It's real simple... Look at your enhancements on Live, then compare to enhancements on Lamannia
My half-orc 18/2 barb/fighter has the following enhancements on live
Damage Boost IV (30% damage)
Extra Action Boost
Orc Extra Action Boost II
Sprint Boost I
Fighter Haste Boost I (15% haste)
Extend Rage II (50%)
Extra Rage I
Hardy Rage III (+3 CON)
Power Rage III (+3 STR)
Barb Intimidation
Power Attack III
Orc Power Attack I
Stunning Blow I
Trip I
Orc Melee Damage (+4 with two-handers)
Orc Toughness II
Barb Toughness II
Fighter STR I
Frenzied Berzerker III (+2 crit multiplier on 19-20),
Supreme Cleave (2[W])
Death Frenzy (another +1 crit multiplier)
On Lamannia I get
Damage Boost III (25% damage)
Extra Action Boost I (from Kensai)
Extra Action Boost II (from Frenzied Berzerker)
Sprint Boost I
Fighter Haste Boost III (30% haste)
Extend Rage II (50%)
Extra Rage III
Hardy Rage III (+3 CON)
Power Rage III (+3 STR)
Power Attack II (Barb)
Orc Power Attack II
+3 Tactics DCs
Orc Melee Damage (+6 with two-handers)
Orc STR +2 when raging
Frenzied Berzerker III (+2 crit multiplier on 19-20),
Supreme Cleave (2[W])
Death Frenzy (another +1 crit multiplier)
So compare those... Both give the +3 crit multiplier on 19-20... Same number of extra Action Boosts, same Hardy Rage and Power rage... Same Extend Rage, Two extra rages instead of one. Same Barb +2 CON, Same half-orc +2 STR. Same Power Attack bonuses. Same Frenzy, Death Frenzy, Supreme Cleave.
Damage Boost is slightly lower, but I go from 15% Haste Boostt to a full 30% Haste Boost.
Half-orc Power Rage gives an extra +2 STR when raging
Half-orc gives +6 to damage when using two-handed weapons instead of +4
Half-orc gives BRUTALITY!!!! (20% damage to stunned opponents) - this stack with Sense weakness?
+3 tactics DCs instead of +1 to stunning blow and trip.
I lose is 25% damage boost instead of 30% damage boost, I lose barb intimidation, and some toughness enhancements (but my hitpoints only dropped by 5. And I gain all kinds of things... Better tactics, more STR, more extra damage, 20% more DPS when opponent is stunned, full haste boost.
I have no idea why your damage numbers are different... Going by the enhancements, barbarians do MORE damage. There may be a bug, but the enhancements as written are a huge BUFF to barbarian DPS.