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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default enervation vs con-op

    getting ready to TR my first life wizard and have enough green steel mats accumulated to make 1 item to take with me. goal for 2nd life is just to get back up to 20 and TR again, so not really worried about epic content this next life.

    my plan is to construct a 45 HP glove. question I want to throw out to the arcane community is which would the better second attribute - enervation or con-op. I was leaning towards con-op but have read a few posts that extol the benefits of enervation. though I think they were mainly concerned with end game Epic Elite where negative levels can shave off significant HPs.

    or is there a better attribute to add that I am overlooking.

    next time through, I will probably create a spell pt item but figured the HPs would be better. I have an ioun stone to help cover the SPs for now.

  2. #2
    Community Member thegreatneil's Avatar
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    Con-op all the way

    the enervate is nice but it never seems to trigger all that much.
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    Quote Originally Posted by blerkington View Post
    Everyone who is more effective than me is OP, and should be nerfed.
    Everyone who has more stuff than me cheated to get it, and should be punished.
    Everyone who plays differently to me is a bad person, and should be mistreated.

  3. #3
    Mmm... purple!
    PurpleTimb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreatneil View Post
    Con-op all the way

    the enervate is nice but it never seems to trigger all that much.
    I concur.

    You didn't say what your next life build would be, but even for a straight melee the temp HP proc from con-op is great. If you're playing anything with a blue bar then con-op is miles ahead of the other options except possibly if you already have a torc.

  4. #4


    Agreed with the group, concop all the way.

    On a side note: +45 HP gloves w/concop is possibly the most perfect arcane caster gs item you can make. Good choice on the gloves spot. Now watch, the new xpack will introduce some unbelievably uber caster gloves just to mess up all our greensteel gloves, heh.

  5. #5
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Now watch, the new xpack will introduce some unbelievably uber caster gloves just to mess up all our greensteel gloves, heh.
    Only if you're a Gnome.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    big thanks to everyone for the feedback, especially Sam.

    little more background. I am looking for a change of pace from my melee druid, so going to work on my wizard a bit. will be TRing back into wizard, want at least 3 past lifes and then see where it goes from there. which is why I will probably TR shortly after hitting 20 on this second life.

    will have to see how it works out for shroud runs. I saved a set of stones, so I can flag for it as soon as I get the quests and head over to Meridia. most groups will let an 18 or 19 tag along, so hoping I can get in several runs while finishing up that last few levels to 20. so second GS item would be nice but can live without it if it's taking to long to get the 20 runs in to get the cleanser.

    you make a very good point Sam about the reduced "need" for con-op. I have played DDO from the beginning, so definitely remember the "turtle days" which is partly where my plan to create the con-op item comes from.

    still see it as being a nice luxury item with the main benefit being the 45 HPs. would there be a second attribute besides con-op you would recommend to go with the HPs?

    thanks again for all the thoughtful replies, all additional feedback welcome

  7. #7
    The Hatchery samthedagger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kendo View Post
    getting ready to TR my first life wizard and have enough green steel mats accumulated to make 1 item to take with me. goal for 2nd life is just to get back up to 20 and TR again, so not really worried about epic content this next life.

    my plan is to construct a 45 HP glove. question I want to throw out to the arcane community is which would the better second attribute - enervation or con-op. I was leaning towards con-op but have read a few posts that extol the benefits of enervation. though I think they were mainly concerned with end game Epic Elite where negative levels can shave off significant HPs.

    or is there a better attribute to add that I am overlooking.
    I'd also vote concordant opposition. Although it is only about a 4% proc rate, it is nice to get some SP back every once in a while. The extra hp procs are not that big of a deal unless you are using a lot of concordant opposition items at once (which according to the devs is not WAI and may be subject to a fix at a later date).

    I think it is worth mentioning however that concordant opposition has a legacy effect on players who have been playing for years. There used to be a time when turtling up with a shield used to be a valid tactic to regenerate SP on tough elite quests with few shrines or epic quests back when the cap was 20. Many folks have fond memories of this time and thereby continue to swear by concordant opposition. Fact of the matter is situations where you now NEED to do so are so rare in the game now that they have added so many shrines and given casters so many SLAs that their SP expenditures are vastly reduced. So concordant opposition is simply a nice benefit now as opposed to a superior and practically must-have ability. You will not be able to turtle up like that in Epic Elite because the mobs hit so hard and Epic Hard is not challenging enough to warrant the need for the extra SP in the vast majority of cases. And I know you said you are only planning to TR again and not go into epics anytime soon, so I will also say that in heroic levels, with the current state of the game, the concordant opposition is practically never needed. I haven't had to turtle up in ages. Many good players are adept enough at avoiding being hit in the first place (jumping, kiting, etc.) and practice efficient SP use.

    In summation, in my opinion, in the current game environment concordant opposition is a bit overrated, but still a fine option.
    Quote Originally Posted by kendo View Post
    next time through, I will probably create a spell pt item but figured the HPs would be better. I have an ioun stone to help cover the SPs for now.
    Bear in mind you won't be able to equip two Green Steel accessories at once unless you have used an essence of cleansing on at least one of them. And the only way I am aware of to get an essence of cleansing is to get 20 Shroud completions. So unless you have a lot of raid timers stocked up to run 20 quick Shrouds before your next life, or you are planning to make your second GS item a weapon (in which case you don't need the essence of cleansing), or don't mind spending 60 days at epic levels while you rack up those Shroud completions before you TR again, you will not be able to equip that second Green Steel accessory.

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