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  1. #21
    Community Member redspecter23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CeltEireson View Post
    They can't - from what he's saying he means that they cannot differentiate between frost from original risia recipes and standard frost on random loot. So giving an option to cleanse would work on every single weapon in the game with either frost or icy burst on it regardless of source.
    It's not so much that they can't, but more about it being too much effort to fix the old items. In theory, one could contact a DM who could look at the item and see that it has for example both flaming and frost and the DM could give the player a new festival frost kit which in theory, should be able to be applied to the old item to remove the frost and give it festival frost instead. This should be a theoretical possible fix, but it's probably not worth the time or effort for Turbine. This fix would have to be on a per item basis and require you to prove you need a fix by showing the item. It's slow. It's clunky. But it is possible for some items that have two prefixes, but hard to prove on items that only have frost as a prefix.

    Personally, I'm just going to suck it up and apply new festival frost kits to any of my old items in the hopes that it wipes the old frost and fixes the min level. However, I do understand how this could be very annoying to those that put time and effort into these items originally.
    Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen

  2. #22
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CeltEireson View Post
    They can't - from what he's saying he means that they cannot differentiate between frost from original risia recipes and standard frost on random loot. So giving an option to cleanse would work on every single weapon in the game with either frost or icy burst on it regardless of source.
    That doesn't seem likely on live. The items with original Risia recipes stand out as having a lower than standard ML. One would think to query for frost and icy burst items with lower-than-standard ML would work for items on live because they haven't been corrupted by the change yet.
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  3. #23
    Time Bandit & Hero SirShen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CeltEireson View Post
    They can't - from what he's saying he means that they cannot differentiate between frost from original risia recipes and standard frost on random loot. So giving an option to cleanse would work on every single weapon in the game with either frost or icy burst on it regardless of source.
    Yes i know this already you miss understood what i said, e.g. you put your item in the stone of change with say a scroll of niac's cold ray and cleanse the item but before you do this you show it to a dm and he gives you the motes and recipes to add it after the cleanse.

  4. #24
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirShen View Post
    Yes i know this already you miss understood what i said, e.g. you put your item in the stone of change with say a scroll of niac's cold ray and cleanse the item but before you do this you show it to a dm and he gives you the motes and recipes to add it after the cleanse.
    This would make for very busy DM's. Faster to query the database for all items with Frost OR Icy Burst, filter for those that have under-level ML's, and update them all with Festival tag.
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  5. #25
    Time Bandit & Hero SirShen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    This would make for very busy DM's. Faster to query the database for all items with Frost OR Icy Burst, filter for those that have under-level ML's, and update them all with Festival tag.
    Yes but will they do that before U19 goes live because thats the only way that would work. I know it might be alot of work for DMs but really i dont care about that because its Turbine making these changes too all items and expecting us to be ok with it after months or even years of play to get these items.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    This would make for very busy DM's. Faster to query the database for all items with Frost OR Icy Burst, filter for those that have under-level ML's, and update them all with Festival tag.
    Doh I was obviously not thinking too clearly but yeah that should be fairly straightforward to do - query the database for all items that have frost/icy burst and where the actual min level is less than the normal min level based on the enchantment level, remove the frost/icy burst prefix and apply the festival frost or icy burst. They'd need to factor in those cases where min level is reduced due to either being account bound or race restricted but that shouldn't be too difficult, and not sure how the alchemical rituals would factor in, but should still be doable.

  7. #27
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirShen View Post
    Yes but will they do that before U19 goes live because thats the only way that would work. I know it might be alot of work for DMs but really i dont care about that because its Turbine making these changes too all items and expecting us to be ok with it after months or even years of play to get these items.
    They can. It doesn't mean that they will, but they can.
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by CeltEireson View Post
    query the database for all items that have frost/icy burst and where the actual min level is less than the normal min level based on the enchantment level, remove the frost/icy burst prefix and apply the festival frost or icy burst. They'd need to factor in those cases where min level is reduced due to either being account bound or race restricted
    Wouldn't those be ideal candidates for putting risia effects on in the first place?

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Wouldn't those be ideal candidates for putting risia effects on in the first place?
    Yup, didn't mean they shouldn't do it, just that it might add an extra level of complexity to changing things over. Whether any change of any kind happens is another matter!

  10. #30
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    The original ice games have a particular effect on them that accidently allowed handwraps to have all three effects to be place upon them, and some monks went to a great deal of expense to do so. Messing with the original recipe would be an interesting paradox in due time?

  11. #31
    Community Member Xaxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    As others have already speculated in this thread, we were able to remove the level adjustment from "Festival Frost" and "Festival Icy Burst" because that is a unique effect only obtained from the Ice Games.

    Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about items from the very first Risia Ice Games that have regular "Frost" or "Icy Burst" added to them.
    That's the same effect that is on tens of thousands of weapons throughout the game- changing it would lower the level of all of them, regardless of if it was added from the festival or not, and we've decided that doing so would not be the correct course of action.
    so those of us who embraced your event the first time out get hammered because you guys are lazy.... yeah yeah yeah this is so flippin typical

  12. #32
    Time Bandit & Hero SirShen's Avatar
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    So is anythink doing to be done about those with the old frost/burst ect?

    If nothing is going to be done mybe Risia Ice Games before U19 hits so that those like myself can redo them and not get an item increase?
    Last edited by SirShen; 08-09-2013 at 04:41 AM.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirShen View Post
    So is anythink doing to be done about those with the old frost/burst ect?

    If nothing is going to be done mybe Risia Ice Games before U19 hits so that those like myself can redo them and not get an item increase?
    I would hope that either of the following happen:

    a) we can re-frost/burst the item in question at the next risia which should have the expected behavior of removing any existing frost/burst feature and adding festival frost/burst to the item. Then if the new item system works as Feather has described, your item should recalculate minimum level without considering the festival add on and lower itself again. As I recall, replacement of existing frost/burst features was already part of Risia crafting so this may work immediately - no development required.

    b) I can't think of any reason other than actual bugs that (a) shouldn't work, but if it doesn't then I would request a simple stone of change recipe to strip off frost and icy burst from any item you insert plus some odd number of shards. That can't be *that* difficult to add.

  14. #34
    Time Bandit & Hero SirShen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hit_fido View Post
    I would hope that either of the following happen:

    a) we can re-frost/burst the item in question at the next risia which should have the expected behavior of removing any existing frost/burst feature and adding festival frost/burst to the item. Then if the new item system works as Feather has described, your item should recalculate minimum level without considering the festival add on and lower itself again. As I recall, replacement of existing frost/burst features was already part of Risia crafting so this may work immediately - no development required.

    b) I can't think of any reason other than actual bugs that (a) shouldn't work, but if it doesn't then I would request a simple stone of change recipe to strip off frost and icy burst from any item you insert plus some odd number of shards. That can't be *that* difficult to add.
    It really looks like they dont care about this at all, it feels like hard poo that you items are gaining levels due to bad programing that was done before i got the job. Really not happy about this and it looks like im the only one that seems to care. Looks like ill just have to sell these items now before this goes live.

  15. #35
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirShen View Post
    It really looks like they dont care about this at all, it feels like hard poo that you items are gaining levels due to bad programing that was done before i got the job. Really not happy about this and it looks like im the only one that seems to care. Looks like ill just have to sell these items now before this goes live.
    ...and let someone else who is completely unsuspecting deal with the level increase.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirShen View Post
    It really looks like they dont care about this at all, it feels like hard poo that you items are gaining levels due to bad programing that was done before i got the job. Really not happy about this and it looks like im the only one that seems to care. Looks like ill just have to sell these items now before this goes live.
    This thread actually got a dev response in it which says something different that "they dont care about this at all".

    Wait and see if (a) ends up working - it seems like it should. If it doesn't then personally my next effort will be raising the issue of (b) again and hoping they'll take whatever small effort it is to give us a way to strip frost and icy burst from a weapon. That's us asking for a way to nerf our own loot. Surely they wont pass up on the opportunity.

  17. #37
    Time Bandit & Hero SirShen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hit_fido View Post
    This thread actually got a dev response in it which says something different that "they dont care about this at all".

    Wait and see if (a) ends up working - it seems like it should. If it doesn't then personally my next effort will be raising the issue of (b) again and hoping they'll take whatever small effort it is to give us a way to strip frost and icy burst from a weapon. That's us asking for a way to nerf our own loot. Surely they wont pass up on the opportunity.
    Were is this Dev post you are talking about? because the only one i can see is there is nothing we can do post?

    Already gone on Lama nothing has changed still increase to level.

    Anyway that is it for me in this matter, nothing will be done and nothing is going to be done.

  18. #38
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    Default Adding Glaciation boosts changed ML

    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    The Risia Frost and Icy Burst effects no longer add to the total enhancement value of an item, so they do not affect the item's minimum level.
    But adding Icy Burst to weapons in the past never did.

    I hope this remains true.

    And as I continued to read, all the weapons that do NOT have FESTIVAL on them are going to be raised in ML. This means, just about all of my weapons on two servers are going to be jacked up.

    Example, my level 6 race restricted, +5 Khopesh with Icy Burst on it, now becomes a level 10. Which completely ruins my game experience.

    Wow, another spike driven through my gaming heart.

    I think I am beginning to get the hint.
    Last edited by moomooprincess; 08-13-2013 at 07:29 PM.
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  19. #39
    Pale Fox
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    Quote Originally Posted by Some def;
    Could we get a way to update our items?

    Anybody tried to add Festifal Icyburst to an item that has the old Icy Burst on it without the Festival wording on it?
    Would be fun to see if it stacks and if it works.
    If it does not all our old items are lost, in fact they would have gained in value.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by LightBear View Post
    Could we get a way to update our items?

    Anybody tried to add Festifal Icyburst to an item that has the old Icy Burst on it without the Festival wording on it?
    Would be fun to see if it stacks and if it works.
    If it does not all our old items are lost, in fact they would have gained in value.
    As I recall the way the recipes work is they will remove any pre-existing frost and icy burst effects and replace them with festival frost and festival icy burst. The wiki seems to confirm this memory.


    If: very old risia items had a "standard" frost and icy burst added to the item which to the system looks like any other randomly generated frost and icy burst item (the reason given as to why those can't be handled as a special case)


    If: risia recipes continue to remove/replace the "standard" frost and icy burst features


    If: the loot system will recalculate minimum levels as Feather described

    Then: the (a) case in my post above should work - that is, wait for Risia, reapply an icy burst to your item, and it should drop back down in minimum level by way of removing the plain old icy burst feature. It's not ideal, but it also means those items are not irretrievably ruined.

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