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  1. #1
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Default Suggestion ~ swap necromacy with light for classification of heal/spellcraft skills

    Quote Originally Posted by current
    Key Changes

    ? Your Heal skill total modifier is added to your Positive and Negative Spellpower.

    ? Your Repair skill total modifier is added to your Repair and Rust Spellpower.

    ? Your Perform skill total modifier is added to your Sonic Spellpower.

    ? Spellcraft is a new Intelligence based skill. Your Spellcraft total modifier is added to every other type of Spellpower (everything except Positive, Negative, Repair, Rust, and Sonic).

    ? Spellcraft is a class skill for these classes: Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul, Sorcerer, Wizard.

    ? Spellcraft is a trainable cross-class skill for other classes (similar to skills such as Balance).

    Divines would much prefer to boost heal for bonuses to light and positive energy,
    and Pale Masters would much prefer to boost spellcraft for bonuses to negative energy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Swaps
    ? Your Heal skill total modifier is added to your Positive and Light Spellpower.

    ? Spellcraft is a new Intelligence based skill. Your Spellcraft total modifier is added to every other type of Spellpower (everything except Positive, Light, Repair, Rust, and Sonic).

    Makes sense to me.

    Light and Healing are often associated with each other in D&D lore.

    A case could easily be made that negative energy is different than positive.
    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 05-12-2013 at 01:39 AM.

  2. #2
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009


    I'd say either make concentration increase Universal Spellpower or increase the amount of spellpower that the Caster trees grant...either way remove spellcraft and return perform, heal and repair to the way they were before...or better yet actually use one of the several amazing suggestion for how to improve heal and repair to be useful (see: NOT mandatory)

    Alternatively a casters main stat could increase spellpower (ie. A Sorc with 31 Cha would get an Increase of 31 Universal Spellpower)
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  3. #3
    Community Member RD2play's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    I agree with the OP, my WF 2rog/18wiz (palemaster) will need to spend points in three skills it does not have to spend any in now. repair for repair spells, ok I can live with this, its a class skill) spellcraft for elemental's (also here it is a class skill so not a real issue) for these I can sacrifice some jump/tumble maybe balance. but then there is heal ! not a class skill, useless to my build except for the negative SP (only way other than PMtree) to increase. so I would have to dip into concentration (needed for my build since i diddnt take quicken) or I would have to canabalize on my trap skills and, be honest I already loose my skill boost from rogue due to steep points spend requirements.

    so please change it

  4. #4



    Great solution to the problems introduced by this new system. Kudos.

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