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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Question Staff Specializaton: Does it stack? (Thief-Acro + Monk Mystic)

    I'm building a Shadar-kai Monk-Rogue-Druid and in picking my enhancements I ran into some situations where I questioned whether something would stack with something else.

    One of those situations was the Staff Training lines of the Rogue's Thief-Acrobat tree and the Monk's Henshin Mystic tree.

    In particular, since I'm investing heavily in both trees anyway, I find it rather tempting to grab "Staff Specialization" (tier 5) in both trees. Would my toon end up with a combined +2 Competence bonus to Critical Damage Multiplier and Threat Range?
    Last edited by ThunderCraft; 02-10-2014 at 03:48 AM.
    KHYBER toons: Erelda, Kadreya, Phalla
    GHALLANDA toons: Icebow, Sofria

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by ThunderCraft View Post
    I'm building a Shadar-kai Monk-Rogue-Druid and in picking my enhancements I ran into some situations where I questioned whether something would stack with something else.

    One of those situations was the Staff Training lines of the Rogue's Thief-Acrobat tree and the Monk's Henshin Mystic tree.

    In particular, since I'm investing heavily in both trees anyway, I find it rather tempting to grab "Staff Specialization" (tier 5) in both trees. Would my toon end up with a combined +2 Competence bonus to Critical Damage Multiplier and Threat Range?
    You can't take Tier 5 enhancements in more than one tree.


  3. #3


    The two staff lines do stack with each other; they were renamed in a recent-ish update to clarify that they're different and thus stack.

    But as stated, you only get one tree for tier 5s.

  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    As stated, you can only have T5 abilities from one PrE. Also, competence bonuses don't stack. FYI, Pulverizer (+1 crit range) in LD appears to be a competence bonus, as it doesn't stack w/Staff Spec nor Keen Edge from Kensei.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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