I'm thinking about TR'ing into a PDK fighter and I'm thinking of trying this build. I've never played a fighter before and I just was wondering if there are any recommendations people would have for adapting this. My goal would be to get back to 28 through questing on EH, not worried about EE content. I don't have any melee weapons stashed, was thinking of running a greatsword assuming I can find a decent one. Here's some things I'm still trying to figure out:
Assuming I go 12FTR/7CLR/1, what should that 1 be? Would it be more worthwhile to just stick to the 12/8 split?
For the PDK tree, what should I consider picking up? Obviously the healing amp, but what about Action surge STR and maybe even CHA for damage? Assuming I go through Final Stand to get For Cormyr, would it be worth putting ranks in intimidate? Is purple dragon focus worth the 3 AP's to get temp hit points on action boost usage?
Other suggestions?