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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default do you really need UMD?

    New to the game and have always loved wizards. I've got a 7/1 Wiz/Rogue at the moment (going the route of the 18/2 Pale Trapper) and just got enough Favor to unlock the Drow. I've been wanting to do a pure Wiz and I've read that Drow is the way to go(INT!). I've found several thoughts on the build etc in the forums, my question has to do with UMD. Most builds say you'll need UMD for self healing purposes. I'm wondering if you could do with out it and use hirelings for healing. I'm not looking to power through to endgame, I'm just looking to explore the game in all of it's corners and have fun.

  2. #2
    Community Member Soulfurnace's Avatar
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    As a wizard, you can go palemaster - that's the entire point of a Pale Trapper.

    Pale master forms make you undead, thus meaning you can't be healed by a cleric (unless it has harm), but allowing you to self heal with negative energy aura and negative energy burst.

  3. #3
    Community Member AsburyParker's Avatar
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    If you go palemaster and are in undead form, you shouldn't need umd for healing.

  4. #4
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    sorry I wasn't clear, my first character was a Pale Trapper, with th Drow character, I'm thinking of going the Archmage route.

  5. #5
    Community Member Soulfurnace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somecallmetim View Post
    sorry I wasn't clear, my first character was a Pale Trapper, with th Drow character, I'm thinking of going the Archmage route.
    People like me will get UMD to self heal, yes. We don't like hirelings (burn them all) and waiting on a healer is boring..

    For someone happy to use hires, meh. Feel free to drop UMD, just ask before you use a hireling in a group. Some leaders hate it.

  6. #6
    Community Member kned225's Avatar
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    I suspect you're following pre u19 builds. With the new system theres no reason to "go archmage route" or "go palemaster route" (other than flavor)

    I suspect you'll wanna dig deeply into both trees and u might as well grab an undead form and try the self-healing. Even if u only use it in pugs/raids or when the stupid hire dies, its a handy tool to have

  7. #7
    Community Member Lord-Of-The-Games's Avatar
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    Like they all said if you are a Palemaster then you don't need umd

  8. #8
    The Hatchery zwiebelring's Avatar
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    For sealf healing as a PM? No.

    For utility? Yes. Always. Once I implemented UMD into my builds I never wanted to miss it again. Be it for the raise scroll in specific situations or a timed scroll heal. As a caster it is not mandatory. But once you used it and maybe skipped it for another toon/life you will notice the power of that skill.

    All about available skill points, though. Wizards and rogues have enough, usually.
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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by somecallmetim View Post
    I'm thinking of going the Archmage route.
    They are no longer mutually exclusive, and I don't even think you can spend all your points in the archmage tree so you'll have to pick something from the pale master tree anyway.

    If you want to use undead forms you don't need umd at all. If you want to be fleshie you'll need lots of umd.

  10. #10
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Do you need UMD on a Pale Master (or other self-sufficient build)? No.

    Is it still helpful? Most definitely! If nothing else, no one in the party will complain if you can use Raise Dead & Heal scrolls.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  11. #11
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    I shoot for Raise Dead on anyone I can.

    On non-arcanes I find I use a lot of Fire Shield, Teleport, Stone Skin, Invisibility (plus healing) as well. Less demand, but Raise is pretty hot.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by somecallmetim View Post
    sorry I wasn't clear, my first character was a Pale Trapper, with th Drow character, I'm thinking of going the Archmage route.
    I use UMD on my WF AM primarily for Raise Dead and Restoration scrolls.

  13. #13
    Forum Turtle
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    There are a few benefits to umd other than just heal scrolls/raise dead scrolls. YOu can also access a lot of buffs from the oher caster types in scrolls and wands you'd otherwise have to go without. It's not a critical issue by any means, but it can make life easier.
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  14. #14
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    Default The signifigance to UMD (Why not be Hero?)

    I never gave it much thought in the beginning, but one day my guild leader asked me to raise him and the others in the party with a scroll when I was the only one left alive. I was a bit embarrassed to say that I did I not have any raise dead scrolls, and wouldn't be able to use them if I did. Now my level 23 Rogue can raise dead like a cleric and use weapons and items she normally couldn't. There is a lot to be said about the versatility of a character, and your ability to help the other members of your party when you're the only one left alive. After all, aren't we supposed to be playing a game where you get to be a Heroic Adventurer? There's nothing more heroic than saving the day for the 5 other people (or 11 others on raids) playing with you when they think they're done for! Does this mean that UMD is absolutely necessary to play the game? No, I did without it through 21 levels. It's up to you to decide how you want to play the hero if you're interested. My Barbarian will probably never have enough UMD to raise dead or self heal from a wand. I'll have to make some decisions on how he will play the hero.

    In the end it all comes down to a series of choices, for the best or for the worst. I notice a lot of people give specific advice on this subject and others equally significant, which I personally do not find helpful in some cases. If the question is "Do you really need UMD"? the answers will be varied, due to the personal experiences of those who respond. The question should be "Do I really need UMD?" And the answer is much simpler. Find out for yourself what UMD, or any other such choices, will do for your game. The old adage applies "There's only one way to find out."

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by pillpopper707 View Post
    The old adage applies "There's only one way to find out."
    Thanks for the reply, I was guessing this was the rub, though I thought I'd ask to see the current prevailing wisdom.

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