1: [Daily Dice] From posted results, higher rolls seem to be as often giving worse results than lower rolls, as they do better results. For example, on 'collectibles & shards' roll results, have higher rolls guarantee Astral Shard drops. There seems to be a disparity on the expected value of returns, as they rate on the dice rolls, as to their actual in-game value: But then, the DDO store has long held this same problem.
Either way, generic collectible drops probably shouldn't be dropping outside of silver chests -at all-.
2: [Collectible Vendors]
A: Again, disparity in ingredients v returns. The most notable that was brought up is the 2x Drowshood for a Bull's Strength potion. Have rarer ingredients mean something- as suggested by another poster, have that potion be a +insight bonus or the like.
B: A lack of interesting returns. While the vendors are suitable for newer players, there is a lack of unique drops. This isn't to say we should be getting overpowering items, but offering [+3 Arrows, +1d6 Force Damage, 25% Returning], for example, would be an interesting pull. Heck, have a turn in for 1000x skulls for [Arrows, +2, 100% returning] :P
As a side note to that, unique vendor options based on the Lore skills [Eg, Religious Lore] would make for a much more dynamic implementation of both the skills and the collectible vendors system.
C: The collectible vendors seem as if they would be a bit overwhelming in their new iteration for newer players. I'd think it suitable for Mari Mosshand to drop a tutorial quest and some tips, much like the Crafting Hall tutorial.
3: [Shard Exchange/Auction House]
Keeping the 30% Auction House cut makes sense from a relative perspective to the current AH, but when contrasting it to the real world value of astral shards, it sits awkwardly.
30%/40% is also high enough that it would prevent [me] from ever even looking at the shard AH on live, much less using it.
In a marketing perspective, the current percentages may be preferable, but they're certainly not such from a player vantage point. ;P