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  1. #1
    Community Member stabbert's Avatar
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    Angry Ok.. Whats the deal with the worthless dog bugging out every 5 **** minutes???

    I love playing Arti, but one thing that I am getting sick and tired of is my dog bugging out and becoming worthless, wont attack, wont do anything but float in space in a dumb frozen animation. I have tried everything I can think of to dismiss him, right click on my character portrait and click DISMISS, you know the command thats supposed to DISMSS your bugged pet so you can resummon him and hopefully he be fixed, but no that doesn't even work. Am I doing something wrong or should I just relegate my idiotic canine to being nothing more than a vanity pet? Someone please help. Also I am sorry for the tone of my post, I am just frustrated. I mean, if he wants to bug out fine, but devs PLEASE allow us the ability to DISMISS him and resummon.... Thanks!

  2. #2
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    My dog would bug my owlbears. Nothings beats having 3 things just sit in a doorway and do nothing, while I had to try and kite instead of pew pew pew cast from behind my meat/metal shields.

  3. #3
    LOOON375's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stabbert View Post
    I love playing Arti, but one thing that I am getting sick and tired of is my dog bugging out and becoming worthless, wont attack, wont do anything but float in space in a dumb frozen animation. I have tried everything I can think of to dismiss him, right click on my character portrait and click DISMISS, you know the command thats supposed to DISMSS your bugged pet so you can resummon him and hopefully he be fixed, but no that doesn't even work. Am I doing something wrong or should I just relegate my idiotic canine to being nothing more than a vanity pet? Someone please help. Also I am sorry for the tone of my post, I am just frustrated. I mean, if he wants to bug out fine, but devs PLEASE allow us the ability to DISMISS him and resummon.... Thanks!
    You must be doing or clicking something wrong.

    Im able to dismiss mine at will whenever it bugs out. By right clicking on my name in the group list and selecting "dismiss pet". sometimes I can resummons immediately, but most of the time, I have to wait until after I hit a shrine.

    If you are between quests and in a public area and it is acting funky, dismiss and resummons before entering a new quest.

    Mine doesn't seem to bug out quite as much as it used too, but then again, I don't use it that much anymore with the exception of pulling levers.
    The Fockers of Argo
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by LOOON375 View Post
    Im able to dismiss mine at will whenever it bugs out. By right clicking on my name in the group list and selecting "dismiss pet". sometimes I can resummons immediately, but most of the time, I have to wait until after I hit a shrine.

    If you are between quests and in a public area and it is acting funky, dismiss and resummons before entering a new quest.

    Mine doesn't seem to bug out quite as much as it used too, but then again, I don't use it that much anymore with the exception of pulling levers.
    The point is... is shouldn't bug, period

    You use it for doors....

    and personally, I just don't use it all anymore.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by stabbert View Post
    I love playing Arti, but one thing that I am getting sick and tired of is my dog bugging out and becoming worthless, wont attack, wont do anything but float in space in a dumb frozen animation. I have tried everything I can think of to dismiss him, right click on my character portrait and click DISMISS, you know the command thats supposed to DISMSS your bugged pet so you can resummon him and hopefully he be fixed, but no that doesn't even work. Am I doing something wrong or should I just relegate my idiotic canine to being nothing more than a vanity pet? Someone please help. Also I am sorry for the tone of my post, I am just frustrated. I mean, if he wants to bug out fine, but devs PLEASE allow us the ability to DISMISS him and resummon.... Thanks!
    you got the hunter of boxes enhancement? that causes him to bug out frequently if the boxes he goes after gets destroyed before he is able to do it. not 100% of the time, but after a few times it just seems like he gives up trying, he'll run to a breakable and stand there. But, if his boxes are left alone for him to deal with, he usually doesnt bug out for me.

    mine usually doesnt float unless he gets caught on a ladder when he bugs, as for the dismiss, I've always been able to dismiss a bugged dog. The only time I wouldnt is when I lose his hireling bar due to telling him to stay and going into or out of a quest and letting too much time pass before calling him, which while it takes alittle while before he disappear he does eventually get dismissed by clicking it.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violith View Post
    you got the hunter of boxes enhancement? that causes him to bug out frequently if the boxes he goes after gets destroyed before he is able to do it. not 100% of the time, but after a few times it just seems like he gives up trying, he'll run to a breakable and stand there. But, if his boxes are left alone for him to deal with, he usually doesnt bug out for me.
    Hunter of boxes IS the best ability of da dog

  7. #7


    Pets suffer the same AI feedback loop as hires, and the same work-around fixes them. In your key mapping section of options, scroll down until you get to the hireling bar hotkeys. Identify which buttons on your pet's hotbar are for passive mode and active mode. Map passive to the "<" key and active to the ">" key. (Don't use shift, so technically map them to "," and ".".)

    Now, every time you see your pet go braindead just rapid-fire hit "<>" and he'll wake right up. After a very short amount of time this gets to be second-nature and not a hardship.

    Any two keys work for this, of course; I just happened to choose < and >.

    PS: Pets use "Hireling Bar 1," meaning that this "fix" applies globally to all characters whether they use pets or hirelings.

  8. #8
    Community Member Myrddinman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Pets suffer the same AI feedback loop as hires, and the same work-around fixes them. In your key mapping section of options, scroll down until you get to the hireling bar hotkeys. Identify which buttons on your pet's hotbar are for passive mode and active mode. Map passive to the "<" key and active to the ">" key. (Don't use shift, so technically map them to "," and ".".)

    Now, every time you see your pet go braindead just rapid-fire hit "<>" and he'll wake right up. After a very short amount of time this gets to be second-nature and not a hardship.

    Any two keys work for this, of course; I just happened to choose < and >.

    PS: Pets use "Hireling Bar 1," meaning that this "fix" applies globally to all characters whether they use pets or hirelings.
    Can you just click the Active and Passive icons on the screen? Also, does this work with the Owlbears and Panthers?
    Quote Originally Posted by 404error View Post
    there will always be bugs in DDO it will never be bug free at any point in its lifetime.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Myrddinman View Post
    Can you just click the Active and Passive icons on the screen? Also, does this work with the Owlbears and Panthers?
    Yes you can, and it works for anything with a hotbar. I just find it a whole lot easier/faster to hit two keys right next to each other on the keyboard than to aim the mouse twice.

  10. #10
    Community Member Myrddinman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Yes you can, and it works for anything with a hotbar. I just find it a whole lot easier/faster to hit two keys right next to each other on the keyboard than to aim the mouse twice.
    Cool, thanks! I've always tried hitting the Passive icon --> Attack/Defend, without much luck; however, I never went back and forth rapidly...I'll give it a shot.
    Quote Originally Posted by 404error View Post
    there will always be bugs in DDO it will never be bug free at any point in its lifetime.

  11. #11
    LOOON375's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrddinman View Post
    Cool, thanks! I've always tried hitting the Passive icon --> Attack/Defend, without much luck; however, I never went back and forth rapidly...I'll give it a shot.
    Yes, occasionally that can work. But when you see the dog floating the air, it needs to be dismissed and resummoned.
    The Fockers of Argo
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  12. #12
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LOOON375 View Post
    Yes, occasionally that can work. But when you see the dog floating the air, it needs to be dismissed and resummoned.

    Periodically I had to dismiss the dog and then relog before resummoning to fix the hovering do nothing dog effect.
    eventually this became more annoying than useful.

    Quote Originally Posted by Icywave View Post
    The point is... is shouldn't bug, period

    You use it for doors....

    and personally, I just don't use it all anymore.

    This was my end result as well.

    Summon to use levers, park the dog, dismiss before finishing quest.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Myrddinman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LOOON375 View Post
    Yes, occasionally that can work. But when you see the dog floating the air, it needs to be dismissed and resummoned.
    Definitely! I am also in the habit of dismissing at the end of each quest, and re-summoning once inside the next one. Something wonky probably happens every time you zone in somewhere.
    Quote Originally Posted by 404error View Post
    there will always be bugs in DDO it will never be bug free at any point in its lifetime.

  14. #14
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    In the harbour, I once left my dog standing next to a lever when I finished the quest.

    Bugged out /bad/. Wouldn't come (it couldn't hear me apparently), I couldn't dismiss it, and I couldn't get back to it (since it was in a closed instance).

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by LOOON375 View Post
    You must be doing or clicking something wrong.
    You are obviously clicking on 'Dismiss' wrong. Or, maybe it's a bug. Can't remember which but one of the configurations for the vitals bar is/was bugged for pet dismissal. In Options, try changing the 'Show Portrait on Vitals'. I had the same issue many moons ago and doubt it was ever fixed.

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