Can't stop laughing at mental images for "Trial by Furry".
Great misspelling.
Can't stop laughing at mental images for "Trial by Furry".
Great misspelling.
<-Curelite Bottling Company->
Originally Posted by Chilldude
On EN, yes. Chain rewards don't care what difficulty you run, and the best place to farm planar focus is the chain reward 3rd lists.
Here is a relevant post from my month-long farming of goristro hides for two alts. Later in that thread I mention how my daily Trial By Fury runs were down to 10 minutes each. Figure 10 minutes from exiting Trial By Fury to getting to, running and finishing out of Deal and the Demon (easily accomplished) and that leaves 10 minutes for Reclaiming the Rift. Maybe that's a bit optimistic, but 30 minutes all told is in the ballpark, at least.
I've been thinking lately that I might post a video of a goristro hide farming run, because it's definitely not an intuitive thing to get that down to 10 minutes.
Last edited by EllisDee37; 01-13-2014 at 07:44 PM.
Trial has a lot of shortcuts. You can get all the way to the boss without getting a single of those gems that unlock the barriers.
Deal is pretty much run to the boss and kill it. You can run past almost every encounter. Luckily dungeon alert isn't bad in there if you do.
Rift completion time depends pretty much on your DPS.
Also knowing how to get to the quest helps.
If you just jump of the ledge in the demonweb there are 3 possible spots you can land.
One is useless. One is right next to Rift. One is right next to Trial (just walk a bit south).
Keep jumping off until you get where you want.
30 mins is easily doable.
Last edited by Eth; 01-16-2014 at 06:55 AM.
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Without question 30 minutes is doable. 20-25 minutes would be "full zerg ahead" mode.
I've been doing daily 500k xp circuits for the past week (only 7 more to go) grinding out off-destinies on a new first-life character. Part of that circuit is trial then deal, and I checked my timers doing them both tonight thinking of this thread.
My timing is based on time left of first buff I cast immediately on entering the quests/wilderness to the "completed" noise or entering the next quest:
6:30 Trial by Fury
0:40 run from Trial to Deal
6:30 Deal and the Demon (was surprised this took this long)
13:40 total, leaving over 15 minutes for reclaiming the rift.
Last edited by EllisDee37; 01-17-2014 at 02:51 AM.