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  1. #1
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Default When people's response is screenshots of cancelled subscriptions . . .

    . . . maybe, just maybe your new idea is bad.

    Seriously, 170 sagas to earn the hearts needed for TR . . .

  2. #2
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    And here's mine. It was in another thread too but this might get more visibility with Ze_Troll starting it:


  3. #3
    Community Member Charononus's Avatar
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    Would post mine but I cancelled u19.

  4. #4
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    I've been playing for two months or so. My VIP runs out on the 17th of next month, I think. I don't think I'm going to renew it if I've gotta grind that hard to keep playing. Besides, Battlefield 4 isn't too far off.

    I still really like DDO, I just can't afford either the time or money for this new TR system.

  5. #5


    The fix is simple, if inelegant:

    Add the following conversions to the 12 altar:
    - 20 fragments of the twelve for 10 commendations of valor
    - 1 token of the twelve for 50 commendations of valor

    Done and done. If you then convert your 20 tokens of the twelve you end up with 1000 commendations of valor, meaning heroic TR remains largely unchanged for everyone and every playstyle. Epic TR then costs double this. Fine by me.

    Once this is implemented, the insanity of 17 comms of valor for an EH saga reward becomes clear, so multiply saga comm rewards by 10 and maybe that would do it. 170 comms for a saga reward means around how many per quest on average? 17? 20? Whatever the average works out to, mentally double that number to see what the equivalent reward is in token fragments. This sounds about right to me.

    Make it so and there will be peace and joy in the land.

    It is absolutely critical that tokens can be converted to comms of valor. (A separate conversion for fragments would be nice but not required.) Anything short of this is a real threat to the game's viability.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adelair View Post
    I've been playing for two months or so. My VIP runs out on the 17th of next month, I think. I don't think I'm going to renew it if I've gotta grind that hard to keep playing. Besides, Battlefield 4 isn't too far off.

    I still really like DDO, I just can't afford either the time or money for this new TR system.
    There you go Devs... Instead of just running of old time players who will end their subs, you now running off the new blood that you claim to be seeking. We can always count on Turbine shooting itself in the foot, no matter where they aim their gun.

  7. #7
    Community Member Satyriasys's Avatar
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    Those numbers are obviously placeholders. There is no way they would expect anyone to grind that many sagas.

  8. #8
    Community Member Charononus's Avatar
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  9. #9
    Community Member Charononus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satyriasys View Post
    Those numbers are obviously placeholders. There is no way they would expect anyone to grind that many sagas.
    You mean like the quest xp placeholders? The new collectable system number placeholders?

  10. #10
    Community Member Cauthey_No_CCInfo's Avatar
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    I'm not subscribed. But, this very will may be the last straw for me. I get a lot of enjoyment out of working my TR character.

  11. #11
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satyriasys View Post
    Those numbers are obviously placeholders. There is no way they would expect anyone to grind that many sagas.
    you haven't been playing for very long have you i think the problem is the devs are holding their abacus upside down.

  12. #12
    Community Member EnjoyTheJourney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    The fix is simple, if inelegant:

    Add the following conversions to the 12 altar:
    - 20 fragments of the twelve for 10 commendations of valor
    - 1 token of the twelve for 50 commendations of valor

    Done and done. If you then convert your 20 tokens of the twelve you end up with 1000 commendations of valor, meaning heroic TR remains largely unchanged for everyone and every playstyle. Epic TR then costs double this. Fine by me.

    Once this is implemented, the insanity of 17 comms of valor for an EH saga reward becomes clear, so multiply saga comm rewards by 10 and maybe that would do it. 170 comms for a saga reward means around how many per quest on average? 17? 20? Whatever the average works out to, mentally double that number to see what the equivalent reward is in token fragments. This sounds about right to me.

    Make it so and there will be peace and joy in the land.

    It is absolutely critical that tokens can be converted to comms of valor. (A separate conversion for fragments would be nice but not required.) Anything short of this is a real threat to the game's viability.
    This is an excellent idea.

    This prevents older content from being rendered obsolescent, for premiums who bought packs that provide access to "Twelve" tokens, it keeps more options open to players so they are less likely to get bored with the grind ahead of TRing, and it allows the new and apparently already-developed, already-approved system to be put in place.

    I also agree that the viability of the game is in question here, as vets will probably leave in droves if heroic TRs (in particular) are made materially more painful for players to carry out, going forward.

  13. #13
    Community Member Systern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    The fix is simple, if inelegant:

    Add the following conversions to the 12 altar:
    - 20 fragments of the twelve for 10 commendations of valor
    - 1 token of the twelve for 50 commendations of valor

    Done and done. If you then convert your 20 tokens of the twelve you end up with 1000 commendations of valor, meaning heroic TR remains largely unchanged for everyone and every playstyle. Epic TR then costs double this. Fine by me.

    Once this is implemented, the insanity of 17 comms of valor for an EH saga reward becomes clear, so multiply saga comm rewards by 10 and maybe that would do it. 170 comms for a saga reward means around how many per quest on average? 17? 20? Whatever the average works out to, mentally double that number to see what the equivalent reward is in token fragments. This sounds about right to me.

    Make it so and there will be peace and joy in the land.

    It is absolutely critical that tokens can be converted to comms of valor. (A separate conversion for fragments would be nice but not required.) Anything short of this is a real threat to the game's viability.
    Quote Originally Posted by EnjoyTheJourney View Post
    This is an excellent idea.

    This prevents older content from being rendered obsolescent, for premiums who bought packs that provide access to "Twelve" tokens, it keeps more options open to players so they are less likely to get bored with the grind ahead of TRing, and it allows the new and apparently already-developed, already-approved system to be put in place.

    I also agree that the viability of the game is in question here, as vets will probably leave in droves if heroic TRs (in particular) are made materially more painful for players to carry out, going forward.
    No offense or nothing, but offering conversion is dumb. If you insist on offering a conversion of currency, maybe you should just stick with the one currency in the first place.

    But people have hoards of Epic Dungeon Tokens of the Twelve! And some people duped them! Fine, jack the price up FOR A TIME and bleed out the excess currency from the economy.

    You had gold, and that became hyper inflated so you switch the denomination to plat, which is hyper inflated, so there's Dungeon Tokens that never had enough uses to not become hyper inflated, And Shards, and Signets, and Commendations... enough!!!

    The players have been complaining about 2 things for years: Not enough storage space, and too many **** collectibles.

    Turbine slowed down on making new collectibles for the most part, but now introduce a new currency each update. It's pathetic, and a band-aid to the root problem. This game does not have a viable way to bleed currency out of the economy. We all hated renown decay, and there was really no point for it. But bank fees (maintaining your account, in plat), reinstating higher repair bills for deaths, "Early Adopter Taxes" on new upgradables (You wanna be the first kid on the block with Flawless Purple Dragonscale! That'll be 40 tokens per upgrade. This cost will drop at Patch 1, and again at Patch 2...)

    Just introducing a new currency that we'll hoard because we don't have enough means to get rid of it until Turbine introduces a new currency is a merry-go-round. And the worst part, is that WE HAVE TO STORE THIS NEW CURRENCY exacerbating our other complaint.

  14. #14
    Community Member HernandoCortez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    The fix is simple, if inelegant:

    Add the following conversions to the 12 altar:
    - 20 fragments of the twelve for 10 commendations of valor
    - 1 token of the twelve for 50 commendations of valor

    Done and done. If you then convert your 20 tokens of the twelve you end up with 1000 commendations of valor, meaning heroic TR remains largely unchanged for everyone and every playstyle. Epic TR then costs double this. Fine by me.

    Once this is implemented, the insanity of 17 comms of valor for an EH saga reward becomes clear, so multiply saga comm rewards by 10 and maybe that would do it. 170 comms for a saga reward means around how many per quest on average? 17? 20? Whatever the average works out to, mentally double that number to see what the equivalent reward is in token fragments. This sounds about right to me.

    Make it so and there will be peace and joy in the land.

    It is absolutely critical that tokens can be converted to comms of valor. (A separate conversion for fragments would be nice but not required.) Anything short of this is a real threat to the game's viability.

    Don't screw DDO again, Turbine.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by HernandoCortez View Post
    Don't screw DDO again, Turbine.
    They make stupid ugly babies.

  16. #16
    Community Member Satyriasys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qhualor View Post
    you haven't been playing for very long have you i think the problem is the devs are holding their abacus upside down.
    Epic Heart of Wood - 2000 Commendations
    17 Commendations per Ehard Saga

    Cmon do you really think they would go live with this? If they did nobody would ever TR.
    Everyone needs a little patience these numbers have been posted one day and the TR system is not even on Lammania yet.

  17. #17
    Community Member TDarkchylde's Avatar
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    I cancelled both my subscriptions a long time ago on account of being broke. I was considering restarting one subscription so it'd be easier to dualbox the TR train.

    Was. Not now, though, not if the Coming Attractions indeed make it to live as they are. Probably not ever.
    .: Sarlona - High Lords of Malkier : Reaper Life 1, 2 , 3, and 4 alumnus : My Twitch : Trans and Proud : (she/they please) :.
    .: Inamorata (Goddess of Sticks) / Signalmixer (Vorpal Queen) / Darkchylde-1 (Fiend Voodulock) / Groundloop : Plus so many others! :.

  18. #18
    Community Member DirtySheepdip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satyriasys View Post
    Epic Heart of Wood - 2000 Commendations
    17 Commendations per Ehard Saga

    Cmon do you really think they would go live with this? If they did nobody would ever TR.
    Everyone needs a little patience these numbers have been posted one day and the TR system is not even on Lammania yet.
    i would hope this is true. because it really is ridiculous...

  19. #19
    Hero nibel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    The fix is simple, if inelegant:

    Add the following conversions to the 12 altar:
    - 20 fragments of the twelve for 10 commendations of valor
    - 1 token of the twelve for 50 commendations of valor

    Done and done. If you then convert your 20 tokens of the twelve you end up with 1000 commendations of valor, meaning heroic TR remains largely unchanged for everyone and every playstyle. Epic TR then costs double this. Fine by me.
    There is another even simpler fix. Make fragments of the twelve drop in the end chest of FR/eGH quests. Keep the heart on the twelve (or with the new Reincarnation NPC). No need to create another BtC currency.

    Seriously, BtC collectibles of general use just encourage people to play only one character. I remember some years ago where everyone had a dozen characters ready for endgame. Some first lifers that couldn't handle elite ToD, but still good enough to hold their own on usual raid pugging.
    Amossa d'Cannith, Sarlona, casually trying Completionist (12/14) [<o>]
    Almost-never-played-alts: Arquera - Chapolin - Fabber - Herweg - Mecanico - Tenma

    I want DDO to be a better game. Those are my personal suggestions on: Ammunition, Archmage, Combat Stances, Deities, Dispel Magic, Epic Destiny Map, Fast Healing, Favor, Favored Enemy, Half-elf Enhancements, Monk Kensai, Monk Stances, Past Life, Potency, Potions, Ranger Spells, Summons, Tiered Loot.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satyriasys View Post
    Epic Heart of Wood - 2000 Commendations
    17 Commendations per Ehard Saga

    Cmon do you really think they would go live with this? If they did nobody would ever TR.
    Everyone needs a little patience these numbers have been posted one day and the TR system is not even on Lammania yet.
    I had similar thoughts that an Expansion would not go live as is if it had horrible XP, poor named loot (especially the armor), no raid and basically consisted of nothing more than two poorly designed packs merged together with all the wow factor being the f2p content. Surely there would be some changes while on Lamannia. Then Shadowfell was released live. Just like previous releases, there was little to no change. Heck, probably even less change then usual to the PAID content portion of the expansion.

    Then there's also the whole Capstones will be as powerful or more powerful than Evasion or two levels of another class. And there was no changes to capstones.

    Input from players about bad XP on Lamannia has ALWAYS been ignored. The XP numbers on Lamannia end up being the live version every time. So, yes, I believe those are not placeholder numbers, since past experience has proven that such things will not change.

    And yes, the old system will be removed for the new system. This can be found in almost every update lately. We have to look no further than Spellcraft being introduced, instead of using something already in the game that is a cross class skill useful for any class, like Concentration. But we got Spellcraft because they put work into that design already. Just like the Tree Enhancement system structure didn't change since it was introduced. The work was already done to exclude a Class Tree, so all class stuff was shoved into Prestige Trees.

    I don't have faith in anything being changed here, since it's hit Lamannia. Once on Lamannia, there's only a chance at a Yellow light, not Red lights. And most times Yellow lights are ignored anyway by the Devs, so it ends up on Live with known bugs that may get fixed in the future.

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