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  1. #1
    Community Member Jeremiah179's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Spells Working as Intended? Please Advise.

    My FvS is mostly melee based... I get that most mobs will evade for half...maybe

    Blade Barrier - a Reflex save reduces this damage by half.

    Comet Fall - A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. The force of this comet can knock some creatures prone. Another successful Reflex save negates the knockdown portion.

    So I am a bad caster, yes I get it.

    My issue and question is this... why do several of the new expansion mobs evade ALL damage to these spells completely...

    And also they evade my 225 + Maximize + Empower Fire Power - Energy Burst as well... taking zero damage... especially the evasion style mobs of course...which there are a lot!

    Is this working as intended? If so, what do I need to do to fix it?

    I am not looking for the answer, 3 Wiz, 3 Sorc, 3 FvS past lives and reroll with max wisdom... I am only trying to do "some" damage as a flavor ability in my healer/melee FvS build.

    The answer could be I need wisdom or spell pen or whatever, but you should not need several past lives just to land a no-save evocation spell on EH quest mobs? Or maybe you should? Just seems I am missing something simple...
    Jeremiiah - Isaiiah - Zephaniiah - Ghallanda - Old Timers Guild

  2. #2


    Well, first off there's a display bug that will erroneously show "Evade" over mobs heads. But more relevant may be:

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremiah179 View Post
    I get that most mobs will evade for half...maybe

    Blade Barrier - a Reflex save reduces this damage by half.

    Comet Fall - A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. The force of this comet can knock some creatures prone. Another successful Reflex save negates the knockdown portion.

    So I am a bad caster, yes I get it.

    My issue and question is this... why do several of the new expansion mobs evade ALL damage to these spells completely...
    Because that's what evasion is. If a mob (or player) with evasion successfully makes their reflex saving throw, instead of taking half damage they take no damage at all.

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