So, I'm in a TR thing right now. I slowed down for a bit and then took a real break a while back (3 updates?) Before I really stopped I had about a dozen characters sitting at cap. Several of them were first lifers, so I've started TRing them.

One that I haven't yet is my old-reliable wizard. For the longest time he was my go-to guy - even as a first lifer I had decent enough kit and was comfortable enough with him that I could solo farm **** for all my other toons easily. He was my "explore new content" default guy. His DCs are sub-par now, and the idea of doing the LR on him, then hunting new gear and capping at 28 kinda drains me.

There are tons of things I'd like to play around with - he's always been steady but he's been a first lifer since I started playing when F2P came out - the first toon I ever capped.

Now I'm not against trying out new things - and lord knows I've got plenty of character slots but I'd honestly rather not farm too much gear on new characters. Just looking considering it irritates me, so I'd rather use whatever junk he has.

So, thinking about trying out something new and fun and likely stupid. What I have is loads of old-school PM "tanky" gear - DQ bracers, Torcs (2 actually), etc. One +5 tome on him, rest 3s and 4s though I probably have +4s to even him out. He's got about half his ED's maxed, and honestly I wouldn't mind getting the rest on his next life instead of trying to save the stupid miller's family again.

The King Six-Feet Under the Mountain

Dwarf Fighter 2 / Wizard 18 or Wizard 20 ... CON-melee guy

Seriously. Wielding some combination of Deathnip(s) and Warhammers.

STR 14 probably to start
DEX - 14 + tome for TWF
CON 18
INT 14
CHA 10

CON would nominally be 18 + 2 dwarf + 7 levels + 2 boat + 10 from items (at least) + 2 rage + 4 lich + 2 PM + 4 tensers + 5 primal scream = 56

Talk me out of it before I TR this guy. I could drop DEX a bit and go Shield Mastery / THF instead of the TWF tree and swap between mauls and S&B. I have all of the shields up until U17 or so (including EE Skyvault + EE Bulwark - Bulwark is slotted w/ -ASF already). If I dropped DEX I could probably put in the STR for Overwhelming crit. This would give me the ability to bounce between a number of EDs (including Fury, LD) as well as Shiradi if I take the Evocation SLAs from AM (which I will).

Advantage to the 2 fighter levels is Haste Boost / extra Action boost + BAB 11 so I could fit in ITxF as a heroic feat.

Wizard feats would be Quicken, Maximize, Empower, Extend ... Enlarge if I go 20 wizard and not fighter.

Normal feats could be something like PA, TWF, ITWF, GTWF, Improved Crit, Spell Pen, Greater Spell Pen ... using the Spell Pen / Greater for things like OID, Power Word Stun/Kill, Energy Drain, blah blah blah

Fighter levels would give 2 more feats; unsure what to move around. Cleave / Great Cleave always options. Could rearrange and fit in Toughness. Could drop Spell Pen for MT / IMT.

So - convince me this is silly and not worth it.