run EE? Why do you think "players need to look for reasons to run EE"?
I have heard by most people it is for the challenge and for myself that is why I run EE. IS this true or not for others? If you are not running EE solely for the fun of a good challenge why bother?
This whole thread is showing to me you all want to run EE for the loot as you seem to be saying if the loot isn't better than in EH you will "lose out" and not run EE, that's how I read "at the expense of EE players" anyways.
IF you are running EE for better loot why care if the same loot drops on EE, EH and EN? IF you are running EE for the challenge why care if it doesn't really give any better loot. If you are not running EE solely for the challenge factor then it must be for the loot no? So again why care if the same loot drops across the board?
I would like to add that most people complaining about easy mode or easy buttons are EE players/hardcore players yet you want better loot in EE to make the game even more "easy button"?
Wouldn't that cause even more cries of easy mode?
That said why wouldn't EllisDee37 idea be enough.
Seriously I really get the impression this is more about trying to get better loot than any kind of wanting to "prolong endgame and the life of DDO or of making more EE appear in the LFM panel".
No one is saying anyone should get loot free and you continually misrepresent the majority of the the people playing the game which are casuals that play EH.
Lets face it people that play EE are in the minority and this is why changes have happened like they have last couple years. Catering to EE players to the detriment of casual players would not be in Turbine interests at all. The game is old and has a declining players base so they need to cater to that larger portion of the player base.
I feel that some of you are misrepresenting a big portion of EE players, and the impact this will have on the game, like myself who don't care if EE loot isn't better than EH and EN loot.