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  1. #1
    Community Member FreeMemory's Avatar
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    Default Total AP spent vs. AP spent in tree

    One of the main grievances on the new system is higher tiers requiring fixed number of points spent in tree. Under the existing (soon to be old) system, AP requirements were total AP spent - i.e. Ranger Tempest III required 66 AP spent. Only the core abilities should be based on points spent in tree. You can still restrict certain tier enhancements with class, feat and prerequisite enhancements as well as total AP spent. But many enhancements previously available at a certain level can now only be taken after a certain number of often undesired enhancements are taken. For example Human Improved Recovery II only required 16 AP spent on anything, but now requires a lot of AP spent in exclusively in the human tree. This points-spent-in-tree system also hampers the racial PRE system. Until now, an elf or half-elf could be full class PRE and full AA PRE. Now, not only is one or the other tier 5 blocked, but tree AP minimums prevent seriously following the racial AA PRE without cutting back heavy on the class tree. Eventually (we hope) other racial PRE's will be out as well - and hampered the same way. While too late for this update, in a future update (maybe the one with new racial PRE's) consider basing racial and all non-core class enhancements on total AP spent.

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  2. #2
    Community Member Johnstone's Avatar
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    This has been mentioned multiple times in multiple threads and never received any acknowledgement from devs. Here's hoping your thread gets some attention as it's something that I think they really need to take a look at.

  3. #3
    Community Member mezzorco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnstone View Post
    This has been mentioned multiple times in multiple threads and never received any acknowledgement from devs.
    Not directly, but they decreased the AP cost of many enhancements. You now have more to spend wherever you want, included racial tree.
    There's still a problem for casters, because racial tree doesn't give spell power on points spent.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Johnstone View Post
    This has been mentioned multiple times in multiple threads and never received any acknowledgement from devs. Here's hoping your thread gets some attention as it's something that I think they really need to take a look at.
    Someone posted that during one of the devchat events, the devs said that there's no chance they would switch from AP spent in tree back to total AP spent. So we're stuck with it.

  5. #5
    Community Member Johnstone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Someone posted that during one of the devchat events, the devs said that there's no chance they would switch from AP spent in tree back to total AP spent. So we're stuck with it.
    Lovely. I mean, I'm fine with it for the actual Prestige Tree abilities, but for the Racial Tree and Enhancements that really should be open to any member of the class, it just feels wrong. It's actually difficult to spend 15 points in the Half Elf racial tree without buying useless Enhancements on a Melee. Don't have a dragonmark, don't really need skill focus, don't need spell failure chance reduction. Hopefully they end up doing a bit of datamining down the road and find that a lot of players aren't taking anything in the racial tree anymore. Although maybe I'm wrong, maybe the majority of players don't have a problem with it.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Someone posted that during one of the devchat events, the devs said that there's no chance they would switch from AP spent in tree back to total AP spent. So we're stuck with it.
    This is really sad, it adds a lot of annoying limitations on builds for no real reason that I can see. It especially hurts racial trees.
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