Just checked and yes they bumped up the ML of the items :-(
+4 Flaming wraps of Greater Elemental bane w/ Festival Frost was ML:14 now is ML:18
+4 Axiomatic of Greater Dragon Bane w/ Festival burst was ML:16 now is ML:21
Makes Risa pretty worthless imo. I wish there was a way to take the Festival Frost/Burst off now.
Dang, that sucks...
The only remaining benefit of Risa was the Icy Kits.
At least non of the events are useful anymore.
Mabar - the Necro Robe / Docent will be replaced by +5DC items, Wraps might be useful still
Cove - Almost no one running it now. There is just no point
Risa - uh....
Nice progression. As Turbine increases the level cap to "grow" the game, they take more away from it....
Yep, there is literally no reason to bother with risia then I guess. Wonder if they realized this when they changed the way item ML calculates?
Does it mean that it is WAI, or is it an accident? Were icy kits ever meant to raise ML?
1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022
Please Turbine, reverse this asinine decision. You simply gotta stop destroying all the twink stuff that are now increasing in ML. Come on - I have a few items I use mainly for TRing and this is silly to the extreme. You just made most of them worthless. They're there to be used at lower level - and now they're worthless at their new level due to other named gear.
Hm. This sucks for sure.
However, while the biggest benefit of risia was to add Icy burst to a twink item, seeing this whole expansion's loot, I think Risia will be a great addition to the few great random generated loot that you will find for a lv28 char.
The best weapons will be Random gen loot, not named items.
Meh, that sucks. The only real point was that you could get this with no ML increase. The cold damage simply isn't good enough to warrant grinding for if the ML increases.
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.
As a little bit of good news, Cannith crafted items are still capped at lvl 20.
My +5 Anarchic Burst of Greater Lawful Outsider bane (silver) are still ML:20, versus the ML: 23 or 25 (metal wraps) that a completely calculated system would make them.
I checked my items and the minimum levels on the Risia icy bursted items have not been changed.
The Risia Frost and Icy Burst effects no longer add to the total enhancement value of an item, so they do not affect the item's minimum level.
I'm not on Lam to check right now, but it's possible that the icy effect from the first year that added "frost" instead of "festival frost" may now be adding to the ML of the item. It might explain why one poster saw an increase while another did not. I have a set of +1 flaming of pure good wraps with the old icy burst placed on them. They are level 4 on live but I'd suspect them to be level 10 on Lam if it updates automatically. +2 levels for pure good now being a +2 mod instead of +1 in the past and +4 for icy burst. I'll be disappointed by the change but not surprised at this point.
Edit: Just transferred over to Lam to confirm and the wraps above are now level 10 so it seems that if you have the oldschool icy burst kit applied you will have an extra 4 levels added on to your weapon. I checked a number of weapons that have the current festival icy burst and no extra levels were added. I suppose one could apply a new icy burst kit onto old items since it's supposed to strip any instances of standard frost off of the item when it upgrades. This would lower the min level back down in theory.
Last edited by redspecter23; 07-28-2013 at 07:16 PM.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen
I can confirm that my newer Risia items have the "Festival Frost/Icy Burst" effect and don't have their ML effected. The older Risia items are listed as just "Icy Burst" or "Frost" (no listing of "Festival") and are effected by the higher enhancement value, making them considerably less useful.
I understand that this is likely very difficult to code as it doesn't have the "Festival" label, which I assume is what you are excluding from the new ML calculations. However, is there any way to update the items so they get the proper label? I assume that somewhere in the database is a tag that identifies them as Risia upgrades.
Wrong - only if it has Festival before it. If its one of the old ones your item now get a nice level increase. I bet you dont have any old items with Risia Frost or Icy Burst on or you would know that it is affecting the minimum level.
Items now on live.
Items on Lama after i copy toon over.
You can see the item without festival has gone up 2 levels.
As others have already speculated in this thread, we were able to remove the level adjustment from "Festival Frost" and "Festival Icy Burst" because that is a unique effect only obtained from the Ice Games.
Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about items from the very first Risia Ice Games that have regular "Frost" or "Icy Burst" added to them.
That's the same effect that is on tens of thousands of weapons throughout the game- changing it would lower the level of all of them, regardless of if it was added from the festival or not, and we've decided that doing so would not be the correct course of action.
Then you should let us cleanse them and give us back all the recipes and motes to recraft them by contacting an ingame DM, if that cant be done then at least the recipes and motes. I have alot of these old items (as im sure alot of other players have them) and its not my fault your old coding didnt update the old risia ice game items and add festival to them.
It really does feel like F*ck the old players that have been playing for years with this and the bound to account item changes because we all know having +2 str gloves at level one is so over powered.
They can't - from what he's saying he means that they cannot differentiate between frost from original risia recipes and standard frost on random loot. So giving an option to cleanse would work on every single weapon in the game with either frost or icy burst on it regardless of source.