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Thread: VIP Perks

  1. #1
    Community Member Cableman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default VIP Perks

    It just seems like there isn't much advantage to being a VIP. I am a VIP, I own all the packs and mainly play my 3rd+ lifers so could easily go back to premium.

    I would like to make the following suggestions to improve VIP:

    • 5-10% discount at the DDO Store
    • 5-10% increased renown
    • 5-10% increase valorous commendations
    • permanent +1 stacking loot boost
    Bjriand The Great Stormsinger Bard Triple Heroic / Epic / Iconic / Racial Completionist working on Archetype lives...

  2. #2
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    I honestly feel that VIP benefits are reaching a good point. Bonus XP, auto Elite unlocks, weekly Gold roll, 500 free TPs a month, etc, . I'm not sure that they need too much else, but I've long felt that a 5% Store discount would be nice for those who chose VIP.

    The things you state as being reasons to not be VIP are rewards (3rd life difficulty unlocks), or choices you made before going VIP (owning the packs), so I don't see those as really incentives to add more to VIP. IMHO, if those things make VIP not worthwhile, then stop being one. You earned it - enjoy it.

    /not signed
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Cableman View Post
    5-10% increase valorous commendations
    I'd vote for a flat comm of valor bonus as follows:

    +1 valor for normal
    +2 valor for hard
    +3 valor for elite

    No scaling. Run any EH quest in the game and get an extra +2 valor if you're VIP. Something like that would be a nice perk.

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