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  1. #21
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rest View Post
    Everything that's happened to loot recently should never have happened. DON'T DO THAT and I am certain that you'll be well loved.
    yes, everything post MoTU was fail.

    I cannot stress this enough . . . out-dating stuff every update just needs to stop. All armors out-dated by GH stuff, Random Gen out-dating all named stuff after one update, needs to stop NOW.

    Nobody I run with cares about obtaining any specific items at this point because we all know you're gonna make it garbage next update.

    DDO wasn't like this until after MoTU. People still ran Titan and Reaver at level 20 because there was still stuff worth pursuing.

    Relevant loot keeps content relevant. This needs to be tatoo'd on the inside of your eyelids.
    Last edited by Teh_Troll; 11-15-2013 at 02:23 PM.

  2. #22
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Welcome to the forums, Doc.

    Just a passing thought before anything else... please don't be put off or offended if people seem to be blunt/rude/agro in terms of loot. It's a sensitive subject, and one that tends to raise passions and fan flames. It's not a personal attack, it's just venting from an enthusiastic player-base who have some frustrations. We like to talk to Devs - just sometimes our passions and frustrations get the better of us. Please try to see beyond what might seem to just anger to the root cause of that anger when this happens.

    Again, thanks for dropping in. I hope it's a regular, and mutually beneficial, experience. On to the questions at hand...

    - Aside from the diversity issue, what are the biggest problems with random loot, today?
    Items are now a huge pain to quickly identify on a rewards list. Okay, this sword is Flaming - but you don't know how powerful the fire damage is w/o examining the item. And it's this way for every effect on every item, making reward selection a major pain. It did not used to be this way - and it really should go back to how it was. The new way is an aggravating mess.

    - What weapon and equipment types do you feel are underserved in named and in random loot?
    I think that Seeker and Speed dropping like water nowadays has drastically undercut some formerly very valuable items. While I use both - I feel like I'm cheating, somehow. I don't think that newly implemented random loot should ever undercut named items or rare effects. It has diluted a lot of what makes that hard to get loot desireable and kills the urge to continue to farm for it.

    - I’d love to hear about some of the non-named loot your character’s are currently wearing.

    On what sort of character? Not being snarky, but it makes a huge difference on knowing how to answer. If you really would like to make further Polls for us to take - perhaps think about focusing in on Melee, Arcane, Divine, Bard, etc.

    Some general effects I use on most alts are: Retributive armors, HP boosting items, Healing Amp, Deathblock, Striding. After that, it gets more divisive depending on the class I play.

    Other random note: people really liked a lot of the loot prefixes and suffixes that vanished recently. Lacerating, Sun's Wrath, etc. They were only around for a short time, and nobody knows why they were removed, but I talk to people regularly who miss them. Please think about putting them back - it would please many. In fact, if you could champion repealing most of the changes to loot since MotU, people would sing your praises!

    Thanks again!
    Last edited by Memnir; 11-15-2013 at 02:28 PM. Reason: typo'd!
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  3. #23
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    I like the deadly bonuses, it helps martial / ranged compete with casters.

  4. #24
    Community Member oberon131313's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrOctothorpe View Post
    - What weapon and equipment types do you feel are underserved in named and in random loot?
    Heavy Picks. Currently someone wanting to use heavy picks in a viable way is limited to greensteel, alchemical, and Deathnip.
    Adumbrate, Sienn, Selket, Synaxis, Ognwe-, Halpin, Sivva, Bigstick, Jemus, Colichemarde
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga
    His pant muscles aren't as big as ours...

  5. #25
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrOctothorpe View Post
    Happy Friday, everyone. I’d like to introduce myself as a bit of a new dev face on the forums.
    First of, hello and welcome!

    what are the biggest problems with random loot, today?
    Very often the prefix and suffix is only +/- 1 enhancement level away.
    - e.g. Goggles +4 Intelligence of Search +7 is effectively less desirable then two separate items with +6 Intelligence and Search +13 due to the resulting min. level
    - bows and x-bows on the other hand could favour a lower enhancement bonus to allow higher suffix/prefix, as the enhancement bonus not stack with the ones of the bolts
    - quite some combinations are either totally useless or odd (+2 Maul of Vorpal)

    weapon and equipment types I feel are underserved in named and in random loot?
    - morningstars, picks?, kukris
    - outfit, mithral armor

    some of the non-named loot my character’s are currently wearing.
    (if I now could just look over into myDDO...)
    - Ogre Power +7 Bracers of Speed
    - Deadly Cloak of Accuracy
    - Clever +6 Goggles
    - Gloves of Disabling +13
    - +3 Night's Grasp Dagger of Deception
    - Charismatic +6 Cloak
    - Wise +4 Ring
    - Health +6 Belt
    - Charismatic +5 Ring
    - +3 Riptide Dwarven Axe
    - ...
    Last edited by SisAmethyst; 11-15-2013 at 02:19 PM.
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

  6. #26
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrOctothorpe View Post
    - Aside from the diversity issue, what are the biggest problems with random loot, today?
    - What weapon and equipment types do you feel are underserved in named and in random loot?
    - I’d love to hear about some of the non-named loot your character’s are currently wearing.

    (In the future, I’m planning some similar question sessions about named loot and named loot systems, BTW.)
    There are two big problems here:

    1) is that Random loot is getting more powerful than Named and Raid loot in general. While it should be useful, it should not be more powerful.
    2) Random effects on Named items are NOT WANTED by the Community. Random loot belongs to the random loot and Named items should have its own effects.

    - Trinkets. Also, a note about two effects: 1) Healing Amplification should belong to both Random loot, Named loot AND Augment system.
    2) we need more items that gives +Assassinate DC. Might be a good idea to put it in the Random loot AND then giving us a few named items/weapons so that we will not be forced to use Epic Midnight Greetings anymore.

    - +10 Health Belt of +45 HP
    - +10 Charismatic Cloak of Wizardry X
    - Deadly X of Resistance 9
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  7. #27
    Founder Rathic's Avatar
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    My biggest concern is updating all the named quest loot in the game to the new system(augments and W multipliers) currently a lot of low level loot has been updated and most high level loot was made in the new system, but mid level loot is still on the old, inferior system(madness chain, lords of dust chain, etc).

    Oh and please add upgrade tiers to the cormyrian dragonscale armors, they need a blue slot at least.
    Last edited by Rathic; 11-15-2013 at 02:24 PM.
    Formerly Rathic of harvestgain

  8. #28
    Founder TFPAQ's Avatar
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    Default Improved Bows ...

    Can I have a Slaver's Hand Crossbow in a Longbow flavor please ...

  9. #29


    The only non-spellpower lootgen I wear is no longer available: Convalescent bracers of Superior Parrying.

    Lootgen spellpower being clearly superior to all other options is bad.

    Cannith crafting desperately needs an overhaul.

    Updating shroud and lord of blades to allow ML24 and ML28 versions would spark a renaissance in DDO.

    Updating crystal cove and mabar gear for ML24 and ML28 would be appreciated by many. (Mabar has 24s at least, but since Shadowfell the +3 necro dc on the robe is underpowered. Maybe revisit that?)

    Guild augments should return to lootgen.

    And welcome to the forums!

  10. #30
    Community Member taurean430's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrOctothorpe View Post
    Happy Friday, everyone. I’d like to introduce myself as a bit of a new dev face on the forums. First, it’s about time I quit lurking, and second, I’m putting on an additional hat on the DDO team. What hat is that? In a word: loot. I’m here to listen to you and to keep my eyes on the big picture. Yes, that includes avoiding Ghostbane-situations.

    So in the name of listening rather than blathering on and on, I’d like to ask you all a few questions as a sort of pulse-check on the state of loot. Go on and fill up the thread – I’ll check back in after the weekend (and a bit today, as schedule permits), with head-nods, follow-up questions, and answers where necessary.

    - Aside from the diversity issue, what are the biggest problems with random loot, today?
    - What weapon and equipment types do you feel are underserved in named and in random loot?
    - I’d love to hear about some of the non-named loot your character’s are currently wearing.

    (In the future, I’m planning some similar question sessions about named loot and named loot systems, BTW.)
    This ought to get interesting.

    - Biggest problem with random loot is the fact that it renders named items that are harder to get useless in many cases. Also:

    1. Cannith Crafting is very useful up to and including lvl 18, then loses all power. It sorely needs to be updated.
    2. Running Eveningstar Challenges to gain mats (xp has been nerfed beyond recognition) with a low payout only to get random effects on your item you create is bad. Let us choose what we want.
    3. Situationally useful prefixes and suffixes have disappeared from the loot tables. Put them back please.
    4. Augment drop rates in newer content is too low.

    - Convalescent has disappeared. This is bad. There are also no heroic level equivalents really available. Melee builds need healing amp soruces at both heroic and epic levels.

    - Convalescent, Deadly, Resistance items. That's about it. Anything else is just for the stat increases that dwarf named items currently. The additional effects are largely ignored in favor of a +9-11 stat boost.
    Khyber: Evandus, Halfdeadd, Licoricewhip, Sawyn, Elkabongg, Brothanumsi, Soulbro, Cromix.
    And an army of gimp experiments!

  11. #31
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    We need more augments with more stuff on them, especially Healing needs to be on a yellow like yesterday.

    Have I mentioned random sucks?

  12. #32
    Community Member
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    Welcome to the Game!

    Hope we will get some nice and well thought loot now

    Well what is under geared. i would say to get People running your packs again ther would be nice if you upgrade the Challange gear in House C or introduce some new lvl 25+ gear. The bard should get some more look at. They dont have so much gear to have or different Slotes to get there things on.

    Like som already said we need some Gear again with some heal amp like we had befor all the big update.
    the rendom loot was mostly to powerful to be honest but thats maybe because the lvl is now at 28 and will be getting to 30
    so the next raid should have some very great gear to get. other wise people will not run it.
    we need some more returning shurikens. they mostly dont drop and if shurikens drop they are not returning stuff. With the new enhancments the throwing builds are very nice to have but the gear/ weapons you get sucks or are rendom things where you have to be lucky. the new star out of wheloon is also not so great a tripple positive shroud shuriken is still better then the star out of wheloon.

    break down:

    - heal amp on gear
    - better returning shurikens for throwing builds
    - reposte not only on weapons !


  13. #33
    The Hatchery Urist's Avatar
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    How about removing the tiered armour levels (magecraft, mountain, etc.), and instead tying the AC boost to the enchantment level of the armour/docent - as is now done with paragon/epic weapons?

  14. #34
    Community Member enochiancub's Avatar
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    I hope that you're able to introduce some things to please and delight those who focus on loot.

    Main: 18 Artificer, Thelanis

  15. #35
    Community Member Luxgolg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrOctothorpe View Post
    Happy Friday, everyone. I’d like to introduce myself as a bit of a new dev face on the forums. First, it’s about time I quit lurking, and second, I’m putting on an additional hat on the DDO team. What hat is that? In a word: loot. I’m here to listen to you and to keep my eyes on the big picture. Yes, that includes avoiding Ghostbane-situations.

    So in the name of listening rather than blathering on and on, I’d like to ask you all a few questions as a sort of pulse-check on the state of loot. Go on and fill up the thread – I’ll check back in after the weekend (and a bit today, as schedule permits), with head-nods, follow-up questions, and answers where necessary.

    - Aside from the diversity issue, what are the biggest problems with random loot, today?
    - What weapon and equipment types do you feel are underserved in named and in random loot?
    - I’d love to hear about some of the non-named loot your character’s are currently wearing.

    (In the future, I’m planning some similar question sessions about named loot and named loot systems, BTW.)
    If it hasnt been said already, Raid/End Chain loot should be superior to ANY random lootgen at level. Give us a reason to run sagas apart from comms. See U13-U16 IMO for decent lootgen drops. U17 had some very powerful stuff that was great. U19 pre Mabar completely wrecked the whole thing. Epic level Greensteel I would think is due sometime also. That was a system worth grinding for. Cannith had great potential also. But then the direction changed to "easy"

  16. #36
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post







    We need more augments with more stuff on them, especially Healing needs to be on a yellow like yesterday.

    Have I mentioned random sucks?
    Augments are choices.
    Crafting is choices.
    Shroud loot is choices.

    Choices are good.

    The Troll has spoken!

  17. #37
    Community Member DrunkDwarves's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forums!

    As context for how I equip my characters, I play a lot of EE content and gear my toons accordingly. They can all either solo it outright or play very well with a team and all of them are self sufficient healing wise. Raiding isn't so much of a priority these days because I already have everything I need + a few random silly things so I can still be that one jerk dwarf everyone knows me to be (the torc on my fighter, pinion on my fvs, etc).

    Aside from the diversity issue, what are the biggest problems with random loot, today?

    Lack of healing/repair amp options and the time it takes to get winning combinations. For the Wheloon Prison and Stormhorn arcs I would prefer the named items to appear every third arc reward (or not appear at all) and have every other reward list have NOTHING but wondrous crafting items. They are waaaaaaay better than the named loot and no one cares about the epic normal named items anymore because the AH/SE is flooded with EH versions since so many people run it on that difficulty. Having randomly generated loot being better than named EE loot is your biggest problem right now.
    Also, please keep randomly generated properties OFF of named loot. Nothing sucks more than pulling the item you want for the 5th time only to throw it on the AH/SE because you can't use it and need to run X quest at least 20 more times.

    What weapon and equipment types do you feel are underserved in named and in random loot?

    I haven't seen a khopesh people were happy with in quite some time and there was also no new rune arm for artificers in the last expansion. I can't really remember there being any new options for true seeing either. Having TS as a rare augment would fix that, but I kinda doubt you'll go in that direction any time soon.

    I’d love to hear about some of the non-named loot your character’s are currently wearing.

    In whatever slots that it fits, I wear 10 strength/10 con (insert item) of 50 false life/10% dodge and a 10 deadly of 10 resistance/8 deadly of 8 resistance and a slot for all my melee and ranged toons. My wizard currently wears no randomly generated gear minus the named randomly generated stuff, and I'm only wearing those because I got super lucky and got both of the combinations I wanted on the first try (gave up on that stupid orb though).
    Member of Over Raided, level 100 Guild on Orien
    DPS: If it's not solving all your problems, you simply aren't using enough of it.

  18. #38
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    I just want to say Doctor Loot and this is very important please with the raid in update 21 err on the side of overpoweredness for the raid loot. It is really important that raid give very good loot. All the raiders in game or that have quit the game need something to strive for. We have not had anything to strive for in quite sometime. Start the new endgame with a real bang.

    More stunning, shattering, incorpreal, minor displacement, devotion, and convalescent effects in different locations.
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  19. #39
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    Welcome Lurker! :P

    My primary character is working on heroic/iconic completionist. Does the 1-20 grind.

    Will post gear fyi:

    lv1 - 4
    goggle: trapblast
    wrist: black widow bracers
    cloak: mirror cloak
    boot: secret door detection of feather falling w. medium guild slot
    belt: shield clickie x3; med (crafted) moderate fortification
    ranged weapon - acid burst of deception or acid burst of puncturing (repeaters)
    melee: muckbane (old)
    greatsword: Guardian's Dagger
    Trinket: pharlian pendant of time; crude bobble
    runearm: (if applicable) khyber's fury
    quiver of alacrity

    goggle: time sensing / flesh render
    wrist: Bracer's of Wind
    cloak: Mantle of the Worldshaper; Cloak of Flames
    docent: Upgraded Blademark Docent
    boot: secret door detection of feather falling w. medium guild slot
    belt: shield clickie x3; med (crafted) heavy fortification;
    gloves (if melee): Charged Gauntlets
    ranged weapon - acid burst of deception or acid burst of puncturing (repeaters w. red slot and mabar level drain ruby); Ghost Touch h.repeater of Gr. Undead Bane (MCI);
    melee: muckbane (old)
    greatsword: Acid Burst Blessed Silver Greatsword of Deception (handles just about everything ;p)
    Trinket: pale lavender and deep purple ioun stone; voice of the master; pendant of time
    runearm: (if applicable) khyber's fury; Hand of the Tombs (MCI)
    quiver of alacrity

    Level 9-12
    goggle: Con-Op Wis Spell Point Greensteel goggle
    head: MinII HP Fort Stoneskin Greensteel helm
    wrist: Bracer's of Wind
    cloak: Mantle of the Worldshaper; Cloak of Flames
    docent: Upgraded Blademark Docent or Giantcrafted Docent
    boot: secret door detection of feather falling w. medium guild slot
    belt: Belt of Thoughtful Remembrance (old then swap to new with deathblock)
    gloves (if melee): Gloves of the Falcon / Gloves of Gnollhide
    Weapon: MinII; Triple Positive; Ooze (All Greensteel); haste and displacement clickies;
    Trinket: pale lavender and deep purple ioun stone; voice of the master; pendant of time
    runearm: Recoyle; Hand of the Tombs (MCI)
    quiver of alacrity
    Ring: FF of Greater False Life (MCI)
    Ring: Ring of the Stalker
    Other clickies: Ring of Spell Storing; Royal Guard Mask; Ring of the Ancestors

    Level 12-TR
    goggle: Con-Op Wis Spell Point Greensteel goggle
    head: MinII HP Fort Stoneskin Greensteel helm
    wrist: Bracer's of Wind
    cloak: Jeweled Cloak (Elite: Deathblock and Master's Gift); Cloak of Flames
    docent: Black or Blue Dragonscale Docent
    boot: Boots of the Innocent w. stat or sonic diamond
    belt: Belt of Thoughtful Remembrance
    gloves (if melee): Gloves of the Falcon; Gloves of Gnollhide
    gloves: Gauntlets of Eternity; Vile Blasphemy; Titan's Grip
    Weapon: MinII; Triple Positive; Ooze (All Greensteel); haste and displacement clickies; Terror
    Trinket: pale lavender and deep purple ioun stone; voice of the master; pendant of time; Litany of the Dead; Xoriat Trinket
    runearm: Recoyle; Hand of the Tombs (MCI)
    quiver of alacrity
    Ring: FF of Greater False Life (MCI)
    Ring: Ring of the Stalker

    Some changes to fit build - but essentially that is it.

    Cannith Crafting needs to be updated / revamped / completed.
    Tier IV Greensteel (even to just add augment or ability to upgrade to use H.Comm's)
    Guild Slotted equipment - bring it back.
    Transition from heroic to epic is still rough for gear.
    Yes, more augments.

    Less BtC - at least until character storage grows.

    Would love to have a Dimension Door clickie - very rare (like royal guard mask) - ML7 ish no UMD - something people would kill themselves trying to get.

  20. #40
    Community Member avepepix's Avatar
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    A random item has to be that, random and not better than a named item.

    My highest character its a dwarf, its lvl 25, theres no named, dwarven axe at that lvl, im using a random with Legal, holy, desintegrate and stone prision. damage 19.25 if Im not mistake.

    The mayor problem I have with the random loot, its that its not random.
    With my dwarf defender. If I check the random loot option, the 90% of the loot are amors for not warriors, and if I didnt check the option, the 90% of the random loot its full plate armor...

    It seems that if I play with a warrior i only see armors... armors everywhere
    Playing with a wiz its a little diferent, still almost no weapons apear in the random loot, but i see docents (its a WF), bows, stafs, capes, full plate armors, and for some reason i see more dwarven axes with the wiz in random loot, that with the dwarf.

    The half-elf bard/barbarian, with checked class loot, dont have any class loot in the chest.
    What can a bard get in a random loot? it seems i almost see spells scrolls and some wands, and 1h weapons (shorswords and maces)

    Trying to get a named loot its a waste of time. Specially if its for a racial item. Docent and dwarven axes. Specially dwarven axes.
    You can get in any quest a item that its almost good or better than a named item.

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