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  1. #1
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    Default Crowd control Sorc or Wizard build?

    Hi all,

    Returning player who likes to "blow things up"

    Anyone have a suggested build with suggested spells for a Sorc or Wizard that focuses more on crowd control than damage?

    Whereby I am blowing things up, knocking things down, slowing things, stunning things.

    Knocking things down is really what I like to do.

    Any help would be really appreciated.

    I notice Artificer gets a really nice spell at lvl 6 called Tactical Detonation. Does Wizard or Sorc get comparable spells to that?


  2. #2
    Community Member scoobmx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RudedawCDN View Post
    Hi all,

    Returning player who likes to "blow things up"

    Anyone have a suggested build with suggested spells for a Sorc or Wizard that focuses more on crowd control than damage?

    Whereby I am blowing things up, knocking things down, slowing things, stunning things.

    Knocking things down is really what I like to do.

    Any help would be really appreciated.

    I notice Artificer gets a really nice spell at lvl 6 called Tactical Detonation. Does Wizard or Sorc get comparable spells to that?

    Cyclonic blast, gust of wind, grease, and sleet storm all have knockdowns. Otherwise spec shiradi and count on the random knockdowns there
    Scoobmx Scoobshot Arcscoob Beefscoob : Imperial Assassins : Argonnessen
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  3. #3
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    If you like to knock things down, Druids with Earthquake is the safest bet IMHO. It's a Reflex save, usually the lowest among the three, its DC can be boosted with Sorc past lives x3 and one active wizard PL.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  4. #4
    Community Member Sokól's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    If you like to knock things down, Druids with Earthquake is the safest bet IMHO. It's a Reflex save, usually the lowest among the three, its DC can be boosted with Sorc past lives x3 and one active wizard PL.
    and you can use the Mantle of the Icy Soul for a -4 reflex debuff.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    If you like to knock things down, Druids with Earthquake is the safest bet IMHO. It's a Reflex save, usually the lowest among the three, its DC can be boosted with Sorc past lives x3 and one active wizard PL.
    How can I get past lives?

    1) Do I actually have to level up to 20 on a Sorc 3 times and a Wizard once?

    2) I see a lot of spells and builds in order to be "build effective" need past lives. As a new player does this mean most of my spells
    and abilities are just not going to hit?

  6. #6
    Community Member Sokól's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RudedawCDN View Post
    How can I get past lives?

    1) Do I actually have to level up to 20 on a Sorc 3 times and a Wizard once?

    2) I see a lot of spells and builds in order to be "build effective" need past lives. As a new player does this mean most of my spells
    and abilities are just not going to hit?
    It is not essential but will help to have past lives, you can build a caster druid and be effective as 1st lifer but like everyone you need good gear.

    Here is a caster druid build that you can use for reference:
    Argonnessen: Hilmir - Purkilius - Jinu - Vignir @ Blood Assassin´s

  7. #7
    The Hatchery samthedagger's Avatar
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    In general, wizards have the potential for slightly better boosts to save DCs and Spell Penetration. That's the short of it. I won't go into details as I am certain there are plenty of others who can do this.

    HOWEVER, if you are planning an endgame build, crowd-control (or DC-casting as it is often called) is presently a rather ineffective option. On epic elite difficulty, and even epic hard in some situations, you will find your crowd control spells relatively poor options. At the endgame, you will want your focus to be DPS casting.

    On the other hand, if you are TRing and want to have effective CC, from 1-20, your CC spells will be very effective, especially holds, charms, stuns, and dances.

    Sorcerers are more ideal for DPS and their DPS is better during leveling from 1-20 than in epics. This is because the wizard archmage spell-like abilities give you more cooldowns on key spells like magic missile and chain missile, which are vital for a Shiradi caster (which is presently the best endgame caster DPS destiny). Sorcerers have faster cooldowns so the difference is arguably marginal. Both are quite effective.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by samthedagger View Post
    In general, wizards have the potential for slightly better boosts to save DCs and Spell Penetration. That's the short of it. I won't go into details as I am certain there are plenty of others who can do this.

    HOWEVER, if you are planning an endgame build, crowd-control (or DC-casting as it is often called) is presently a rather ineffective option. On epic elite difficulty, and even epic hard in some situations, you will find your crowd control spells relatively poor options. At the endgame, you will want your focus to be DPS casting.

    On the other hand, if you are TRing and want to have effective CC, from 1-20, your CC spells will be very effective, especially holds, charms, stuns, and dances.

    Sorcerers are more ideal for DPS and their DPS is better during leveling from 1-20 than in epics. This is because the wizard archmage spell-like abilities give you more cooldowns on key spells like magic missile and chain missile, which are vital for a Shiradi caster (which is presently the best endgame caster DPS destiny). Sorcerers have faster cooldowns so the difference is arguably marginal. Both are quite effective.
    Thanks everyone for their well thought out answers.

    Sounds like the Druid with Earthquake or the Artificer with Tactical Detonation might be the right answer for me.

  9. #9
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Another option: Archmage Enchanter with a side of Conjuration for spammable Webs as well as the spells scoobmx mentioned. And don't forget Solid Fog, which provides -5 Reflex saves to all within it, though don't combine it with Gust of Wind!
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  10. #10
    Community Member xMund's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RudedawCDN View Post
    Thanks everyone for their well thought out answers.

    Sounds like the Druid with Earthquake or the Artificer with Tactical Detonation might be the right answer for me.
    A slight word of caution; both of these spells are only available to their respective classes at lvl 15. As such, it could be tough to actually get to those spells. If you want to control the baddies (through stun, charm, hold, knockdown and/or dancing) right off the bat, a wizard might be a better bet.

    That being said, Artificers are a lot of fun (I have yet to roll up a druid, so I can't vouch for them) and you can train your pet to do the tripping for you until you get Tac.Det. Take the Homunculus Takedown enhancements and give it the best vertigo item you can get, and it actually gets quite good at it .

  11. #11
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    If want crowd control go wizard (hold monster, halt undead, sleep, hypnotism, otto sphere dancing, ottos irresist dance, web, suggestion, charm monster, etc) make sure to take all the spell penetration you can with also spell focus enchantment feats and the highest intelligence you can reach for your spells dc. (also may need to take some spell focus necromancy feats for pale master prestige (and instakill spells) if you are not a warforged)

    Havent played a druid but would be hard too match all that crowd control spells, at least for levels 1-20. And for epic levels, crowd control is still very effective for epics normal and hard (that are the most common played by new players) and if want to try EE you can always easily use a Lesser reincarnation and change into a Shiradi caster at that levels.
    Last edited by elcagador; 05-27-2013 at 10:13 PM.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by RudedawCDN View Post
    Knocking things down is really what I like to do.
    Well, for just the knockdown effect, one of the most satisfying spells for knocking stuff down is cometfall, available to clerics and favored souls.

    A giant firey comet crashes down to the ground and knocks the mobs down. Pretty fun.

    Clerics and favored souls also get Greater Command, which is more effective but less flashy. It's an area of effect "sit!" spell, making a group of mobs sit down and think about what they've done (heh) for 30 seconds.

    Cometfall is a reflex save with no spell resistance check. Greater command is a will save with spell resistance. Basically the two together let you target the weak save for knockdown. (And can target low fort saves with insta-kills.)

    Not saying you should go divine instead of arcane, just pointing out that divines are probably the most satisfying knocker-downers.

  13. #13
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    Sorcerers Evoker's have some non spell pen dependent cc spells. Electric Loop(reflex+will save daze), Greater Shout(fort save stun) and Sunburst(reflex save blind) and also Sonic Blast(will save daze) but I think it has spell pen check despite the description saying no.

    I never used Sunburst on my air savant until I tried i out on my Cleric on lama. The 50% reduced movement speed along with effectively giving everyone displacement from the 50% miss chance caused by blindness. Also making them vulnerable to sneak attacks.

    Otto's Irresistible Dance is the best single target cc spell if you have the spell pen to use it as it has no save.

  14. #14
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    Depends on your gear. If you have Lore caster weapons with 12%-9% critical then go Sorc. If you do not I suggest CC wizard w Necro 2nd and full spell pen lines. Death spells make me feel really cool when I cast them, like movie scene cool. I'll run in, mid jump cast Death and land as the mob is going poof with a giant skull/finger over his head, then turn around slowly....

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