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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Thumbs down Female human great cleave animation speed

    Ok this is getting annoying, it wouldn't be so bad if we could at least buy a gender change pass - but since we can't us female human (for extra feat) monks are gimped. The unarmed great cleave animation is terrible and so slow it's painful to animate and proc. There should be no difference between genders!

  2. #2
    Content Designer KookieKobold's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    read by QA

  3. #3


    Hey kookie, more info on the great cleave issues were tested by players over in this thread. The net result:

    Great Cleave is bugged for unarmed attacks with the following race/gender combos:

    Human female
    Elf (either gender)
    Drow (either gender)
    Half-orc (either gender)

    It works properly for:

    Human male
    Half-elf (either gender)
    Halfling (either gender)
    Dwarf (either gender)
    Warforged (either gender)

    That's the extent of the testing done by the OP of that thread. The bugged great cleave is immediately identifiable because it uses a hop animation. The functional great cleave does not hop.

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