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Let's assume 2 fragments = 1 commendation of valor. (2000 token fragments to TR, ~1000 valor to tr.) The challenge token issue solves itself if you leave the 5 epic parts per 1 fragment ratio intact.
Right now on live you get 1 token for 300 epic parts, meaning 6000 epic parts for a heroic heart. If, instead, you could only convert for fragments you'd need 10,000 epic parts to convert into 2000 fragments (5:1) for your heart. This is probably pretty close to the difficulty they'll settle into once they back off the deliberately ridiculous initial setting. The end result would be 10 epic parts for 1 valor.
A secondary problem has nothing to do with challenges, but is related: The valor system removes the ability to stack large quantities of "potential hearts." How many potential hearts can you put in a single unbound ingredients bag? 125 by my count. (2500 tokens in a large bag, 2500/20=125.) With the valor system we can only stack TWO heroic hearts' worth of valor in a single bag. That's far too limiting.