I did a goof with mine, doing an LR and forgetting I had two levels banked, so I have to take mine to 30 to ITR back to 15/16. This build is very fun in normal questing, and is holding up well in late heroic reaper content! I took Quicken, so the next feats I'm looking at would be to eventually fill out the Shield Mastery line, grab Overwhelming Critical, Perfect Two Weapon Fighting, Great Cleave, Dire Charge, Inspire Excellence, Empower Healing, perhaps Tactician, maybe Scion of the Astral Plane. I haven't set a real plan for the feats, but those are some that catch my eye. The additional APs are going into things such as Kingly Recovery, En Pointe, Chant of Power, Lingering Songs, and extra Charisma if nothing else looks interesting.
I'd like to make one of these to use in epics: