I returned to this game after 2 year hiatus mid way through this year. Over 2 years ago I rolled a human Two weapon fighter with Bastard Sword focus. It was a flavor build at the time based on noticing so many cool bastard swords freely available in weapon shops and auction house and hoping DDO would some day give BS some love. Recently I heroic (level 20) capped him. Below is my character at level 20 naked. I will keep my two weapon wielding bastard swords feats. Everything else I am happy to reconsider. I intend using the Lesser Reincarnation thingy DDO gave us to fix him and need your help with suggestions.
Human Fighter
Starting Base Stats: Level 20:
Str: 16 +1 Human enh + 2 Kensai enh Str: 26 (Naked with Kensai tree enhancement maxed)
Dex 16 (+1 tome taken later) Dex: 17 (Naked with Kensai tree enhancement)
Con 14 (+2 tome taken later) +1 Human enh Con: 21 (Naked with Kensai tree enhancement maxed - not sure where the rest of the CON came from)
Int 10 Int: 10 (Naked with Kensai tree enhancement)
Wis 8 Wis: 8 (Naked with Kensai tree enhancement)
Cha 12 (+1 tome taken later) Cha: 13 (Naked with Kensai tree enhancement)
All level ups to Str.
Skill Focus:
Intimidation (all points) -> currently sitting at 30 naked
Jump -> currently sitting at 26 naked
*Balance (hybrid) -> currently sitting at 14 naked (never understood why this is hybrid skill on a fighter)
Feats Taken (in no particular order):
Great Cleave (really don't like it as it is only main hand attack)
Force of Personality (taken for will saves)
Two Weapon Fighting
Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Oversized Two Weapon Fighting
Improved Critical: Slashing
Power Attack
Skill Focus: Intimidation (yep think I may have to swap this. But for what? My intim works ok atm on Elites)
Weapon Focus: Slashing
Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing
Weapon Specialization: Slashing
Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing
Two Handed Fighting (in case need to S&B the extra glance blow of BS might be useful)
Shield Deflection (only took it because there was nothing else plus I took a handful of stalwart tree enhancements to make using shield situationally worthwhile)
Originally I had Stunning Feat but got rid of it when I realised I needed to be a hammer user to make it remotely useful (I know recent update changed this). I swapped it out for Power Attack. I do not think I will ever get my Strength high enough (I am not a grind/twink gear kind of guy) to make my stuns land so not sure if it is worth revisiting.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
PS This is a pure build discussion (no splashes)