You guys hit code freeze too early.
- Still no way to see higher rank tooltips in enhancement trees. One of the stated design goals was to make character planning easier. There is now no means to "Show Unavailable".
- Arcane Fluidity in the drow/elf trees still does not effect ASF.
- Bard Inspire Recklessness does not add to Doubleshot% and still gives -10% fort.
- You have no way of seeing Doubleshot% chance.
- You have no way of seeing Universal Spellpower. It is more "confusing" to omit information than find a way to present it.
- Wand Heightening is still a prereq for Wand and Scroll mastery in the Spellsinger tree. NO. ONE. USES. OFFENSIVE. WANDS! DC Casters already complain about being off the die against your new highly inflated saves. WANDS SCALE EVEN WORSE THAN DC CASTERS. THEY DON'T SCALE AT ALL.
- Spellsinger's Flicker still exists.
- Vargouille said in a Dev Event that the Spellcraft/Heal skill changes are meant to be "something extra you can build towards".
- If that's true then Bards, Rangers, and Pallies need more devotion in their skill trees.THERE MUST BE 80 DEVOTION IN THE ENHANCEMENT TREE OR IT'S A NERF. 36 devotion in warchanter can not be made up by 44 USP from Spellsinger and remain a Warchanter.
- If that's not true and these skills are factored into the balance of each class, Bards' devotion is too low. Heal is not a class skill for bards, they have no need of Wis. It is punitive to different classes that can self heal to require these taxing skills.
- SLAs still can not be aimed. Although this is true on Live atm. Take a level 12 Sorc, go into mouselook, Jump, and cast a SLA Fireball at the ground in front of you. Watch it travel off into the distance and not hit the ground. Same is true for Arti's new SLAs.
- Druid Shifting Rake is... well... dumb. Druid's don't get bluff as a class skill, and incur penalties to charisma in animal form. Enhancing the useless to be just "nearly useless" isn't really good.
ProducerRowan, you said you had the authority to pull the plug if need be. Turbine has taken a year on this enhancement pass. Please postpone another month and have it done right. We were told in the past that this enhancement pass is critical, and would not be released until polished.
Please, take the time and get it right.