I usually do a yearly sub of my VIP. It's coming up in about a week.
This is not good timing for me to think about this.
I usually do a yearly sub of my VIP. It's coming up in about a week.
This is not good timing for me to think about this.
~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~~ Melianny ~ Melizzic ~ Melton ~ Meliambit ~ Mellant ~ Melimenace ~ Melangst ~
Before I started really playing DDO I had been struggling to decide if I should make this game or Star Trek Online my main MMO. I had ultimately picked DDO since it seemed like the game had far more replayability, plus stuff like TR meant I could slowly experience all of the game's content at each level range while slowly earning more benefits for that same character. I happily picked up the $35 MotU pack since I figured I'd be sticking around for the long haul, and a few days later this announcement hit and it turns out the primary way I had intended to play the game for awhile (TRing and trying out a few new adventure packs on the way back to 20, maybe even a new class or race) is being made far more difficult. It's kind of funny, on the same day this announcement hit the other game I had been weighing against DDO, STO, announced a system that allows characters with a maxed out reputation with various factions to allow your alts to gain double reputation with that same faction.
I can't "threaten" to cancel a subscription since I don't have one, I had been planning on just buying what I wanted through the store. But I can say that if this change goes through and earning a TR is made too much of a hassle, then I won't bother which means there's not much point in me spending money on that low level content. And if this is a sign of how the game is going to be handled (existing systems are gutted to make way for a new system, and in the process existing items are made much harder to earn) then I'm going to be wary of investing time or money into higher level content as well. Haven't reached a point where I can do any sagas on my character, but from reading about them on the wiki it seems like everyone's going to be herded into farming a only a few questlines. Part of what drew me here was that it seemed like there was a huge amount of content you could do, compared to other MMOs where you're stuck just repeating a few max level instances over and over again. Maybe I was wrong.
Hopefully Turbine pays attention to the feedback they've gotten, especially from players with far more experience with the game than I do, and won't make me regret spending the money I've already invested here (admittedly a small amount compared to most others playing), rather than in another game.
Last edited by Odlus; 10-19-2013 at 10:55 AM.
You mean like this?
But we all know Turbine's plan here. We've seen it time and time again with proposed changes over the years.
1. Announce horrible change.
2. "Listen" to player feedback.
3. Announce slightly less horrible change instead (which was their original plan all along, but now seems more palatable given the horrible alternative)
4. Players sing praises of how awesome Turbine is for not going with original horrible change.
Lets see if Turbine can earn my business back.
Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)
The numbers are only part of the problem - though certainly one that caused such active unrest. Here are other issues with the idea:
1) They are basically shutting down all epic quests except for the ones with sagas, if this goes through as is. Reason: They want to sell more copies of the xpack through this horrible system.
2) They are not "phasing out" the tokens, they are axing them overnight.
3) Anything more than 1-2 saga completions per heart will be an increase in the grind. It WILL be more than that even if they pretend to "listen".
4) Moving from BtA tokens to BtC tokens limits the players' options.
"People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. ... People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true." Terry Goodkind
I think that this is the point. At the moment TR'ing provides a mechanism to enjoy the content that they have purchased repeatedly without spending any money. Turbine would much rather you purchase new Free Realms content when it comes out than play the content you've already paid for.
By killing TR'ing they think that you will spend more money. Simple economics.
fixd. First that line of thinking presumes folks are premium, and not renting content access monthly. Second it presumes that of the subset of folks falling under the first category, the response of having prior purchases devalued dramatically will be to throw more cash at the folks that just devalued your prior purchase. Don't get me wrong though, I've little doubt someone derped out and had just that line of 'thinking' occur.
Where did you get the idea that I approve of the change?
The change is stupid and ridiculous, BUT it's not on the live servers yet, and the reactions are over the top.
Many good points have been made why it's a bad idea. The math speaks for itself. One of the reasons they let us preview changes on Lammania is for feedback. The devs will change it.
I'm just amazed at the pathetic TONE of the addicts on these boards.
I said this earlier, but if that is their game, it's very dangerous for the health of the company.
The game has already been bleeding players from the decisions made since MOTU.
The last time they tried "trolling players" with asinine changes to the game, it was the ED XP. Many people voiced their opinion of not liking it. And a chunk of those cancelled their VIP. Not everyone who cancelled their VIP re-subbed. That's money out of pocket. Additionally, there are still players that believe that the ED XP will happen. Neither one of those things are good things to have if you want a healthy company or game.
It would be beyond stupid to do EXACTLY the same thing here by "trolling players". We've seen here and elsewhere that people have cancelled their subs. I'm pretty sure if you see one cancelled sub screenshot, that means there's at least one other person who cancelled without a SS. And Turbine can't expect everyone who cancelled to restart their sub again.
One top of this, the last update (I mean paid "expansion") seemed to rub EVERYONE the wrong way. No one saw any value for what was added in the PAID portion of the last update. And many VIPs that didn't feel they were getting doubledipped with MOTU, definitely felt it this time. The value of the paid Shadowfell "expansion" is definitely not there.
Players, both VIP and premium are getting tired of the bad decisions made lately. Premiums can just voice their opinions and hold back money. VIPs can cancel their subs. The bean counters can count cancelled subs. And I'm sure they will realize that many will not be spending money in the game in the future.
On top of that, after all the bad feelings have happened, if this is resolved with a "we listened to the players", there will still be players that will only believe what was originally released as information. Proof is in people still talking about the ED XP wipe.
Are they just cancelling their subs but remaining f2p, leaving game altogether but still haunting the forums, or leaving the game and forums?
Main: 18 Artificer, Thelanis
What's the matter, bro - guilty conscience? I don't see your name in my statement.
But since you brought it up; the only thing Lam is for is to test the operation of their patches/content before the shift to live. Turbine almost NEVER bothers to listen to the hoi polloi. The most recent 5 / fail changes have driven that point home with a vengeance.
This is a dried up, has-been of a company, with washed-up, unimaginative employees in charge of our game. Hell, they're even resorting to fascist techniques and policies. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.