Hello all.

Im in the process of planning my next life, which will be a Cleric life - which will TR at L20

Im stuck on the way I wish to do it though - with so many variants of Cleric builds I just cannot decide which would be best.

The PLs I have would suggest pure caster build, but I had such a miserable time getting my caster FvS up to L12 the thought of a similar experience on a Cleric isnt appealling.

I want to be able to melee things down as well as having a great blade barrier.

Im fortunate that I have some good PLs to work with - 3xSorc, 2xWiz and 1xFvS but I lack the knowlege of how to create a build to best suit them to make the L1 - L11 less of a chore.

Is it possible to splash a level or two of melee to make the low levels quicker (and beat down mobs at higher levels if I run out of SP) whilst maintaining a reasonable caster spec?

Should I stay pure Cletic and use the Warpriest tree?

Any advice, ideas etc would be very welcome as Im a bit stuck on what to do at thr moment.

Many thanks