Hey squeak, can you spawn the dojo door?
I was hoping to finish the racial tree transcriptions today, but I can't get into the dojo.
Hey squeak, can you spawn the dojo door?
I was hoping to finish the racial tree transcriptions today, but I can't get into the dojo.
http://dillonpfaff5.wix.com/theob Sign this!!!: http://goo.gl/vS6htg
DDO toll free support phone#: 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)
I'm in now, thx to all who helped.
(Got two party invites from my LFM. I'll start paying it forward and keep an eye out for similar LFMs.)
Okay, I stocked up on greater bracelets and am keeping an LFM up offering transit into dojo for anyone who wants to get in.
Is it not instance based? Instance 1 marketplace for example? Or do you mean the item room?
It is instance based, and it goes away when the instance resets, never to return until Squeak manually puts it back.
Pro tips:
1) If you're in the dojo and going to be in there a while messing around with enhancements, toss up an LFM inviting others into the dojo via bracelets of friends.
2) If you're trying to get into the dojo but the door is gone and no transport LFMs are up, go to the Who panel and search for everyone. You'll be able to see who (if anyone) is in the dojo. A polite tell can get you braceleted in.
3) If nobody is in the dojo, but there is at least one other person on the server (check the Who tab), you can both get youselves in by having one of you switch to an alt that logged out while in the dojo, bracelet the second guy in, then switch back and have him bracelet you in.