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  1. #1
    Community Member Dagolar's Avatar
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    Default Ascendancy: Bolt of the Sun

    Not that this isn't nice and all, but it completely overshadows the existing capstone spells.
    In fact, comparing it to Silver Flame, it's even a direct upgrade!

    Lets compare:
    Searing Light (Maximum damage 5d4+20 (Vs Undead: Maximum damage 10d3+30))
    Sun Bolt (Maximum damage 15d4+60 (or 7.5d4 + 30 on a succesful save for half- so even on a save, it's better [except against undead]. Note that it also hits multiple targets.))

    All I can see to balance it is a lengthy cooldown, and those are awful for gameplay, with spells you intend to utilize often.

    Heck, it's bad enough half the existing capstone abilities- and most of the Archmage SLAs- aren't exactly thrilling.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xeraphim View Post
    Fly? That would break every quest in the game. You would see folks falling from the sky in Korthos and dying. It would be a rain of newbs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dandonk View Post
    Yeah. It's not "we nuked the city from orbit", it's "the city experienced a brief population drop". Check.

  2. #2
    Community Member Charononus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dagolar View Post
    Not that this isn't nice and all, but it completely overshadows the existing capstone spells.
    In fact, comparing it to Silver Flame, it's even a direct upgrade!

    Lets compare:
    Searing Light (Maximum damage 5d4+20 (Vs Undead: Maximum damage 10d3+30))
    Sun Bolt (Maximum damage 15d4+60 (or 7.5d4 + 30 on a succesful save for half- so even on a save, it's better [except against undead]. Note that it also hits multiple targets.))

    All I can see to balance it is a lengthy cooldown, and those are awful for gameplay, with spells you intend to utilize often.

    Heck, it's bad enough half the existing capstone abilities- and most of the Archmage SLAs- aren't exactly thrilling.
    That's not the problem the problem is how do you build a 20 level fvs with 1 cleric level. If they're going to not require at least 1 of the base level for iconic tr they need to spell it out.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dagolar View Post
    Not that this isn't nice and all, but it completely overshadows the existing capstone spells.
    In fact, comparing it to Silver Flame, it's even a direct upgrade!

    Lets compare:
    Searing Light (Maximum damage 5d4+20 (Vs Undead: Maximum damage 10d3+30))
    Sun Bolt (Maximum damage 15d4+60 (or 7.5d4 + 30 on a succesful save for half- so even on a save, it's better [except against undead]. Note that it also hits multiple targets.))

    All I can see to balance it is a lengthy cooldown, and those are awful for gameplay, with spells you intend to utilize often.

    Heck, it's bad enough half the existing capstone abilities- and most of the Archmage SLAs- aren't exactly thrilling.

    searing light is 1d4+4 light/2 level max of 20 or 1d3+3/level to undead (searing = 50-80 to normal mobs, 80-120 to undead)
    Sunbolt is 1d4+4/level max of 15 (sunbolt is 75-120 to everything), sunbolt has a reflex save (so basically 1/2 in content that its needed so 37-60), so... searing light is slightly better. although someone said sun bolt was a line spell thus hits all in a row, never used it so dont know if thats true.

  4. #4
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Isn't one an SLA, and the other a full SP cost spell?
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
    ~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
    ~ Ascent~

  5. #5
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Pretty sure both are SLAs

    And, frankly, both are miles ahead of being able to cast Shield.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  6. #6
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    Pretty sure both are SLAs

    And, frankly, both are miles ahead of being able to cast Shield.
    Does happy dance.
    Does happy dance again.

    Swinging an ESOS with +3 to hit, +2 damage, and access to the warpriest tree plus terrible SLA


    Swinging a EE Forgotten Light with +3 to hit, +2 damage, and access to the warpriest tree plus an Awesume SLA if you go pure

    Who knows?
    Some dieties give great SLAs and poor weapons and vice versa.

    I guess all we can do is pray?
    Especially battle clerics?
    Purchasable feat for second favored weapon?

    Next time you are sitting around waiting for a healer to join your raid, ponder what the AoV capstones should be.
    Throw the healer a bone and maybe, just maybe they will log in...

  7. #7
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    Pretty sure both are SLAs

    And, frankly, both are miles ahead of being able to cast Shield.
    Nope, Sunbolt is an actual spell, with full SP cost.

    I have the Searing Light SLA on my Cleric, and I use that way more often than I use Sunbolt. I have Sunbolt memmed, but the other one barely costs anything so I only use Sunbolt when I don't need to conserve SP.
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
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  8. #8
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Quote Originally Posted by phalaeo View Post
    Nope, Sunbolt is an actual spell, with full SP cost.

    I have the Searing Light SLA on my Cleric, and I use that way more often than I use Sunbolt. I have Sunbolt memmed, but the other one barely costs anything so I only use Sunbolt when I don't need to conserve SP.
    I believe we are talking about pure favored souls with tier 5 in angel of vengeance.

    You are correct a cleric would gain searing light as a SLA in divine disciple yet sunbolt as a spell.

  9. #9
    Community Member phalaeo2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    I believe we are talking about pure favored souls with tier 5 in angel of vengeance.
    Yep, I know.
    Pallai, Saraphima, Chennai
    Ascent, Argo
    No fancy formatting for you!

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