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  1. #601
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom.JonesJr View Post
    I like this. I might have to borrow it. I was just thinking I had to come up with something after going through all the Feats and adding Aasimar and Aasimar Scourge that are set to race.
    Not sure if your aware of how I do this in my planner. I have a "Requirements" object that every feat or enhancement can have. If its not there, its allowed. Within the Requirements object you can have any number of "Requirement" sub objects and/or an "RequiresOneOf" or "RequiresNoneOf" objects (Both of these are optional). RequiresOneOf or RequiresNoneOf also contain a list of "Requirement" objects.

    So an example would be (From the Feat Adamantine Body):
                      <Feat>Druidic Oath</Feat>
    As you can see, I only have to define the information that either includes or excludes the feat specifically.
    The "Requirement" object can specify things like class, levels, total level, feats, enhancements, alignment, BAB, Skill (and amount), Ability and amount, Race etc so just about any required Requirement can be defined.

    Such a structure lets you only define whats needed and it is pretty easy to understand from an editors point of view.
    Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
    Maetrim's DDO Character Planner:

  2. #602


    We have some thing similar for other requirements. As in NEEDSALL and NEEDSONE, but we also have a separate CLASSLIST and RACELIST. The current issue is that when a new race or class is added all feats with a CLASSLIST or RACELIST must be edited. What EliseD has done is included all RACES or all CLASS by default and then exclude those with the Not. Or if there is a list only those listed. Reducing the number of edits. With the way the current code is written this will more then likely be the method I will move to. The current scheme is pretty well set in stone at this time without a total write of the program. When it comes time to do that we will move to V5 that has already been started and uses databases instead of text files. V5 currently has a built-in data entry. I will have to look long and hard at it when the time comes before we get to far into it.

    Thank you for you insight.
    Last edited by Tom.JonesJr; 10-30-2017 at 03:06 PM.
    Main Characters Adarshae, Adenasenka, Nimithar Pyri and of Argonnessen
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  3. #603

    Default New update

    I have taken a little bit of time and recoded a couple of sections of code that may have been giving the false positives. My current scans of the program come up clean. Get the latest release at Github (latest release)
    Main Characters Adarshae, Adenasenka, Nimithar Pyri and of Argonnessen
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  4. #604


    Quote Originally Posted by Ordinary View Post
    As you can see, I only have to define the information that either includes or excludes the feat specifically.
    The "Requirement" object can specify things like class, levels, total level, feats, enhancements, alignment, BAB, Skill (and amount), Ability and amount, Race etc so just about any required Requirement can be defined.

    Such a structure lets you only define whats needed and it is pretty easy to understand from an editors point of view.
    The scheme I posted also allows deity feats to be self-maintaining.

    With your structure, Construct Essence and Adamantine Body maintain themselves, but you had to manually add Aasimar and Aasimar Scourge to your deity feats in the feats file, right? It's the deity feats that motivated me to change how I deal with race reqs because I just hate dealing with deity feats. (Possibly irrational.)

    How does the display for, say, Follower of the Silver Flame appear in terms of race requirements? Compare to:

    Follower of the Silver Flame
    Race Restricted:
    - Not Iconic

    EDIT: While I have all three of us here, we need to be sure to take advantage of next week's lamannia to figure out exactly what the FVS Damage Reduction feats (the level 20 capstone deity feats) are for the newer deities. Unless you already know what goes with what, in which case, share plz!

    We need to fill in all the "TBDs" in the right-most column on this page.

  5. #605
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    The scheme I posted also allows deity feats to be self-maintaining.

    With your structure, Construct Essence and Adamantine Body maintain themselves, but you had to manually add Aasimar and Aasimar Scourge to your deity feats in the feats file, right? It's the deity feats that motivated me to change how I deal with race reqs because I just hate dealing with deity feats. (Possibly irrational.)

    How does the display for, say, Follower of the Silver Flame appear in terms of race requirements? Compare to:

    Follower of the Silver Flame
    Race Restricted:
    - Not Iconic

    EDIT: While I have all three of us here, we need to be sure to take advantage of next week's lamannia to figure out exactly what the FVS Damage Reduction feats (the level 20 capstone deity feats) are for the newer deities. Unless you already know what goes with what, in which case, share plz!

    We need to fill in all the "TBDs" in the right-most column on this page.
    Yeah, mine deity feats need a few more entries than just "Not iconic", but if I wanted to, I could code a variant that covers that case. I have done similar for weapons, using weapon class "Melee "ranged", "OneHanded" etc.

    As for those Favored Soul feats, I need to know what they are also. I have mine setup but they don't actually give any DR yet. Plus I have not got round to modelling DR yet as it is so completely different to all the other breakdowns, as DR doesn't stack in any way, except for Barbarian DR and a couple of special racial DRs for warforged.
    Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
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  6. #606
    Community Member ThomasHunter's Avatar
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    Default Disappears

    I've tried installing the newest couple of versions onto my home computer and my work laptop (don't tell!). In both cases, weird things happen, primarily that the whole screen of the application just starts disappearing. Given that this happens on two VERY different types of computers (and given that I am definitely not hardware savvy at all), any thoughts on how to rectify?

    Many thanks!

  7. #607


    Quote Originally Posted by ThomasHunter View Post
    I've tried installing the newest couple of versions onto my home computer and my work laptop (don't tell!). In both cases, weird things happen, primarily that the whole screen of the application just starts disappearing. Given that this happens on two VERY different types of computers (and given that I am definitely not hardware savvy at all), any thoughts on how to rectify?

    Many thanks!
    By any chance are these machines both running windows 10?
    Main Characters Adarshae, Adenasenka, Nimithar Pyri and of Argonnessen
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  8. #608


    I was playing with the planner today on a Virtual PC running Windows 10 when all of the graphic disappeared. I believe this may be the problem some people have been reporting. I believe I know understand the issue. Finding the problem is a little harder. I believe it has to do with some graphics not being deleted when screens close or the screen refresh reproducing graphic increasing the memory causing a memory overload. I will be looking at it trying to resolve the issues. Till then keep the bug reports coming in any additional information can help to pin point this down. If you can repeat the problem multiple time that with the same events that is always a big help.
    Main Characters Adarshae, Adenasenka, Nimithar Pyri and of Argonnessen
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  9. #609
    Community Member ThomasHunter's Avatar
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    My home gaming desktop is a Win7 machine, but my work laptop is indeed a Win10 machine. Let me know if there is any additional info you might need.

    BTW, thanks for keeping up with this - it's really awesome! I commend you and EllisDee for working together which is really neat!

  10. #610


    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    EDIT: While I have all three of us here, we need to be sure to take advantage of next week's lamannia to figure out exactly what the FVS Damage Reduction feats (the level 20 capstone deity feats) are for the newer deities. Unless you already know what goes with what, in which case, share plz!

    We need to fill in all the "TBDs" in the right-most column on this page.
    So I did the first one just now, and it's extremely tedious to level all the way to 20.

    I chose Onatar first, figuring it's a pretty popular deity. The level 20 DR choice for Onatar is...nothing. I got no feat selection screen when I took level 20. I backed out of it and retried several times to verify.

    My now-level-20 pure favored soul of Onatar has the following listed under Deity Feats:
    - Beloved of Onatar
    - Child of Onatar
    - Follower of Onatar
    - Onatar's Forge

    His main character screen shows no entry in the DR section at all. Scrolling through feats with "Show Unavailable" checked shows deity feats for other deities, but none of them include a DR feat.

    I happen to have a level 16 warforged pure favored soul on live, so I copied him over to see if he gets to choose something at level 20, and he does indeed. He gets to choose "Damage Reduction: Adamantine", which I choose and it works fine. In the feats list it's its own entry, like a normal trainable feat. It's not grouped with deity feats. And if I choose "Show Unavailable" there are no other choices that show up greyed out. So there's no way to get a list of options without manually rolling up a pure 20 FVS.

    I guess the devs forgot to add DR feats for the new deities? I checked one, you guys each check one, and if all three give no choices I vote we just assume that none of them have DR feats. It's super tedious...

  11. #611


    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    So I did the first one just now, and it's extremely tedious to level all the way to 20.

    I chose Onatar first, figuring it's a pretty popular deity. The level 20 DR choice for Onatar is...nothing. I got no feat selection screen when I took level 20. I backed out of it and retried several times to verify.

    My now-level-20 pure favored soul of Onatar has the following listed under Deity Feats:
    - Beloved of Onatar
    - Child of Onatar
    - Follower of Onatar
    - Onatar's Forge

    His main character screen shows no entry in the DR section at all. Scrolling through feats with "Show Unavailable" checked shows deity feats for other deities, but none of them include a DR feat.

    I happen to have a level 16 warforged pure favored soul on live, so I copied him over to see if he gets to choose something at level 20, and he does indeed. He gets to choose "Damage Reduction: Adamantine", which I choose and it works fine. In the feats list it's its own entry, like a normal trainable feat. It's not grouped with deity feats. And if I choose "Show Unavailable" there are no other choices that show up greyed out. So there's no way to get a list of options without manually rolling up a pure 20 FVS.

    I guess the devs forgot to add DR feats for the new deities? I checked one, you guys each check one, and if all three give no choices I vote we just assume that none of them have DR feats. It's super tedious...
    I tested Blood of Vol no DR shows. Have you asked any of the Developers if a DR was granted to the new Deities? We might want to try that route.
    Main Characters Adarshae, Adenasenka, Nimithar Pyri and of Argonnessen
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  12. #612
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom.JonesJr View Post
    I tested Blood of Vol no DR shows. Have you asked any of the Developers if a DR was granted to the new Deities? We might want to try that route.
    I will give one of these a go tomorrow evening. If you have done Vol and EllisDee has done Onatar I will pick one of the others.

    i currently have Lamannia updating on my PC atm. But its 2am, and I should be asleep.

    One thing I have never figured out in Lamannia is how to get free xp to level a character. Any hints greatly received.

    OK, I took Aureon to level 20 as an Aasimar. No DR feat selectable at level 20.
    Last edited by Ordinary; 11-19-2017 at 09:45 PM.
    Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
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  13. #613

  14. #614
    Community Member Psiandron's Avatar
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    Running Version 4.36.302 on a Windows 7 machine and seem to be having an issue where the Sorcerer Water Savant tree has nothing on the page: no bubbles, no description, just a few arrows. All the other enhancement trees seem to be appearing normally.

    Thanks for your time,
    Quote Originally Posted by MalkavianX View Post
    and then dropped it like a burning kitten

  15. #615


    Quote Originally Posted by Psiandron View Post

    Running Version 4.36.302 on a Windows 7 machine and seem to be having an issue where the Sorcerer Water Savant tree has nothing on the page: no bubbles, no description, just a few arrows. All the other enhancement trees seem to be appearing normally.

    Thanks for your time,
    Sorry for the long delay in response I have been very busy. Do you remember what race you had selected?
    Main Characters Adarshae, Adenasenka, Nimithar Pyri and of Argonnessen
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  16. #616


    Quote Originally Posted by Tom.JonesJr View Post
    Sorry for the long delay in response I have been very busy. Do you remember what race you had selected?
    Never mind, I found the error. It was a stupid little thing I changed how the enhancement file was read and forgot to add [ENDOFTREE] to the end of file.
    Last edited by Tom.JonesJr; 12-07-2017 at 10:35 AM.
    Main Characters Adarshae, Adenasenka, Nimithar Pyri and of Argonnessen
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  17. #617

    Default Update 4.37.101

    This update fixes some issues with the feat files, fixes some missing icons. Fixes an issue with Tier 5 lockout. Fixed error with Enhancements for Water Savant (Soc). We do still do have a known bug that is being hard to squash. If you load multiple files for editing the program does start to flake out. I have found this number to be around 6 or more openings. If you are planning on opening multiple files for editing you may wish to close the program after 5 files and start over. I will not stop trying to fix the issue, but I have not been able to find the cause as of this time.

    As usual you can find the update on Github

    If you have any bug reports please leave them here or on Github and we will try to get to them as fast as we can.
    Main Characters Adarshae, Adenasenka, Nimithar Pyri and of Argonnessen
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  18. #618
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    Default Crashing after a certain amount of time

    After using the program for about 2-3 minutes, it locks up and gives a generic windows crash report. I ran it as admin, still does that. Using win10 and the latest update (downloaded yesterday). No clue what's wrong. Doesn't seem to be related to what I'm selecting at the time.

    EDIT: Graphical errors are happening prior to this lockup now and on compatibility mode for win8 and win7 it still does it, sometimes within seconds. If I move the window around rapidly it goes all white and I can't use the program at all. Not that I doubt the program works for you all, but how are you getting this thing to cooperate?!

    EDIT2: When I try to load a file in when not in compatibility mode, it won't even display the folders, at all.

    EDIT3: Just tried on my mom's computer. Same issues. It isn't my hardware. Also, it made Windows Defender have an absolute FIT so I'm now starting to wonder if this program is legit or not!
    Last edited by Zanryn; 12-08-2017 at 11:54 AM. Reason: Additional information

  19. #619
    Community Member mrtreats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom.JonesJr View Post
    This update fixes some issues with the feat files, fixes some missing icons. Fixes an issue with Tier 5 lockout. Fixed error with Enhancements for Water Savant (Soc). We do still do have a known bug that is being hard to squash. If you load multiple files for editing the program does start to flake out. I have found this number to be around 6 or more openings. If you are planning on opening multiple files for editing you may wish to close the program after 5 files and start over. I will not stop trying to fix the issue, but I have not been able to find the cause as of this time.

    As usual you can find the update on Github

    If you have any bug reports please leave them here or on Github and we will try to get to them as fast as we can.
    Not sure about others but when I download the new version its flagged as a virus and when I turn protection off it will open but I can load any files or anything its very broken for me and I tried on a few PCs
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  20. #620
    Community Member mrtreats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zanryn View Post
    After using the program for about 2-3 minutes, it locks up and gives a generic windows crash report. I ran it as admin, still does that. Using win10 and the latest update (downloaded yesterday). No clue what's wrong. Doesn't seem to be related to what I'm selecting at the time.

    EDIT: Graphical errors are happening prior to this lockup now and on compatibility mode for win8 and win7 it still does it, sometimes within seconds. If I move the window around rapidly it goes all white and I can't use the program at all. Not that I doubt the program works for you all, but how are you getting this thing to cooperate?!

    EDIT2: When I try to load a file in when not in compatibility mode, it won't even display the folders, at all.

    EDIT3: Just tried on my mom's computer. Same issues. It isn't my hardware. Also, it made Windows Defender have an absolute FIT so I'm now starting to wonder if this program is legit or not!
    I have the same problems as you I think the new version is bad the one b4 it works fine for me
    Server: Fernia Guild: Southern Tenant Farmers Union
    MrTreats:lv20 Fighter Huma Macleod:lvl20Pali WF Octavius:lvl20 Rgr Drow Ramrez:lvl20 Clr Halfling Faygo:lvl20 Rog Drow Ampata:lvl20 Wiz Drow Bach:lvl17 Bard Drow Odafin:lvl5 Life 10 Seeley:lvl1 Barb 1/2 Orc

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