To Whom It May Concern:

I have been informed this evening that, per Lamannia notes, the ability to swap 20 Tokens of the Twelve for a True Druidic Heart of Wood will be going away. The new, post u20 cost of a True Druidic Heart of Wood will be 900 (nine hundred) Commendations of Valor.

These Commendations of (alleged) Valor are ONLY attainable by completing Epic Sagas, and collecting your Epic Saga reward. Further, the information I have suggests that the highest Saga reward will only grant 17 (seventeen) of these Commendations of Valor. Farming 900 might take a little bit.

So, anyone who is attempting to casually working through their TR lives attempting to reach completionist will now be required to 1) work through A LOT of epic content to farm Commendations of Valor, or 2) shell out $15 PER LIFE to continue their efforts.

TURBINE: What is your true goal with these changes? Are you trying to run off the pseudo casual player that enjoys the game and periodically spends money in the store? Or, are you just trying to fleece us, AGAIN? The way I see it, you are making TR work less grindy with the XP, however you are replacing the grind obstacle with a $$$ obstacle.

I really don't want it to be the case, but this feels like the last straw for me. If you continue to incorporate these money-grab agendas into EACH update, I'm not sure how much longer I will be playing. I draw a lot of enjoyment from my TRing efforts. I have an ultimate plan for Metalbone as a completionist, though I cannot burn to the end quickly as my playtime is limited. If you are going to incorporate this $15 gate, per life, you will be robbing me of one of the greatest joys that I experience while playing this game.

I TRULY hope that at least one of the influential folks on your team read this post, and reconsider the plan to remove the 20 Tokens of the Twelve swap for a True Druidic Heart. Some of the folks that I play with urged me to make my voice heard, despite my cynicism that Turbine really does not care what I, the player, have to say.

Frankly, I think that your plan to incorporate Commendations of Valor is probably the LEAST VALOROUS thing you could possibly do to the game. NOT brave. NOT valiant. This change would be most cowardly and underhanded. How poetic that you named these Commendations of Valor.

** I would STRONGLY RECOMMEND that anyone who had TR plans that extended past u20 do what they must to invest in as many Token of the Twelve purchased True Druidic Hearts of Wood ASAP. **